Earnings History Data for Boise Cascade, L.L.C. (BCC) - NYSE NASDAQ

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Boise Cascade, L.L.C.

Boise Cascade Company operates as a wood products manufacturer and building materialsdistributor. The Company manufactures engineered wood products, plywood, lumber and particleboard and distributes wood products, such as decking, EWP, lumber, panel, particleboard, and MDF products. It has operations primarily in the United States and Canada. Boise Cascade Company is headquartered in Boise, Idaho.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
20-02-2025 AH BCC Boise Cascade, L.L.C. 4,660 1.78 1.82 2.44 Boise Cascade GAAP EPS of $1.78 misses by $0.02, revenue of $1.57B in-line
[2/20/2025 4:46 PM]
106.92 -9.56 
118.00 1.52 
103.57 - 155.42 619,758 280,000 1,109
04-11-2024 AH BCC Boise Cascade, L.L.C. 5,180 2.33 2.37 3.58 Boise Cascade GAAP EPS of $2.33 beats by $0.01, revenue of $1.71B misses by $10M
[11/4/2024 4:45 PM]
138.61 4.35 
130.20 -4.06 
93.73 - 148.97 528,490 240,000 383
05-08-2024 AH BCC Boise Cascade, L.L.C. 5,270 2.84 2.65 3.67 Boise Cascade GAAP EPS of $2.84 beats by $0.12, revenue of $1.79B beats by $20M
[8/5/2024 4:22 PM]
130.08 5.86 
124.22 0.0 
83.46 - 154.67 447,491 290,000 10,356
06-05-2024 AH BCC Boise Cascade 5,321 2.61 2.30 0.00 Boise Cascade GAAP EPS of $2.61 beats by $0.31, revenue of $1.65B beats by $90M
[5/6/2024 4:30 PM]
131.18 -8.19 
139.00 -0.37 
64.91 - 154.67 570,671 290,000 11,630
20-02-2024 AH BCC Boise Cascade, L.L.C. 5,650 2.44 2.45 2.95 Boise Cascade GAAP EPS of $2.44 misses by $0.14, revenue of $1.64B in-line
[2/20/2024 4:30 PM]
125.34 -10.53 
135.45 -0.42 
54.50 - 143.56 575,322 240,000 365
30-10-2023 AH BCC Boise Cascade, L.L.C. 3,600 3.58 3.47 5.52 Boise Cascade GAAP EPS of $3.58 beats by $0.16, revenue of $1.83B misses by $20M
[10/30/2023 5:13 PM]
93.61 -0.35 
92.89 -1.07 
57.01 - 112.58 436,421 300,000 39,251
31-07-2023 AH BCC Boise Cascade, L.L.C. 3,930 3.67 2.54 5.49 Boise Cascade GAAP EPS of $3.67 beats by $1.13, revenue of $1.82B beats by $110M
[7/31/2023 4:26 PM]
106.67 3.18 
102.50 -0.99 
52.27 - 107.09 540,674 320,000 13,405
04-05-2023 AH 4:10 PM ET
(May 4)
BCC Boise Cascade, L.L.C. 2,670 2.43 1.81 7.61 Boise Cascade GAAP EPS of $2.43 beats by $0.76, revenue of $1.54B beats by $60M
[5/4/2023 5:15 PM]
70.20 2.57 
68.60 0.97 
54.39 - 84.01 446,890 360,000 8,607
21-02-2023 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Feb 21)
BCC Boise Cascade, L.L.C. 3,000 2.95 2.97 4.26 Boise Cascade GAAP EPS of $2.95 misses by $0.01, revenue of $1.63B misses by $150M
[2/21/2023 4:25 PM]
72.54 4.10 
67.90 -0.54 
54.39 - 84.01 359,843 240,000 273
31-10-2022 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Oct 31)
BCC Boise Cascade, L.L.C. 2,580 5.52 4.45 2.31 Boise Cascade GAAP EPS of $5.52 beats by $1.30, revenue of $2.15B beats by $120M
[10/31/2022 4:26 PM]
66.67 -0.10 
67.29 0.52 
52.51 - 85.17 515,638 250,000 12,079
01-08-2022 AH 4:20 PM ET
(Aug 1)
BCC Boise Cascade, L.L.C. 2,530 5.49 4.64 7.62 Boise Cascade GAAP EPS of $5.49 beats by $0.79, revenue of $2.28B beats by $120M
[8/1/2022 4:22 PM]
68.01 -3.00 
71.50 0.49 
45.72 - 85.17 350,546 290,000 14,369
05-05-2022 AH 5:45 AM ET
(May 6)
BCC Boise Cascade, L.L.C. 3,010 7.61 6.95 3.76 Boise Cascade GAAP EPS of $7.61 beats by $1.01, revenue of $2.33B beats by $140M
[5/5/2022 5:06 PM]
75.86 -5.80 
81.70 0.03 
44.55 - 85.17 340,743 320,000 181
22-02-2022 AH 5:45 AM ET
(Feb 23)
BCC Boise Cascade, L.L.C. 3,220 4.26 2.48 1.76 Boise Cascade GAAP EPS of $4.26 beats by $1.69, revenue of $1.78B beats by $200M
[2/22/2022 4:18 PM]
64.70 -17.07 
82.42 0.65 
42.40 - 85.06 2,147,333 410,000 500
02-08-2021 AH 5:45 AM ET
(Aug 3)
BCC Boise Cascade, L.L.C. 2,010 7.62 4.87 0.85 Boise Cascade EPS beats by $2.55, beats on revenue
[8/2/2021 4:34 PM]
52.18 2.96 
50.70 1.48 
34.65 - 75.67 735,294 320,000 773
06-05-2021 AH 5:45 AM ET
(May 7)
BCC Boise Cascade, L.L.C. 2,750 3.76 2.50 0.63 Boise Cascade EPS beats by $1.14, beats on revenue
[5/6/2021 4:52 PM]
71.34 0.98 
72.35 1.99 
25.66 - 71.64 412,179 280,000 5,694
22-02-2021 AH 5:45 AM ET
(Feb 23)
BCC Boise Cascade, L.L.C. 1,950 1.76 1.10 0.37 Boise Cascade EPS beats by $0.68, beats on revenue
[2/22/2021 4:24 PM]
46.51 2.00 
53.50 1.44 
19.36 - 54.37 1,044,372 410,400 1,591
30-10-2020 AH 5:45 AM ET
(Nov 2)
BCC Boise Cascade, L.l.c. 1,473 2.88 1.66 0.00 Boise Cascade EPS beats by $0.85, misses on revenue
[10/30/2020 4:11 PM]
40.83 2.45 
40.25 1.87 
19.36 - 48.56 466,112 285,554 6,251
31-07-2020 AH 5:45 AM ET
(Aug 3)
BCC Boise Cascade, L.L.C. 1,830 0.85 0.70 0.71 Boise Cascade EPS beats by $0.18, beats on revenue
[7/31/2020 4:17 PM]
47.45 0.86 
47.90 1.31 
20.08 - 50.35 250,444 339,167 370