Earnings History Data for BlackRock, Inc. (BLK) - NYSE NASDAQ

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BlackRock, Inc.

BlackRock helps investors build better financial futures. As a fiduciary to their clients, they provide the investment and technology solutions they need when planning for their most important goals. They aim to be a responsible corporate citizen and to take into account environmental, social and governance issues that have real and quantifiable financial impacts over the long-term for their firm and the firms in which we invest. Long-term responsibility and sustainability are integrated into their business model and shareholder value creation framework and in the way they conduct their business, serve their clients and give back to the communities in which they and their clients live and work.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
15-01-2025 PM BLK BlackRock, Inc. 148,010 11.93 11.44 9.66 BlackRock Non-GAAP EPS of $11.93 beats by $0.71, revenue of $5.68B beats by $100M
[1/15/2025 6:03 AM]
1,012.21 49.04 
1,015.01 51.84 
745.55 - 1,082.45 932,124 740,000 40,466
11-10-2024 PM BLK BlackRock, Inc. 141,600 11.46 10.34 10.91 BlackRock, Inc. Non-GAAP EPS of $11.46 beats by $1.14, revenue of $5.19B beats by $270M
[10/11/2024 6:03 AM]
992.07 36.48 
972.01 16.42 
596.18 - 996.29 753,409 480,000 10,667
15-07-2024 PM BLK BlackRock, Inc. 122,580 10.36 9.96 9.28 BlackRock Non-GAAP EPS of $10.36 beats by $0.40, revenue of $4.81B beats by $30M
[7/15/2024 6:05 AM]
822.88 -5.09 
827.26 -0.71 
596.18 - 845.00 722,051 530,000 12,705
12-04-2024 PM BLK BlackRock, Inc. 116,720 9.81 9.42 7.93 BlackRock Non-GAAP EPS of $9.81 beats by $0.44, revenue of $4.73B beats by $20M
[4/12/2024 5:59 AM]
763.86 -22.10 
788.77 2.81 
596.18 - 845.00 1,176,687 670,000 39,987
12-01-2024 PM BLK BlackRock, Inc. 118,190 9.66 8.79 8.93 BlackRock Non-GAAP EPS of $9.66 beats by $0.82, revenue of $4.63B in-line
[1/12/2024 6:01 AM]
800.18 7.57 
790.00 -2.61 
596.18 - 819.00 713,012 520,000 5,833
13-10-2023 PM BLK BlackRock 95,845 10.91 8.52 0.00 BlackRock Non-GAAP EPS of $10.91 beats by $2.57, revenue of $4.52B in-line
[10/13/2023 6:18 AM]
626.67 -9.50 
620.30 -15.87 
503.12 - 785.65 1,100,427 590,000 16,332
14-07-2023 PM 6:15 AM ET
(Jul 14)
BLK BlackRock, Inc. 108,730 9.28 8.46 7.36 BlackRock Non-GAAP EPS of $9.28 beats by $0.86, revenue of $4.46B beats by $10M
[7/14/2023 6:17 AM]
727.84 -11.96 
740.75 0.95 
503.12 - 785.65 882,862 630,000 7,812
14-04-2023 PM 6:15 AM ET
(Apr 14)
BLK BlackRock 100,610 7.93 7.73 0.00 BlackRock Non-GAAP EPS of $7.93 beats by $0.20, revenue of $4.24B in-line
[4/14/2023 6:04 AM]
691.09 20.36 
679.00 8.27 
503.12 - 785.65 891,566 500,000 11,486
13-01-2023 PM 6:15 AM ET
(Jan 13)
BLK BlackRock, Inc. 113,740 8.93 7.96 10.42 BlackRock Non-GAAP EPS of $8.93 beats by $0.86, revenue of $4.34B beats by $70M
[1/13/2023 6:18 AM]
754.74 0.78 
752.00 -1.96 
503.12 - 891.16 883,465 760,000 4,614
13-10-2022 PM 6:15 AM ET
(Oct 13)
BLK BlackRock, Inc. 80,080 9.55 7.73 10.95 BlackRock Non-GAAP EPS of $9.55 beats by $2.28, revenue of $4.31B beats by $140M
[10/13/2022 6:17 AM]
566.17 35.07 
511.00 -20.10 
503.12 - 973.16 2,113,361 740,000 21,793
15-07-2022 PM 6:15 AM ET
(Jul 15)
BLK BlackRock, Inc. 91,400 7.36 8.43 10.03 BlackRock Non-GAAP EPS of $7.36 misses by $0.66, revenue of $4.53B in-line
[7/15/2022 6:15 AM]
599.74 11.11 
585.00 -3.63 
575.60 - 973.16 900,427 590,000 10,748
13-04-2022 PM 6:30 AM ET
(Apr 13)
BLK BlackRock, Inc. 111,920 9.52 9.22 7.77 BlackRock Non-GAAP EPS of $9.52 beats by $0.65, revenue of $4.7B misses by $60M
[4/13/2022 6:17 AM]
713.70 -3.13 
717.80 0.97 
660.15 - 973.16 780,078 770,000 2,938
14-01-2022 PM 6:15 AM ET
(Jan 14)
BLK BlackRock, Inc. 134,930 10.42 10.15 10.18 BlackRock Non-GAAP EPS of $10.42 beats by $0.28, revenue of $5.11B misses by $40M
[1/14/2022 6:30 AM]
848.42 -19.16 
844.55 -23.03 
670.28 - 973.16 986,746 600,000 14,993
13-10-2021 PM 6:15 AM ET
(Oct 13)
BLK BlackRock, Inc. 128,510 10.95 9.63 9.22 BlackRock EPS beats by $1.47, beats on revenue
[10/13/2021 6:17 AM]
868.87 32.68 
862.63 26.44 
587.90 - 959.88 1,207,004 520,000 14,023
14-07-2021 PM 6:15 AM ET
(Jul 14)
BLK BlackRock, Inc. 137,470 10.03 9.18 7.85 BlackRock EPS beats by $0.63, beats on revenue
[7/14/2021 6:16 AM]
880.84 -27.23 
892.75 -15.32 
531.39 - 920.31 868,034 600,000 15,555
15-04-2021 PM 6:15 AM ET
(Apr 15)
BLK BlackRock, Inc. 122,490 7.77 7.81 6.60 BlackRock EPS beats by $0.02, beats on revenue
[4/15/2021 6:18 AM]
818.46 17.39 
811.00 9.93 
440.00 - 827.85 622,937 520,000 6,733
14-01-2021 PM 6:15 AM ET
(Jan 14)
BLK BlackRock, Inc. 118,610 10.18 8.84 8.34 BlackRock EPS beats by $1.15, beats on revenue
[1/14/2021 6:16 AM]
742.28 -37.47 
755.25 -24.50 
323.98 - 788.00 1,438,693 592,047 64,263
13-10-2020 PM 6:20 AM ET
(Oct 13)
BLK BlackRock, Inc. 93,250 9.22 7.46 7.15 BlackRock EPS beats by $1.46, beats on revenue
[10/13/2020 6:15 AM]
641.59 26.70 
638.00 23.11 
323.98 - 646.29 946,952 564,681 43,120
17-07-2020 PM 6:00 AM ET
(Jul 17)
BLK BlackRock, Inc. 86,210 7.85 6.90 6.41 BlackRock EPS beats by $0.90, beats on revenue
[7/17/2020 6:15 AM]
587.09 20.13 
577.90 10.94 
323.98 - 592.48 629,032 624,161 6,322