NYSE NASDAQ Afterhours Earnings History Lookup

Look up NYSE/NASDAQ afterhours earnings data for a certain date in TheStockCatalyst database.
Select a date and then press 'Go'. The overview will show stocks with earnings reports after hours on the selected date.

The Extended Hours price data shown are from just before market open on the day after release. The normal price data is from just before market close the day after release.

Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top AH Mover
22-Jan AH EGBN Eagle Bancorp, Inc. 744.17 N/A 0.48 0.67 25.10 0.46 
25.10 0.0 
15.99 - 30.94 254,750 220,000 10,822
22-Jan AH OSBC Old Second Bancorp, Inc. 816.33 N/A 0.49 0.42 18.65 0.45 
18.65 0.0 
13.00 - 19.37 204,101 240,000 2,594
22-Jan AH UVSP Univest Financial Corporation 862.28 N/A 0.61 0.55 30.15 0.46 
30.15 0.0 
18.41 - 32.75 93,259 80,000 1,870
22-Jan AH AMTB Amerant Bancorp Inc. 935.23 N/A 0.27 0.46 22.73 0.52 
25.00 2.27 
18.54 - 27.00 217,886 170,000 233
22-Jan AH OBK Origin Bancorp, Inc. 1,090 N/A 0.50 0.60 35.69 0.56 
34.10 -1.59 
27.69 - 37.56 165,514 130,000 342
22-Jan ?? AMSC American Superconductor Corporation 1,100 N/A 0.02 -0.01 28.74 0.93 
28.94 0.20 
9.68 - 38.02 1,330,008 910,000 24,878
22-Jan ?? FBMS The First Bancshares, Inc. 1,110 N/A 0.64 0.59 36.20 0.54 
35.89 -0.31 
22.96 - 39.08 120,990 120,000 304
22-Jan AH QCRH QCR Holdings, Inc. 1,360 N/A 1.73 1.97 81.55 0.85 
82.30 0.75 
54.37 - 96.08 91,315 90,000 425
22-Jan AH NBHC National Bank Holdings Corporation 1,680 N/A 0.81 0.87 44.09 0.0 
44.09 0.0 
32.13 - 51.76 172,267 170,000 5,507
22-Jan ?? CHCO City Holding Company 1,760 N/A 1.91 1.84 120.04 0.36 
120.04 0.0 
97.50 - 137.28 61,325 70,000 1,359
22-Jan ?? FBNC First Bancorp 1,820 N/A 0.72 0.72 44.46 0.32 
44.46 0.0 
29.53 - 50.34 149,609 170,000 5,807
22-Jan AH LOB Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. 1,840 N/A 0.49 0.36 41.33 0.67 
41.33 0.0 
31.03 - 50.57 202,643 140,000 6,148
22-Jan AH TFIN Triumph Financial, Inc. 2,120 N/A 0.26 0.37 91.27 0.52 
91.31 0.04 
66.85 - 110.58 128,898 120,000 619
22-Jan AH HBNC Horizon Bancorp, Inc. 692.01 N/A 0.39 0.33 15.95 0.12 
15.95 0.0 
11.18 - 19.18 141,220 150,000 1,970
22-Jan AH EQBK Equity Bancshares, Inc. 659.44 N/A 0.92 0.77 43.76 0.63 
43.50 -0.26 
30.44 - 50.85 53,915 70,000 413
22-Jan ?? HTBI HomeTrust Bancshares, Inc. 600.05 N/A 0.74 0.79 35.02 0.79 
35.02 0.0 
23.55 - 38.99 42,981 30,000 637
22-Jan ?? FMNB Farmers National Banc Corp. 500.29 N/A 0.34 0.41 13.51 0.20 
13.51 0.0 
11.55 - 16.32 72,103 80,000 1,422
22-Jan ?? ESSA ESSA Bancorp, Inc. 203.60 N/A 0.00 0.45 20.59 0.54 
20.54 -0.05 
15.29 - 21.50 54,173 60,000 537
22-Jan AH BWFG Bankwell Financial Group, Inc. 236.15 N/A 0.00 1.09 29.83 -0.22 
29.83 0.0 
22.47 - 35.25 6,904 10,000 416
22-Jan ?? PKBK Parke Bancorp, Inc. 237.22 N/A 0.00 0.67 20.00 0.04 
20.00 0.0 
15.24 - 24.29 19,791 20,000 364
22-Jan ?? CFFI C&F Financial Corporation 239.07 N/A 0.00 1.50 74.06 -0.06 
74.06 0.0 
33.51 - 80.87 9,509 10,000 465
22-Jan ?? SBT Sterling Bancorp, Inc. 247.96 N/A 0.00 0.10 4.73 -0.01 
4.73 0.0 
4.40 - 5.97 18,535 50,000 502
22-Jan ?? FDBC Fidelity D & D Bancorp, Inc. 249.57 N/A 0.00 0.97 44.86 1.35 
44.20 -0.66 
41.00 - 61.21 5,376 10,000 413
22-Jan ?? JMSB John Marshall Bancorp, Inc. 270.56 N/A 0.00 0.32 19.88 0.88 
19.88 0.0 
15.00 - 26.52 18,536 20,000 272
22-Jan AH WSBC WesBanco, Inc. 2,140 N/A 0.54 0.55 31.97 0.03 
31.97 0.0 
25.56 - 37.36 314,695 340,000 4,884
22-Jan AH CBAN Colony Bankcorp, Inc. 277.63 N/A 0.36 0.31 16.02 0.18 
16.02 0.0 
10.33 - 18.49 58,346 50,000 604
22-Jan AH INBK First Internet Bancorp 307.54 N/A 0.97 0.48 35.90 0.42 
35.90 0.0 
24.18 - 43.26 31,435 30,000 487
22-Jan ?? COFS ChoiceOne Financial Services, Inc. 310.74 N/A 0.82 0.70 35.15 0.46 
35.15 0.0 
21.52 - 38.15 15,128 30,000 303
22-Jan AH NVEC NVE Corporation 392.62 N/A 0.00 0.87 82.16 0.94 
0.0 0.0 
70.20 - 90.24 0 20,000 0
22-Jan AH TCBX Third Coast Bancshares, Inc. 452.78 N/A 0.69 0.57 33.61 0.51 
33.61 0.0 
18.00 - 37.65 45,361 60,000 366
22-Jan ?? NFBK Northfield Bancorp, Inc. 494.26 N/A 0.19 0.19 11.69 0.17 
11.69 0.0 
6.98 - 14.39 151,810 160,000 24,329
22-Jan ?? ALRS Alerus Financial Corporation 497.14 N/A -0.22 0.24 20.29 0.67 
20.29 0.0 
17.99 - 25.85 96,047 100,000 611
22-Jan ?? FNLC First Bancorp, Inc (ME) 291.51 N/A 0.00 0.60 26.32 0.18 
26.32 0.0 
21.77 - 31.05 26,608 20,000 546
22-Jan ?? SYBT Stock Yards Bancorp, Inc. 2,150 N/A 0.99 0.82 73.77 0.65 
72.20 -1.57 
42.35 - 79.79 84,876 110,000 408
22-Jan ?? TOWN Towne Bank 2,560 N/A 0.45 0.42 34.51 0.22 
34.51 0.0 
25.70 - 38.28 133,327 230,000 4,609
22-Jan AH STLD Steel Dynamics, Inc. 19,160 N/A 1.28 2.61 124.69 -1.14 
123.90 -0.79 
104.60 - 155.56 1,720,216 1,730,000 490
22-Jan ?? LVS Las Vegas Sands Corp. 32,190 N/A 0.62 0.57 45.36 0.96 
45.59 0.23 
36.62 - 56.60 5,982,427 4,450,000 307
22-Jan ?? CCI Crown Castle Inc. 39,570 N/A 1.74 1.82 90.70 -0.36 
90.55 -0.15 
84.20 - 120.92 3,683,891 3,440,000 568,221
22-Jan AH DFS Discover Financial Services 47,020 N/A 3.17 1.54 189.26 2.08 
189.26 0.0 
97.69 - 190.13 1,632,384 1,360,000 357,260
22-Jan AH KMI Kinder Morgan, Inc. 67,340 N/A 0.33 0.28 31.22 0.91 
31.45 0.23 
16.47 - 31.48 20,281,353 13,310,000 15,777
22-Jan ?? IBN ICICI Bank Limited 99,100 N/A 0.35 0.35 27.62 -0.55 
27.68 0.06 
23.54 - 32.14 5,446,620 3,120,000 70,136
22-Jan ?? PGR Progressive Corporation (The) 142,750 N/A 3.43 2.96 241.01 -2.67 
240.09 -0.92 
169.57 - 270.62 2,837,944 2,490,000 362,937
22-Jan ?? SF Stifel Financial Corporation 11,660 N/A 1.95 1.50 116.23 2.35 
114.18 -2.05 
69.72 - 119.12 580,660 780,000 48,024
22-Jan AH AA Alcoa Corporation 10,210 N/A 0.91 -0.56 38.61 -0.92 
39.08 0.47 
24.86 - 47.77 5,098,394 4,570,000 4,949
22-Jan ?? CVBF CVB Financial Corporation 2,870 N/A 0.34 0.39 20.75 0.22 
20.75 0.0 
15.71 - 24.58 571,107 830,000 31,959
22-Jan AH CATY Cathay General Bancorp 3,440 N/A 1.11 1.25 48.76 0.43 
48.76 0.0 
33.88 - 55.29 279,973 310,000 13,258
22-Jan AH SLG SL Green Realty Corp 4,340 N/A 1.53 0.72 67.16 1.33 
66.10 -1.06 
41.88 - 82.81 596,480 770,000 35,092
22-Jan AH CNS Cohen & Steers Inc 4,460 N/A 0.00 0.67 89.20 0.98 
89.22 0.02 
64.13 - 110.67 221,914 190,000 232
22-Jan AH BANR Banner Corporation 2,420 N/A 1.22 1.34 70.67 0.56 
70.41 -0.26 
42.00 - 78.05 176,218 270,000 341
22-Jan AH PLXS Plexus Corp. 4,530 N/A 1.46 1.04 170.32 2.96 
169.49 -0.83 
90.18 - 171.46 166,297 150,000 471
22-Jan AH CADE Cadence Bank 6,510 N/A 0.68 0.40 35.93 0.28 
35.93 0.0 
24.99 - 40.20 1,032,876 1,280,000 77,705
22-Jan AH RLI RLI Corp. 7,110 N/A 0.43 0.77 77.97 0.34 
80.00 2.03 
65.55 - 89.12 602,972 480,000 46,925
22-Jan AH KNX Knight Transportation, Inc. 8,880 N/A 0.33 0.09 55.29 0.44 
54.01 -1.28 
45.55 - 60.99 2,676,962 1,920,000 308
22-Jan AH CACI CACI International, Inc. 10,140 N/A 5.17 4.36 465.18 12.79 
464.60 -0.58 
326.60 - 588.26 449,633 260,000 251
22-Jan AH HXL Hexcel Corporation 5,370 N/A 0.51 0.43 68.46 2.11 
68.46 0.0 
57.50 - 77.09 2,589,706 1,170,000 128
22-Jan ?? HNVR Hanover Bancorp, Inc. 174.88 N/A 0.49 0.54 24.64 0.19 
26.00 1.36 
13.62 - 27.14 16,033 10,000 408