Earnings History Data for Allogene Therapeutics, Inc. (ALLO) - NYSE NASDAQ

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Allogene Therapeutics, Inc.

Allogene Therapeutics, Inc. is a biotechnology company. It develops allogeneic chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy for the treatment of blood cancers and solid tumors. The company's product pipeline consists of UCART19, ALLO-501, ALLO-715, ALLO-819, CD70, DLL3 and ALLO-647 which are in clinical stage. Allogene Therapeutics, Inc. is headquartered in South San Francisco, California.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
13-03-2025 AH ALLO Allogene Therapeutics, Inc. 425.63 N/A -0.34 -0.43 Allogene Therapeutics GAAP EPS of -$0.28 beats by $0.05
[3/13/2025 4:03 PM]
1.89 -0.17 
2.02 0.14 
1.32 - 4.89 1,969,899 3,360,000 11,801
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07-11-2024 AH ALLO Allogene Therapeutics, Inc. 625.24 -0.27 -0.34 -0.37 Allogene Therapeutics GAAP EPS of -$0.32 beats by $0.01
[11/7/2024 4:40 PM]
3.08 -0.11 
3.16 -0.03 
2.01 - 5.78 2,524,651 2,760,000 782
07-08-2024 AH ALLO Allogene Therapeutics, Inc. 439.09 -0.32 -0.35 -0.53 Allogene Therapeutics Non-GAAP EPS of -$0.35 in-line
[8/7/2024 4:50 PM]
2.35 -0.12 
2.48 0.01 
2.01 - 5.78 2,177,466 1,790,000 5,619
13-05-2024 AH ALLO Allogene Therapeutics, Inc. 483.60 -0.38 -0.38 -0.68 Allogene Therapeutics GAAP EPS of -$0.38 beats by $0.03
[5/13/2024 4:09 PM]
2.96 0.06 
3.19 0.29 
2.23 - 6.89 6,814,746 1,440,000 67,656
14-03-2024 AH ALLO Allogene Therapeutics, Inc. 824.56 -0.43 -0.47 -0.66 Allogene Therapeutics GAAP EPS of -$0.51 misses by $0.06
[3/14/2024 4:24 PM]
4.66 0.16 
4.48 -0.01 
2.23 - 6.89 3,700,061 2,440,000 624
02-11-2023 AH ALLO Allogene Therapeutics, Inc. 472.71 -0.37 -0.53 -0.58 Allogene Therapeutics GAAP EPS of $0.37 beats by $0.89, revenue of $0.04M beats by $0.03M
[11/2/2023 4:08 PM]
3.52 0.55 
3.00 0.03 
2.53 - 11.10 3,075,909 1,300,000 1,292
02-08-2023 AH ALLO Allogene Therapeutics, Inc. 723.37 -0.53 -0.59 -0.52 Allogene Therapeutics GAAP EPS of -$0.53 beats by $0.06, revenue of $0.04M beats by $0.02M
[8/2/2023 4:09 PM]
5.17 0.48 
4.79 0.10 
4.30 - 17.49 7,685,705 1,690,000 12,555
03-05-2023 AH 4:00 PM ET
(May 3)
ALLO Allogene Therapeutics, Inc. 806.17 -0.68 -0.63 -0.56 Allogene Therapeutics GAAP EPS of -$0.68 misses by $0.06, revenue of $0.05M beats by $0.04M
[5/3/2023 4:35 PM]
6.46 0.74 
5.65 -0.07 
4.42 - 17.49 6,462,513 2,530,000 65,561
28-02-2023 AH 4:00 PM ET
(Feb 28)
ALLO Allogene Therapeutics, Inc. 969.09 -0.66 -0.71 -0.54 Allogene Therapeutics GAAP EPS of -$0.66 beats by $0.04, revenue of $0.05M misses by $0.01M
[2/28/2023 4:06 PM]
6.33 -0.01 
6.23 -0.12 
5.41 - 17.49 2,197,331 1,700,000 575
02-11-2022 AH 4:00 PM ET
(Nov 2)
ALLO Allogene Therapeutics, Inc. 1,480 -0.58 -0.62 -0.57 Allogene Therapeutics GAAP EPS of -$0.58 beats by $0.06, revenue of $0.05M beats by $0.04M
[11/2/2022 4:35 PM]
9.54 -0.63 
10.17 0.0 
6.42 - 20.75 3,199,252 1,120,000 18,323
09-08-2022 AH 4:00 PM ET
(Aug 9)
ALLO Allogene Therapeutics, Inc. 1,920 -0.52 -0.61 -0.53 Allogene Therapeutics GAAP EPS of -$0.52 beats by $0.08, revenue of $0.09M beats by $0.07M
[8/9/2022 4:12 PM]
16.23 1.20 
14.85 -0.18 
6.42 - 27.86 2,215,900 1,540,000 2,788
04-05-2022 AH 4:00 PM ET
(May 4)
ALLO Allogene Therapeutics 1,199 -0.56 -0.59 0.00 Allogene Therapeutics GAAP EPS of -$0.56 beats by $0.02
[5/4/2022 4:37 PM]
9.28 -0.15 
9.75 0.32 
7.48 - 31.77 2,433,407 2,210,000 619
23-02-2022 AH 4:00 PM ET
(Feb 23)
ALLO Allogene Therapeutics, Inc. 1,330 -0.54 -0.61 -0.53 Allogene Therapeutics GAAP EPS of -$0.54 beats by $0.06, revenue of $51M
[2/23/2022 4:26 PM]
9.20 0.03 
8.96 -0.21 
8.33 - 39.12 2,891,183 1,506,745 23,087
04-11-2021 AH 4:00 PM ET
(Nov 4)
ALLO Allogene Therapeutics, Inc. 2,660 -0.57 -0.56 -0.52 Allogene Therapeutics EPS misses by $0.01
[11/4/2021 4:38 PM]
20.12 0.70 
20.00 0.57 
12.90 - 39.12 1,647,810 1,440,000 2,042
04-08-2021 AH 4:00 PM ET
(Aug 4)
ALLO Allogene Therapeutics, Inc. 3,200 -0.53 -0.55 -0.53 Allogene Therapeutics EPS beats by $0.02, misses on revenue
[8/4/2021 4:32 PM]
23.73 1.60 
22.13 0.0 
21.10 - 44.92 973,111 510,000 23,096
05-05-2021 AH 4:00 PM ET
(May 5)
ALLO Allogene Therapeutics, Inc. 4,370 -0.25 -0.48 -0.50 Allogene Therapeutics EPS beats by $0.21, beats on revenue
[5/5/2021 4:26 PM]
29.15 0.44 
29.19 0.48 
24.85 - 55.00 1,111,254 670,000 64,869
25-02-2021 AH After the close
(Feb 25)
ALLO Allogene Therapeutics, Inc. 4,740 -0.53 -0.56 -0.58 Allogene Therapeutics EPS beats by $0.05
[2/25/2021 4:35 PM]
34.91 2.12 
34.44 1.65 
17.43 - 55.00 747,978 690,437 4,189
04-11-2020 PM 7:30 AM ET
(Nov 4)
ALLO Allogene Therapeutics, Inc. 4,630 -0.52 -0.55 -0.50 Allogene Therapeutics EPS beats by $0.03
[11/4/2020 7:37 AM]
31.16 -2.64 
29.70 -4.09 
17.43 - 55.00 3,531,337 568,312 15,410
05-08-2020 PM 7:30 AM ET
(Aug 5)
ALLO Allogene Therapeutics, Inc. 5,090 -0.53 -0.55 -0.41 Allogene Therapeutics EPS beats by $0.01
[8/5/2020 7:34 AM]
38.15 1.07 
37.08 0.0 
17.43 - 55.00 418,694 490,358 6,709
06-05-2020 PM ALLO Allogene Therapeutics, Inc. 3,970 -0.50 -0.57 -0.32 Allogene Therapeutics EPS beats by $0.08
[5/6/2020 7:34 AM]
30.86 -0.82 
0.0 0.0 
17.43 - 33.80 809,439 799,122 0