Earnings History Data for Apollo Global Management, Inc. (APO) - NYSE NASDAQ

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Apollo Global Management, Inc.

Apollo Global Management LLC provides alternative asset manager services. It operates primarily in New York, Los Angeles, San Diego, Houston, Bethesda, London, Frankfurt, Madrid, Luxembourg, Mumbai, Delhi, Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Tokyo. Apollo Global Management LLC is based in New York, United States.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
04-02-2025 PM APO Apollo Global Management, Inc. 96,740 1.89 1.76 1.75 Apollo Global Management Non-GAAP EPS of $2.22 beats by $0.33
[2/4/2025 6:37 AM]
162.40 -4.72 
161.30 -5.82 
95.11 - 189.49 4,501,437 3,100,000 34,283
05-11-2024 PM APO Apollo Global Management, Inc. 81,590 1.64 1.66 1.55 Apollo Global Management reports Q3 results
[11/5/2024 6:40 AM]
149.45 10.02 
146.75 7.32 
82.30 - 151.84 4,363,941 2,560,000 20,581
01-08-2024 PM APO Apollo Global Management, Inc. 69,510 1.43 1.67 1.54 Apollo Global Management Non-GAAP EPS of $1.64 misses by $0.11, revenue of $6.02B
[8/1/2024 6:38 AM]
116.10 -9.21 
120.48 -4.83 
77.11 - 126.45 7,801,021 2,140,000 19,612
02-05-2024 PM APO Apollo Global Management, Inc. 62,860 1.50 1.71 1.26 Apollo Global Management Non-GAAP EPS of $1.72 misses by $0.06, revenue of $462M
[5/2/2024 6:35 AM]
111.97 4.20 
108.00 0.23 
57.50 - 117.15 4,280,260 1,890,000 1,854
08-02-2024 PM APO Apollo Global Management, Inc. 59,210 1.75 1.64 1.29 Apollo Global Management GAAP EPS of $4.65, revenue of $11.05B beats by $10.22B
[2/8/2024 6:33 AM]
107.30 1.39 
105.00 -0.90 
55.16 - 108.96 2,677,999 2,580,000 17,179
01-11-2023 PM APO Apollo Global Management, Inc. 45,440 1.55 1.64 1.33 Apollo Global Management GAAP EPS of $1.10, revenue of $2.59B beats by $1.78B
[11/1/2023 6:55 AM]
83.56 6.12 
80.90 3.46 
55.16 - 93.18 5,256,909 2,630,000 4,896
03-08-2023 PM APO Apollo Global Management, Inc. (New) 46,500 1.54 1.60 0.94 Apollo Global Management Non-GAAP EPS of $1.70 beats by $0.05, revenue of $13.7B beats by $12.93B
[8/3/2023 7:00 AM]
85.95 4.62 
82.35 1.02 
45.62 - 86.47 2,786,736 1,880,000 1,127
09-05-2023 PM 6:55 AM ET
(May 9)
APO Apollo Global Management, Inc. (New) 34,540 1.26 1.39 1.52 Apollo Global Management Non-GAAP EPS of $1.42 misses by $0.05, Fee related earnings of $397M
[5/9/2023 7:00 AM]
62.29 0.46 
0.0 0.0 
45.62 - 74.63 3,828,397 2,300,000 0
09-02-2023 PM 6:55 AM ET
(Feb 9)
APO Apollo Global Management, Inc. (New) 41,980 1.29 1.43 1.05 Apollo Global Management Non-GAAP EPS of $1.42 misses by $0.08, fee related earnings of $394.3M
[2/9/2023 7:22 AM]
68.59 -5.30 
71.00 -2.89 
45.62 - 74.63 6,288,501 2,380,000 4,329
02-11-2022 PM 6:55 AM ET
(Nov 2)
APO Apollo Global Management, Inc. (New) 31,690 1.33 1.19 1.71 Apollo Global Management Non-GAAP EPS of $1.33 beats by $0.10, revenue of $2.98B
[11/2/2022 7:28 AM]
59.48 2.31 
57.87 0.70 
45.62 - 78.77 4,532,876 2,270,000 3,250
04-08-2022 PM 6:30 AM ET
(Aug 4)
APO Apollo Global Management, Inc. (New) 30,990 0.94 1.03 1.14 Apollo Global Management Non-GAAP EPS of $0.94 misses by $0.08, revenue of $2.27B
[8/4/2022 7:16 AM]
58.05 0.82 
3.92 -0.40 
45.97 - 81.07 2,364,212 1,730,000 51,552
05-05-2022 PM 6:55 AM ET
(May 5)
APO Apollo Global Management, Inc. (New) 29,640 1.52 1.01 0.66 Apollo Global Management Non-GAAP EPS of $1.52 beats by $0.48
[5/5/2022 6:46 AM]
53.35 -0.31 
55.30 1.64 
49.64 - 81.07 4,865,472 3,240,000 10,014
11-02-2022 PM 7:00 AM ET
(Feb 11)
APO Apollo Global Management, Inc. (New) 38,590 1.05 1.07 0.72 Apollo Global Management Non-GAAP EPS of $1.05 misses by $0.05, revenue of $1.2B
[2/11/2022 7:20 AM]
65.87 -3.80 
68.20 -1.47 
45.40 - 81.07 5,662,300 3,330,000 4,941
02-11-2021 PM 7:00 AM ET
(Nov 2)
APO Apollo Global Management, Inc 18,450 1.71 1.11 0.47 Apollo Global Management EPS beats by $0.61, misses on management fees
[11/2/2021 7:09 AM]
76.42 0.09 
76.42 0.0 
37.36 - 81.07 2,873,960 4,420,000 7,436
04-08-2021 PM 7:00 AM ET
(Aug 4)
APO Apollo Global Management, Inc 13,750 1.14 0.77 0.46 Apollo Global Management EPS beats by $0.43, misses on management fees
[8/4/2021 7:06 AM]
60.89 0.23 
60.89 0.0 
36.35 - 64.45 3,203,641 2,030,000 9,495
04-05-2021 PM Before the open
(May 4)
APO Apollo Global Management, Inc 12,900 0.66 0.58 0.37 Apollo Global Management EPS beats by $0.11, beats on total fee related revenues
[5/4/2021 7:04 AM]
55.00 -0.07 
55.00 0.0 
36.35 - 56.29 2,110,482 2,060,000 637
03-02-2021 PM 7:00 AM ET
(Feb 3)
APO Apollo Global Management, Inc 10,900 0.72 0.52 1.10 Apollo Global Management EPS beats by $0.22, beats on revenue
[2/3/2021 7:09 AM]
50.09 1.36 
50.24 1.35 
19.46 - 55.38 1,944,673 1,636,363 6,889
29-10-2020 PM 7:00 AM ET
(Oct 29)
APO Apollo Global Management, Inc 9,430 0.47 0.49 0.54 Apollo Global Management EPS misses by $0.02, beats on revenue
[10/29/2020 7:03 AM]
37.86 -1.03 
38.60 -0.29 
19.46 - 55.38 2,344,917 2,275,695 28,899
30-07-2020 PM 7:00 AM ET
(Jul 30)
APO Apollo Global Management, Inc 11,930 0.46 0.48 0.56 Apollo Global Management EPS misses by $0.01, misses on revenue
[7/30/2020 7:10 AM]
52.11 -1.92 
53.70 -0.33 
19.46 - 55.38 634,905 792,788 2,215