Earnings History Data for Blue Bird Corporation (BLBD) - NYSE NASDAQ

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Blue Bird Corporation

Blue Bird Corp. is engaged in the designing, engineering, manufacturing and sale of school buses and related parts. It also offers alternative fuel applications with its propane-powered and compressed natural gas-powered school buses. Blue Bird Corp. is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
05-02-2025 AH BLBD Blue Bird Corporation 1,120 0.86 0.81 0.86 Blue Bird Non-GAAP EPS of $0.92 beats by $0.11, revenue of $314M beats by $5.69M
[2/5/2025 4:04 PM]
37.16 1.43 
35.99 0.26 
29.00 - 59.40 1,653,680 930,000 5,024
25-11-2024 AH BLBD Blue Bird Corporation 1,300 0.73 0.73 0.62 Blue Bird Non-GAAP EPS of $0.77 beats by $0.12, revenue of $350.2M beats by $6.25M
[11/25/2024 4:05 PM]
40.56 -2.27 
38.87 -3.96 
17.79 - 59.40 2,074,554 930,000 96,036
07-08-2024 AH BLBD Blue Bird Corporation 1,500 0.85 0.43 0.42 Blue Bird Non-GAAP EPS of $0.91 beats by $0.40, revenue of $333.4M beats by $6.72M
[8/7/2024 4:05 PM]
48.48 0.03 
50.09 1.64 
17.59 - 59.40 1,260,760 610,000 5,884
08-05-2024 AH BLBD Blue Bird Corporation 1,180 0.83 0.31 0.25 Blue Bird Non-GAAP EPS of $0.89 beats by $0.41, revenue of $345.92M beats by $47.51M
[5/8/2024 4:17 PM]
47.17 9.63 
44.45 6.91 
17.59 - 49.00 2,402,886 370,000 4,989
07-02-2024 AH BLBD Blue Bird Corporation 999.12 0.86 0.34 -0.32 Blue Bird Non-GAAP EPS of $0.91 beats by $0.58, revenue of $317.7M beats by $42.57M
[2/7/2024 4:19 PM]
30.21 -1.04 
31.04 -0.21 
13.30 - 33.22 1,377,428 490,000 29,091
11-12-2023 AH BLBD Blue Bird Corporation 683.11 0.62 0.46 -0.67 Blue Bird Non-GAAP EPS of $0.66 beats by $0.18, revenue of $302.96M beats by $12.85M
[12/11/2023 4:19 PM]
24.05 2.24 
24.26 2.45 
8.91 - 28.80 3,132,527 330,000 35,792
09-08-2023 AH BLBD Blue Bird Corporation 672.76 0.42 0.24 -0.10 Blue Bird Non-GAAP EPS of $0.44 beats by $0.20, revenue of $294.3M beats by $9.3M
[8/9/2023 4:24 PM]
20.01 -0.83 
21.76 0.92 
7.14 - 28.80 779,399 190,000 5,230
11-05-2023 AH 4:00 PM ET
(May 11)
BLBD Blue Bird Corporation 596.76 0.25 0.09 -0.33 Blue Bird Non-GAAP EPS of $0.27 beats by $0.19, revenue of $299.8M beats by $50.27M
[5/11/2023 5:22 PM]
26.18 6.86 
24.58 5.26 
7.14 - 27.75 2,810,004 210,000 99,097
08-02-2023 AH 4:00 PM ET
(Feb 8)
BLBD Blue Bird Corporation 478.88 -0.32 -0.26 -0.12 Blue Bird Non-GAAP EPS of -$0.30 beats by $0.02, revenue of $235.7M beats by $24.53M
[2/8/2023 4:00 PM]
17.96 4.16 
15.76 1.96 
7.14 - 22.10 1,276,472 110,000 1,702
12-12-2022 AH 4:00 PM ET
(Dec 12)
BLBD Blue Bird Corporation 421.13 -0.67 0.04 -0.04 Blue Bird Non-GAAP EPS of -$0.66 misses by $0.70, revenue of $257.67M beats by $35.97M
[12/12/2022 4:03 PM]
10.19 -2.16 
11.75 -0.60 
7.14 - 22.10 620,739 160,000 1,055
10-08-2022 AH 4:00 PM ET
(Aug 10)
BLBD Blue Bird Corporation 313.83 -0.10 -0.25 0.18 11.64 -0.36 
11.13 -0.87 
8.41 - 25.87 141,751 80,000 3,055
12-05-2022 AH 4:00 PM ET
(May 12)
BLBD Blue Bird Corporation 476.43 -0.33 -0.08 0.03 Blue Bird GAAP EPS of -$0.31 misses by $0.17, revenue of $207.66M beats by $57.01M
[5/12/2022 4:01 PM]
12.74 -1.41 
14.16 0.0 
12.41 - 28.68 113,400 80,000 421
09-02-2022 AH 4:05 PM ET
(Feb 9)
BLBD Blue Bird Corporation 477.07 -0.12 -0.33 -0.02 Blue Bird GAAP EPS of -$0.15 beats by $0.17, revenue of $129.22M beats by $19.37M
[2/9/2022 4:03 PM]
17.64 1.72 
16.61 0.69 
13.79 - 28.90 177,760 90,000 1,640
15-12-2021 AH 4:00 PM ET
(Dec 15)
BLBD Blue Bird Corporation 469.22 -0.04 0.00 0.49 Blue Bird EPS misses by $0.11, misses on revenue
[12/15/2021 4:06 PM]
15.50 -0.57 
14.40 -1.67 
14.31 - 28.90 398,615 110,000 2,793
12-08-2021 AH 4:00 PM ET
(Aug 12)
BLBD Blue Bird Corporation 641.10 0.18 0.43 0.11 Blue Bird EPS misses by $0.20, misses on revenue
[8/12/2021 4:05 PM]
22.96 -2.02 
22.85 -2.13 
11.04 - 28.90 418,959 160,000 1,419
12-05-2021 AH 4:00 PM ET
(May 12)
BLBD Blue Bird Corporation 718.48 0.03 0.08 0.07 Blue Bird EPS misses by $0.03, misses on revenue
[5/12/2021 4:06 PM]
26.81 2.07 
25.45 0.71 
10.01 - 28.90 281,792 180,000 735
10-02-2021 AH 4:05 PM ET
(Feb 10)
BLBD Blue Bird Corporation 594.94 -0.02 0.04 0.07 Blue Bird EPS in-line, misses on revenue
[2/10/2021 4:26 PM]
18.86 -2.13 
20.35 -0.65 
8.40 - 26.88 508,145 181,584 2,363
16-12-2020 AH 4:00 PM ET
(Dec 16)
BLBD Blue Bird Corporation 431.42 0.49 0.33 0.71 Blue Bird EPS beats by $0.14, beats on revenue
[12/16/2020 4:08 PM]
16.83 0.13 
18.50 1.80 
8.40 - 23.99 145,162 82,275 564
12-08-2020 AH 4:00 PM ET
(Aug 12)
BLBD Blue Bird Corporation 378.65 0.11 0.12 0.66 Blue Bird EPS beats by $0.01, misses on revenue
[8/12/2020 4:02 PM]
12.05 -1.86 
13.91 0.0 
8.40 - 23.99 264,931 76,015 214
14-05-2020 AH 4:00 PM ET
(May 14)
BLBD Blue Bird Corporation 306.65 0.07 0.22 0.12 Blue Bird EPS misses by $0.14, beats on revenue
[5/14/2020 4:03 PM]
11.78 0.47 
11.78 0.0 
8.40 - 23.99 107,291 101,935 921