Earnings History Data for Amalgamated Financial Corp. (AMAL) - NYSE NASDAQ

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Amalgamated Financial Corp.

Amalgamated Financial Corp. is the bank holding company for Amalgamated Bank is a full-service commercial bank and a chartered trust company. It provides commercial banking and trust services nationally and offers products and services to both commercial and retail customers. Amalgamated Financial Corp., formerly known as Amalgamated Bank, is based in NEW YORK.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
23-01-2025 PM AMAL Amalgamated Financial Corp. 1,110 0.90 0.87 0.72 Amalgamated Bank Non-GAAP EPS of $0.90 beats by $0.02, revenue of $77.89M misses by $5.03M
[1/23/2025 6:29 AM]
34.81 -1.79 
36.30 -0.30 
21.33 - 38.19 280,155 160,000 677
24-10-2024 PM AMAL Amalgamated Financial Corp. 1,050 0.91 0.83 0.76 Amalgamated Bank Non-GAAP EPS of $0.91 beats by $0.08, revenue of $81.05M beats by $0.61M
[10/24/2024 6:26 AM]
33.57 -0.41 
33.98 0.0 
15.19 - 35.30 182,010 180,000 5,216
25-07-2024 PM AMAL Amalgamated Financial Corp. 975.24 0.85 0.79 0.72 Amalgamated Bank Non-GAAP EPS of $0.85, revenue of $78.45M
[7/25/2024 8:10 AM]
31.29 -0.59 
0.0 0.0 
15.19 - 32.79 561,490 210,000 0
25-04-2024 PM AMAL Amalgamated Financial Corp. 703.24 0.83 0.72 0.74 Amalgamated Bank Non-GAAP EPS of $0.83, revenue of $76.67M
[4/25/2024 6:28 AM]
23.89 -0.09 
23.99 0.01 
14.05 - 27.77 84,868 90,000 523
25-01-2024 PM AMAL Amalgamated Financial Corp. 793.27 0.72 0.73 0.83 Amalgamated Bank Non-GAAP EPS of $0.72 in-line, revenue of $76.73M beats by $5.38M
[1/25/2024 6:26 AM]
25.49 -1.16 
0.0 0.0 
14.05 - 27.77 106,326 110,000 0
26-10-2023 PM AMAL Amalgamated Financial Corp. 481.21 0.76 0.70 0.77 Amalgamated Bank Non-GAAP EPS of $0.76 beats by $0.06, revenue of $70.51M beats by $0.45M
[10/26/2023 6:30 AM]
16.12 0.55 
0.0 0.0 
14.05 - 27.33 145,678 110,000 0
27-07-2023 PM AMAL Amalgamated Financial Corp. 607.95 0.72 0.72 0.65 Amalgamated Bank Non-GAAP EPS of $0.72, revenue of $70.93M
[7/27/2023 9:04 AM]
19.02 -1.44 
0.0 0.0 
14.05 - 27.33 125,580 100,000 0
27-04-2023 PM 6:25 AM ET
(Apr 27)
AMAL Amalgamated Financial Corp. 506.41 0.74 0.72 0.45 Amalgamated Bank GAAP EPS of $0.69 misses by $0.04, revenue of $72.49M beats by $1.43M
[4/27/2023 6:51 AM]
16.47 0.02 
0.0 0.0 
16.15 - 27.33 74,760 110,000 0
26-01-2023 PM 6:25 AM ET
(Jan 26)
AMAL Amalgamated Financial Corp. 709.76 0.83 0.73 0.53 Amalgamated Bank Non-GAAP EPS of $0.87 beats by $0.13, revenue of $71.57M misses by $1.28M
[1/26/2023 6:28 AM]
23.84 0.66 
23.18 0.0 
15.91 - 27.33 151,112 160,000 1,248
27-10-2022 PM 6:25 AM ET
(Oct 27)
AMAL Amalgamated Financial Corp. 717.50 0.77 0.69 0.46 Amalgamated Bank GAAP EPS of $0.74 beats by $0.05, revenue of $72.63M beats by $5.48M
[10/27/2022 6:51 AM]
23.97 0.97 
23.00 0.0 
15.23 - 25.03 302,139 150,000 1,387
28-07-2022 PM 6:25 AM ET
(Jul 28)
AMAL Amalgamated Financial Corp. 643.92 0.65 0.55 0.32 Amalgamated Bank GAAP EPS of $0.63 beats by $0.08, revenue of $63.74M beats by $3.95M
[7/28/2022 6:55 AM]
22.67 0.80 
21.87 0.0 
13.48 - 23.48 58,843 40,000 1,064
28-04-2022 PM 6:25 AM ET
(Apr 28)
AMAL Amalgamated Financial Corp. 549.49 0.45 0.39 0.41 Amalgamated Bank Non-GAAP EPS of $0.46 beats by $0.07, revenue of $55.79M beats by $3.68M
[4/28/2022 6:28 AM]
18.19 0.84 
17.35 0.0 
13.48 - 19.99 141,956 40,000 2,035
27-01-2022 PM 6:25 AM ET
(Jan 27)
AMAL Amalgamated Financial Corp. 500.04 0.53 0.40 0.44 Amalgamated Bank Non-GAAP EPS of $0.53 beats by $0.13, revenue of $59.55M beats by $8.55M
[1/27/2022 6:38 AM]
17.00 0.75 
0.0 0.0 
13.29 - 20.22 46,237 30,000 0
28-10-2021 PM 6:25 AM ET
(Oct 28)
AMAL Amalgamated Financial Corp. 556.30 0.46 0.37 0.54 Amalgamated Bank EPS beats by $0.09, beats on revenue
[10/28/2021 6:29 AM]
19.07 1.08 
0.0 0.0 
10.51 - 20.22 71,792 40,000 0
29-07-2021 PM 6:45 AM ET
(Jul 29)
AMAL Amalgamated Financial Corp. 485.29 0.32 0.36 0.34 Amalgamated Bank EPS misses by $0.02, misses on revenue
[7/29/2021 6:45 AM]
15.43 -0.14 
15.56 0.0 
10.20 - 20.22 26,782 40,000 296
22-04-2021 PM 6:25 AM ET
(Apr 22)
AMAL Amalgamated Financial Corp. 524.29 0.41 0.36 0.29 Amalgamated Bank EPS beats by $0.07, misses on revenue
[4/22/2021 6:51 AM]
16.33 -0.26 
0.0 0.0 
8.32 - 20.22 29,124 50,000 0
28-01-2021 PM 6:25 AM ET
(Jan 28)
AMAL Amalgamated Bank 466.67 0.44 0.33 0.39 Amalgamated Bank EPS beats by $0.11, beats on revenue
[1/28/2021 6:27 AM]
14.44 0.67 
13.77 0.0 
7.90 - 19.43 41,740 56,688 537
28-10-2020 PM 6:25 AM ET
(Oct 28)
AMAL Amalgamated Bank 368.56 0.54 0.42 0.41 Amalgamated Bank EPS beats by $0.12, beats on revenue
[10/28/2020 6:48 AM]
11.10 -0.50 
11.60 0.0 
7.90 - 20.00 29,788 36,486 300
28-07-2020 PM 6:25 AM ET
(Jul 28)
AMAL Amalgamated Bank 350.61 0.34 0.25 0.36 Amalgamated Bank EPS beats by $0.09, beats on revenue
[7/28/2020 6:30 AM]
12.19 0.88 
0.0 0.0 
7.90 - 20.00 48,390 38,824 0