Earnings History Data for Amerant Bancorp Inc. (AMTB) - NYSE NASDAQ

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Amerant Bancorp Inc.

Amerant Bancorp Inc. is a bank holding company. It operates through its subsidiaries, Amerant Bank, N.A., Amerant Investments, Inc. and Amerant Trust, N.A. The Company provides deposit, credit and wealth management services to individuals and businesses primarily in the U.S., as well as select international clients. Amerant Bancorp Inc., formerly known as Mercantil Bank Holding Corporation, is headquartered in Coral Gables, Florida.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
22-01-2025 AH AMTB Amerant Bancorp Inc. 935.23 0.50 0.27 0.46 Amerant Bancorp Non-GAAP EPS of $0.50 beats by $0.17, revenue of $111.3M beats by $10.73M
[1/22/2025 5:11 PM]
23.47 1.07 
23.53 1.13 
18.54 - 27.00 298,664 180,000 436
23-10-2024 AH AMTB Amerant Bancorp Inc. 687.61 0.27 0.23 0.64 Amerant Bancorp GAAP EPS of -$1.43 beats by $0.09, revenue of $33.31M
[10/23/2024 5:15 PM]
20.69 0.42 
20.88 0.61 
16.63 - 27.00 146,001 210,000 851
24-07-2024 AH AMTB Amerant Bancorp Inc. 887.06 0.28 0.35 0.24 Amerant Bancorp Non-GAAP EPS of $0.15 misses by $0.20, revenue of $98.8M beats by $5.62M
[7/24/2024 4:48 PM]
24.16 -2.21 
25.01 -1.36 
16.63 - 27.00 221,961 240,000 2,000
24-04-2024 AH AMTB Amerant Bancorp Inc. 750.21 0.32 0.36 0.59 Amerant Bancorp GAAP EPS of $0.31 misses by $0.05, revenue of $92.5M beats by $0.67M
[4/24/2024 5:46 PM]
22.12 -0.60 
22.72 0.0 
15.79 - 26.13 160,439 70,000 3,596
24-01-2024 AH AMTB Amerant Bancorp Inc. 806.18 0.46 0.46 0.40 Amerant Bancorp GAAP EPS of -$0.51 misses by $0.91, revenue of $101.29M beats by $10.03M
[1/24/2024 5:02 PM]
24.43 0.26 
24.17 0.0 
15.79 - 30.12 128,832 70,000 5,074
19-10-2023 AH AMTB Amerant Bancorp Inc. 656.07 0.64 0.61 0.63 Amerant Bancorp GAAP EPS of $0.66 beats by $0.07, revenue of $100.49M beats by $3.25M
[10/19/2023 5:04 PM]
16.95 -1.90 
18.85 0.0 
15.79 - 31.09 77,927 50,000 3,770
20-07-2023 AH AMTB Amerant Bancorp Inc. 629.95 0.24 0.21 0.45 Amerant Bancorp GAAP EPS of $0.22 beats by $0.02, revenue of $110.49M beats by $13.38M
[7/20/2023 5:25 PM]
19.43 -0.80 
20.23 0.0 
15.79 - 31.09 52,406 60,000 7,088
20-04-2023 AH 4:05 PM ET
(Apr 20)
AMTB Amerant Bancorp Inc. 638.41 0.59 0.73 0.63 Amerant Bancorp GAAP EPS of $0.55 misses by $0.13, revenue of $85.59M misses by $12.26M
[4/20/2023 4:53 PM]
18.36 -0.77 
19.00 -0.13 
17.58 - 31.09 93,465 70,000 425
19-01-2023 AH 4:05 PM ET
(Jan 19)
AMTB Amerant Bancorp Inc. 937.91 0.40 0.70 0.52 Amerant Bancorp GAAP EPS of $0.55 misses by $0.12, revenue of $106.54M beats by $16.32M
[1/19/2023 5:32 PM]
27.41 0.15 
27.26 0.0 
24.41 - 36.14 113,951 50,000 3,388
20-10-2022 AH 4:30 PM ET
(Oct 20)
AMTB Amerant Bancorp Inc. 901.50 0.63 0.55 0.47 Amerant Bancorp Non-GAAP EPS of $0.63, revenue of $85.85M
[10/20/2022 4:13 PM]
28.30 1.99 
26.31 0.0 
24.41 - 36.72 182,146 50,000 2,624
20-07-2022 AH 4:45 PM ET
(Jul 20)
AMTB Amerant Bancorp 990.00 0.45 0.47 0.00 Amerant Bancorp GAAP EPS of $0.23 misses by $0.24, revenue of $71.88M misses by $4.09M
[7/20/2022 4:52 PM]
26.89 -3.00 
29.90 0.0 
21.75 - 36.72 122,698 50,000 2,383
20-04-2022 AH 4:20 PM ET
(Apr 20)
AMTB Amerant Bancorp Inc. 987.07 0.63 0.41 0.39 Amerant Bancorp GAAP EPS of $0.45 beats by $0.04, revenue of $69.6M misses by $1.52M
[4/20/2022 5:06 PM]
29.69 -0.25 
29.94 0.0 
17.55 - 36.72 74,675 130,000 435
20-10-2021 PM AMTB Amerant Bancorp Inc. 994.76 0.47 0.38 0.08 Amerant Bancorp EPS beats by $0.06, misses on revenue
[10/21/2021 1:35 AM]
26.50 -0.22 
26.72 0.0 
9.01 - 28.22 57,980 40,000 508
21-07-2021 PM 0:00 AM ET
(Jul 22)
AMTB Amerant Bancorp Inc. 819.18 0.51 0.39 -0.34 Amerant Bancorp EPS beats by $0.08, beats on revenue
[7/22/2021 1:21 AM]
22.00 -0.06 
22.06 0.0 
9.01 - 24.40 38,461 50,000 852
29-01-2021 PM 0:00 AM ET
(Jan 29)
AMTB Amerant Bancorp Inc. 568.81 0.27 0.16 0.26 Amerant Bancorp EPS beats by $0.11, beats on revenue
[1/29/2021 6:44 AM]
14.35 -0.20 
14.55 0.0 
9.01 - 20.55 19,877 29,952 1,361
29-10-2020 PM AMTB Amerant Bancorp Inc. 432.55 0.08 0.06 0.30 Amerant Bancorp EPS beats by $0.02, beats on revenue
[10/29/2020 8:00 AM]
10.32 0.90 
9.42 0.0 
9.01 - 23.59 21,729 21,985 4,538