Earnings History Data for Brookfield Infrastructure Partners LP (BIP) - NYSE NASDAQ

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Brookfield Infrastructure Partners LP

BROOKFIELD INFRASTRUCTURE PARTNERS L.P. was established by Brookfield Asset Management as its primary vehicle to own and operate certain infrastructure assets on a global basis. Brookfield Infrastructure operates high quality, long-life assets that generate stable cash flows, require relatively minimal maintenance capital expenditures and, by virtue of barriers to entry and other characteristics, tend to appreciate in value over time. Its current business consists of the ownership and operation of premier electricity transmission systems and timberlands in North and South America, and it seeks acquisition opportunities in other infrastructure sectors with similar attributes.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
30-01-2025 PM BIP Brookfield Infrastructure Partners LP 15,050 N/A 0.78 0.79 Brookfield Infrastructure Partners FFO of $3.12 beats by $0.02, revenue of $21.04B beats by $2.09B
[1/30/2025 7:08 AM]
33.57 1.44 
32.50 0.37 
24.84 - 36.50 355,338 390,000 261
06-11-2024 PM BIP Brookfield Infrastructure Partners LP 15,640 -0.18 0.80 0.73 Brookfield Infrastructure Partners GAAP EPS of -$0.18, revenue of $5.27B
[11/6/2024 6:56 AM]
34.74 0.27 
34.40 -0.07 
24.84 - 36.50 403,059 340,000 21,330
01-08-2024 PM BIP Brookfield Infrastructure Partners LP 14,440 -0.10 0.70 0.72 Brookfield Infrastructure Partners reports Q2 results
[8/1/2024 7:10 AM]
31.04 -0.54 
32.65 1.07 
21.03 - 35.50 376,054 400,000 1,695
01-05-2024 PM BIP Brookfield Infrastructure Partners LP 12,490 0.10 0.78 0.72 Brookfield Infrastructure Partners FFO of $0.78 in-line, revenue of $5.19B
[5/1/2024 6:49 AM]
27.59 0.72 
0.0 0.0 
21.03 - 37.32 876,664 430,000 0
01-02-2024 PM BIP Brookfield Infrastructure Partners LP 14,680 -0.20 0.79 0.72 Brookfield Infrastructure Partners FFO of $2.95 in-line, revenue of $17.93B beats by $2.7B
[2/1/2024 6:40 AM]
31.80 0.41 
0.0 0.0 
21.03 - 37.32 460,055 550,000 0
01-11-2023 PM BIP Brookfield Infrastructure Partners LP 10,180 0.03 0.73 0.68 Brookfield Infrastructure Partners FFO of $0.73 misses by $0.01
[11/1/2023 7:13 AM]
25.12 2.48 
23.00 0.36 
21.03 - 38.20 1,828,824 1,580,000 6,750
03-08-2023 PM BIP Brookfield Infrastructure Partners LP 16,010 0.38 0.66 0.67 Brookfield Infrastructure Partners FFO of $0.72 misses by $0.01, revenue of $4.26B beats by $1.92B
[8/3/2023 7:01 AM]
31.84 -1.62 
0.0 0.0 
30.03 - 43.62 1,305,739 200,000 0
03-05-2023 PM 6:55 AM ET
(May 3)
BIP Brookfield Infrastructure Partners LP 16,010 -0.07 0.72 0.64 Brookfield Infrastructure Partners FFO of $0.72 in-line, revenue of $886M misses by $1.39B
[5/3/2023 7:30 AM]
35.37 1.16 
0.0 0.0 
30.03 - 43.62 576,592 340,000 0
02-02-2023 PM 6:55 AM ET
(Feb 2)
BIP Brookfield Infrastructure Partners LP 16,000 -0.03 0.71 0.65 Brookfield Infrastructure Partners FFO of $0.72 in-line, revenue of $3.71B
[2/2/2023 6:54 AM]
34.78 0.33 
34.94 0.49 
30.03 - 46.01 485,027 390,000 172
02-11-2022 PM 6:55 AM ET
(Nov 2)
BIP Brookfield Infrastructure Partners LP 16,670 0.05 0.60 0.59 Brookfield Infrastructure Partners FFO of $0.68 beats by $0.01, revenue of $3.63B
[11/2/2022 6:58 AM]
36.08 -0.43 
36.51 0.0 
32.09 - 46.01 294,614 340,000 122
03-08-2022 PM 6:55 AM ET
(Aug 3)
BIP Brookfield Infrastructure Partners LP 17,840 0.13 0.66 0.57 Brookfield Infrastructure Partners GAAP FFO of $0.67 beats by $0.51, revenue of $3.68B
[8/3/2022 6:56 AM]
39.89 0.14 
40.05 0.30 
35.81 - 46.01 236,243 250,000 1,275
04-05-2022 PM 6:50 AM ET
(May 4)
BIP Brookfield Infrastructure Partners 19,058 -0.02 0.86 0.00 Brookfield Infrastructure Partners FFO of $0.96 in-line, revenue of $3.41B beats by $1.14B
[5/4/2022 6:55 AM]
62.00 1.20 
0.0 0.0 
52.44 - 69.01 177,152 300,000 0
02-02-2022 PM 6:45 AM ET
(Feb 2)
BIP Brookfield Infrastructure Partners LP 17,780 0.14 0.94 0.58 Brookfield Infrastructure Partners Non-GAAP EPS of $0.93, revenue of $3.25B
[2/2/2022 6:50 AM]
59.86 0.75 
0.0 0.0 
50.00 - 62.48 178,970 310,000 0
03-11-2021 PM 6:45 AM ET
(Nov 3)
BIP Brookfield Infrastructure Partners LP 17,340 0.72 0.88 -0.12 59.25 0.61 
60.00 1.36 
44.05 - 60.77 300,062 260,000 473
05-08-2021 PM 6:45 AM ET
(Aug 5)
BIP Brookfield Infrastructure Partners LP 15,980 0.61 0.83 -0.21 Brookfield Infrastructure Partners FFO beats by $0.66, beats on revenue
[8/5/2021 6:49 AM]
54.90 0.69 
0.0 0.0 
41.54 - 56.83 211,027 170,000 0
06-05-2021 PM 7:00 AM ET
(May 6)
BIP Brookfield Infrastructure Partners LP 15,650 0.27 0.87 0.13 Brookfield Infrastructure Partners FFO beats by $0.06, beats on revenue
[5/6/2021 6:50 AM]
52.98 -0.33 
0.0 0.0 
37.41 - 55.54 157,656 200,000 0
03-02-2021 PM 6:40 AM ET
(Feb 3)
BIP Brookfield Infrastructure Partners LP 15,440 0.58 0.87 -0.07 Brookfield Infrastructure Partners FFO beats by $0.05, beats on revenue
[2/3/2021 7:07 AM]
53.50 0.33 
54.40 0.73 
22.99 - 54.40 172,281 287,937 498
09-11-2020 PM 6:55 AM ET
(Nov 9)
BIP Brookfield Infrastructure Partners LP 13,680 -0.12 0.73 0.07 Brookfield Infrastructure Partners EPS misses by $0.22, beats on revenue
[11/9/2020 6:50 AM]
49.61 1.74 
49.00 2.24 
22.99 - 50.47 478,428 288,590 1,907
05-08-2020 PM 6:55 AM ET
(Aug 5)
BIP Brookfield Infrastructure Partners LP 12,290 -0.21 0.66 0.12 Brookfield Infrastructure Partners FFO beats by $0.07, beats on revenue
[8/5/2020 6:59 AM]
42.04 0.63 
42.55 0.63 
22.99 - 50.22 174,759 259,431 473