Earnings History Data for Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. (ARE) - NYSE NASDAQ

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Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc.

Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc., Landlord and Developer of Choice to the Life Science Industry, is a publicly-traded real estate investment trust focused principally on the ownership, operation, management, selective redevelopment, development and acquisition of life science properties. Our properties are designed and improved for lease primarily to institutional, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device, life science product, service, biodefense and translational medicine entities, as well as governmental agencies.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
27-01-2025 AH ARE Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. 17,550 -0.38 2.39 2.28 Alexandria Real Estate Equities FFO of $2.39 in-line, revenue of $788.95M beats by $11.97M
[1/27/2025 4:18 PM]
97.14 -4.97 
99.65 -2.46 
94.35 - 130.14 2,025,391 1,230,000 850
21-10-2024 AH ARE Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. 21,210 0.96 2.38 2.26 Alexandria Real Estate Equities FFO of $2.37 in-line, revenue of $791.61M beats by $11.17M
[10/21/2024 4:15 PM]
118.08 -1.44 
121.00 1.48 
90.73 - 135.45 1,715,230 1,230,000 6,004
22-07-2024 AH ARE Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. 22,090 0.25 2.34 2.24 Alexandria Real Estate Equities FFO of $2.36 beats by $0.02, revenue of $766.73M misses by $16.34M
[7/22/2024 4:11 PM]
121.56 -4.28 
125.84 0.0 
90.73 - 135.45 1,551,387 880,000 33,460
22-04-2024 AH ARE Alexandria Real Estate Equities 20,384 0.97 2.32 0.00 Alexandria Real Estate Equities FFO of $2.35 beats by $0.02, revenue of $769.1M beats by $4.75M
[4/22/2024 4:13 PM]
119.40 0.83 
120.50 1.93 
90.73 - 135.45 1,041,204 770,000 1,074
29-01-2024 AH ARE Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. 21,450 -0.54 2.29 2.14 Alexandria Real Estate Equities FFO of $2.28 misses by $0.01, revenue of $757.21M beats by $5.8M
[1/29/2024 4:13 PM]
121.41 -5.03 
126.44 0.0 
90.73 - 172.65 1,240,705 1,110,000 71,717
23-10-2023 AH ARE Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. 16,390 0.13 2.24 2.13 Alexandria Real Estate Equities GAAP EPS of $2.26 beats by $1.42, revenue of $713.8M misses by $14.67M
[10/23/2023 4:16 PM]
95.53 1.16 
94.37 0.0 
93.04 - 172.65 1,494,997 1,110,000 37,104
24-07-2023 AH ARE Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. 20,980 0.51 2.20 2.10 Alexandria Real Estate Equities FFO of $2.24 beats by $0.04, revenue of $713.9M beats by $11.81M
[7/24/2023 4:25 PM]
123.84 0.73 
124.50 1.39 
108.81 - 172.65 840,269 880,000 579
24-04-2023 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Apr 24)
ARE Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. 21,420 0.44 2.15 2.05 Alexandria Real Estate Equities FFO of $2.19 beats by $0.04, revenue of $700.8M beats by $14.1M
[4/24/2023 4:13 PM]
120.74 -3.31 
124.69 0.64 
114.94 - 195.98 1,585,219 940,000 2,304
30-01-2023 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Jan 30)
ARE Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. 25,790 0.31 2.13 1.97 Alexandria Real Estate Equities FFO of $2.14 beats by $0.01, revenue of $670.28M misses by $3.93M
[1/30/2023 4:20 PM]
160.59 3.21 
159.00 1.62 
126.74 - 206.85 753,254 620,000 31,778
24-10-2022 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Oct 24)
ARE Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. 21,090 2.11 2.12 1.95 Alexandria Real Estate Equities FFO of $2.13 beats by $0.02, revenue of $659.85M beats by $2.37M, raises FY22 guidance
[10/24/2022 4:11 PM]
139.92 7.12 
130.56 -2.24 
126.74 - 224.95 929,329 860,000 27,414
25-07-2022 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Jul 25)
ARE Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. 24,190 2.11 2.06 1.93 Alexandria Real Estate Equities GAAP EPS of $1.67, revenue of $643.8M
[7/25/2022 4:16 PM]
156.63 6.34 
154.50 4.21 
130.00 - 224.95 1,315,939 1,120,000 6,733
25-04-2022 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Apr 25)
ARE Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. 32,590 -0.96 2.00 1.91 Alexandria Real Estate Equities FFO of $2.05 beats by $0.05, revenue of $615.07M beats by $19.72M
[4/25/2022 4:14 PM]
190.72 -2.28 
193.00 0.0 
171.50 - 224.95 730,086 820,000 8,680
31-01-2022 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Jan 31)
ARE Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. 29,660 0.47 1.96 1.84 Alexandria Real Estate Equities FFO of $1.97 in-line, revenue of $576.92M beats by $26.88M
[1/31/2022 4:12 PM]
195.12 0.28 
194.84 0.0 
154.37 - 224.95 815,132 1,160,000 6,228
25-10-2021 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Oct 25)
ARE Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. 31,470 0.67 1.94 1.83 Alexandria Real Estate Equities beats on revenue
[10/25/2021 4:27 PM]
208.96 0.02 
208.94 0.0 
150.08 - 211.70 578,785 520,000 49,674
26-07-2021 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Jul 26)
ARE Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. 28,650 2.61 1.89 1.81 Alexandria Real Estate Equities FFO beats by $0.05, beats on revenue
[7/26/2021 4:24 PM]
200.67 4.49 
192.50 -3.68 
150.08 - 202.38 953,640 650,000 605
26-04-2021 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Apr 26)
ARE Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. 26,400 0.04 1.85 1.82 Alexandria Real Estate Equities FFO beats by $0.07, misses on revenue
[4/26/2021 4:17 PM]
177.95 -1.62 
179.57 0.0 
136.52 - 181.08 579,902 670,000 98,435
01-02-2021 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Feb 1)
ARE Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. 24,180 3.26 1.84 1.77 Alexandria Real Estate Equities FFO in-line, misses on revenue
[2/1/2021 4:14 PM]
166.71 -2.85 
169.56 0.0 
109.22 - 179.79 583,578 835,186 18,641
26-10-2020 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Oct 26)
ARE Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. 20,440 0.63 1.83 1.75 Alexandria Real Estate Equities FFO in-line, beats on revenue
[10/26/2020 4:17 PM]
156.47 -0.36 
156.36 -0.47 
109.22 - 177.70 690,999 650,952 205