Earnings History Data for Assurant, Inc. (AIZ) - NYSE NASDAQ

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Assurant, Inc.

Assurant Solutions offers a wide range of products that protect appliances, electronic devices, mobile phones and family finances through preneed insurance.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
11-02-2025 AH AIZ Assurant, Inc. 11,020 4.79 3.96 4.58 Assurant Non-GAAP EPS of $4.79 beats by $0.66, revenue of $3.1B beats by $20M
[2/11/2025 4:23 PM]
207.42 -5.38 
210.00 -2.80 
160.12 - 230.55 424,826 460,000 2,500
05-11-2024 AH AIZ Assurant, Inc. 9,930 3.00 2.50 4.29 Assurant Non-GAAP EPS of $5.08 beats by $2.44, revenue of $2.97B beats by $30M
[11/5/2024 4:34 PM]
205.75 12.66 
199.60 6.51 
158.29 - 207.24 534,298 270,000 697
06-08-2024 AH AIZ Assurant, Inc. 9,070 4.08 3.58 3.89 Assurant beats top-line and bottom-line estimates; updates FY24 outlook
[8/6/2024 5:35 PM]
169.92 -0.25 
170.17 0.0 
136.15 - 189.48 423,655 270,000 20,683
07-05-2024 AH AIZ Assurant 9,076 4.78 3.87 0.00 Assurant Non-GAAP EPS of $4.97 beats by $1.05, revenue of $2.88B beats by $60M
[5/7/2024 4:42 PM]
176.57 -2.01 
180.50 1.92 
118.45 - 189.48 551,445 330,000 24,516
06-02-2024 AH AIZ Assurant, Inc. 8,780 4.58 3.70 3.23 Assurant Non-GAAP EPS of $4.90 beats by $1.19, revenue of $2.98B beats by $180M
[2/6/2024 4:31 PM]
175.47 6.58 
173.00 4.11 
104.49 - 179.41 640,866 440,000 146,198
31-10-2023 AH AIZ Assurant, Inc. 7,890 4.29 2.48 1.01 Assurant Non-GAAP EPS of $4.29 beats by $1.70, revenue of $2.77B beats by $70M
[10/31/2023 4:32 PM]
165.98 17.08 
153.00 4.10 
104.49 - 167.81 907,951 330,000 36,791
01-08-2023 AH AIZ Assurant, Inc. 7,080 3.89 2.60 2.95 Assurant Non-GAAP EPS of $3.89 beats by $1.14, revenue of $2.73B beats by $80M
[8/1/2023 4:25 PM]
142.74 7.70 
136.43 1.39 
104.49 - 175.50 854,844 340,000 13,445
02-05-2023 AH 4:15 PM ET
(May 2)
AIZ Assurant, Inc. 6,350 3.49 2.25 3.75 Assurant Non-GAAP EPS of $2.75 beats by $0.43, revenue of $2.55B misses by $50M
[5/2/2023 4:28 PM]
132.16 11.34 
120.82 0.0 
104.49 - 190.72 692,610 380,000 12,812
07-02-2023 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Feb 7)
AIZ Assurant, Inc. 7,060 3.23 2.59 2.47 Assurant Non-GAAP EPS of $3.56 beats by $0.86, revenue of $2.65B beats by $10M
[2/7/2023 4:36 PM]
131.37 -4.28 
131.00 -4.65 
119.01 - 194.12 682,825 360,000 591
01-11-2022 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Nov 1)
AIZ Assurant, Inc. 7,170 1.01 1.00 1.41 Assurant Non-GAAP EPS of $1.01 beats by $0.01, revenue of $2.55B misses by $50M
[11/1/2022 4:42 PM]
131.56 -3.13 
134.70 0.0 
130.01 - 194.12 700,677 710,000 17,606
02-08-2022 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Aug 2)
AIZ Assurant, Inc. 9,180 2.95 3.21 2.99 Assurant Non-GAAP EPS of $2.95 misses by $0.23, revenue of $2.51B misses by $120M
[8/2/2022 4:55 PM]
154.11 -17.46 
170.50 -1.07 
144.18 - 194.12 990,662 370,000 126
03-05-2022 AH 4:15 PM ET
(May 3)
AIZ Assurant 10,746 3.75 2.86 0.00 Assurant Non-GAAP EPS of $3.75 beats by $0.95, revenue of $2.48B misses by $140M
[5/3/2022 4:40 PM]
186.24 3.16 
183.08 0.0 
144.18 - 194.12 446,954 420,000 6,999
08-02-2022 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Feb 8)
AIZ Assurant, Inc. 8,650 2.47 2.30 1.82 Assurant Non-GAAP EPS of $2.47 beats by $0.16, revenue of $2.57B misses by $10M
[2/8/2022 4:25 PM]
166.30 10.26 
156.00 -0.04 
121.55 - 172.22 729,500 460,000 41,555
02-11-2021 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Nov 2)
AIZ Assurant, Inc. 9,620 1.41 1.23 1.41 Assurant EPS beats by $1.14, beats on revenue
[11/2/2021 4:36 PM]
165.42 3.72 
161.70 0.0 
121.55 - 172.22 492,176 300,000 8,944
03-08-2021 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Aug 3)
AIZ Assurant, Inc. 9,560 2.99 2.49 2.75 Assurant EPS beats by $0.49, beats on revenue
[8/3/2021 4:48 PM]
155.94 -2.10 
158.04 0.0 
106.49 - 163.84 378,084 290,000 9,212
04-05-2021 AH 4:15 PM ET
(May 4)
AIZ Assurant, Inc. 9,470 2.47 1.96 2.64 Assurant EPS beats by $0.53, beats on revenue
[5/4/2021 4:51 PM]
159.51 1.90 
157.61 0.0 
83.89 - 160.16 464,201 240,000 6,902
09-02-2021 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Feb 9)
AIZ Assurant, Inc. 7,890 1.82 2.08 2.25 Assurant EPS beats by $0.24, beats on revenue
[2/9/2021 4:37 PM]
129.06 -7.08 
136.07 -0.06 
76.27 - 143.67 1,149,080 592,115 228
02-11-2020 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Nov 2)
AIZ Assurant, Inc. 7,520 1.41 0.94 1.69 Assurant EPS misses by $1.54, beats on revenue
[11/2/2020 4:32 PM]
126.35 -3.58 
129.90 -0.03 
76.27 - 142.61 892,350 329,095 5,290
04-08-2020 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Aug 4)
AIZ Assurant, Inc. 6,410 2.75 2.23 2.34 Assurant EPS beats by $0.63, misses on revenue
[8/4/2020 4:19 PM]
123.00 15.85 
107.18 0.03 
76.27 - 142.61 728,864 327,295 637
05-05-2020 AH 4:15 PM ET
(May 5)
AIZ Assurant, Inc. 6,110 2.64 2.45 2.21 Assurant EPS beats by $0.41, beats on revenue
[5/5/2020 4:27 PM]
102.09 2.09 
0.0 0.0 
76.27 - 142.61 716,232 479,362 0