Earnings History Data for BOK Financial (BOKF) - NYSE NASDAQ

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BOK Financial

BOK FINANCIAL CORP., through its subsidiaries, provides a wide range of financial services to commercial and intrial customers, other financial institutions and consumers throughout Oklahoma, Northwest Arkansas and North Texas. These services include depository and cash management; lending and lease financing; mortgage banking; securities brokerage; trading and underwriting; and personal and corporate trust.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
17-01-2025 AH BOKF BOK Financial 7,017 2.12 1.97 0.00 BOK Financial GAAP EPS of $2.12 beats by $0.12, revenue of $523.09M beats by $6M
[1/17/2025 4:05 PM]
112.99 1.87 
112.51 -0.48 
77.86 - 121.58 155,495 130,000 3,642
21-10-2024 AH BOKF BOK Financial Corporation 7,350 2.18 2.00 2.04 BOK Financial GAAP EPS of $2.18 beats by $0.21, revenue of $516.31M beats by $6.17M
[10/21/2024 4:24 PM]
107.89 -2.28 
111.25 1.08 
62.42 - 114.93 263,246 150,000 3,924
22-07-2024 AH BOKF BOK Financial Corporation 6,620 2.02 1.89 2.27 105.95 -0.84 
111.00 4.21 
62.42 - 107.97 186,012 150,000 2,294
24-04-2024 PM BOKF BOK Financial Corporation 5,810 1.91 1.72 2.43 BOK Financial GAAP EPS of $1.29 misses by $0.21, revenue of $455.27M misses by $23.11M
[4/24/2024 8:11 AM]
93.08 1.97 
0.0 0.0 
62.42 - 93.51 219,450 120,000 0
24-01-2024 PM BOKF BOK Financial Corporation 5,540 1.78 1.72 2.51 BOK Financial Non-GAAP EPS of $1.78 misses by $0.03, revenue of $501.56M beats by $10.55M
[1/24/2024 8:07 AM]
83.28 -0.03 
0.0 0.0 
62.42 - 106.47 169,834 100,000 0
25-10-2023 PM BOKF BOK Financial Corporation 4,820 2.04 2.12 2.32 BOK Financial GAAP EPS of $2.04 misses by $0.05, revenue of $498.75M misses by $16.85M
[10/25/2023 8:10 AM]
63.92 -7.58 
0.0 0.0 
62.44 - 110.85 659,541 220,000 0
26-07-2023 PM BOKF BOK Financial Corporation 6,080 2.27 2.28 1.96 BOK Financial GAAP EPS of $2.27 beats by $0.01, revenue of $531.31M beats by $10.14M
[7/26/2023 7:59 AM]
90.44 -0.24 
90.68 0.0 
74.40 - 110.85 226,873 170,000 248
26-04-2023 PM 7:55 AM ET
(Apr 26)
BOKF BOK Financial Corporation 5,480 2.43 2.29 0.91 BOK Financial GAAP EPS of $2.43 beats by $0.12, revenue of $530.21M beats by $5.47M
[4/26/2023 7:59 AM]
82.49 2.96 
0.0 0.0 
70.21 - 110.85 230,651 180,000 0
25-01-2023 PM 7:55 AM ET
(Jan 25)
BOKF BOK Financial Corporation 6,620 2.51 2.29 1.71 BOK Financial GAAP EPS of $2.51 beats by $0.26, revenue of $549.71M beats by $43.71M
[1/25/2023 7:57 AM]
99.14 -0.15 
99.29 0.0 
70.21 - 110.85 215,393 140,000 1,735
26-10-2022 PM 7:55 AM ET
(Oct 26)
BOKF BOK Financial Corporation 6,660 2.32 2.05 2.74 BOK Financial GAAP EPS of $2.32 beats by $0.33, revenue of $506.02M beats by $46.72M
[10/26/2022 7:59 AM]
102.17 1.21 
100.96 0.0 
70.21 - 120.20 327,133 210,000 3,210
27-07-2022 PM 7:55 AM ET
(Jul 27)
BOKF BOK Financial Corporation 5,320 1.96 1.44 2.40 BOK Financial GAAP EPS of $1.96 beats by $0.53, revenue of $442.6M beats by $22.63M
[7/27/2022 8:00 AM]
84.31 3.62 
80.70 0.0 
70.21 - 120.20 452,042 240,000 1,695
27-04-2022 PM 7:55 AM ET
(Apr 27)
BOKF BOK Financial Corporation 6,010 0.91 1.35 2.10 BOK Financial GAAP EPS of $0.91 misses by $0.34, revenue of $366.04M misses by $53.29M
[4/27/2022 8:08 AM]
85.60 0.03 
85.57 0.0 
77.65 - 120.20 205,963 150,000 2,837
19-01-2022 PM 7:55 AM ET
(Jan 19)
BOKF BOK Financial Corporation 7,800 1.71 1.81 2.21 BOK Financial GAAP EPS of $1.71 misses by $0.10, revenue of $434.52M misses by $18.41M
[1/19/2022 8:01 AM]
107.47 -8.23 
115.70 0.0 
72.81 - 120.20 197,637 200,000 425
20-10-2021 PM 7:55 AM ET
(Oct 20)
BOKF BOK Financial Corporation 6,510 2.74 1.82 2.19 BOK Financial EPS beats by $0.97, beats on revenue
[10/20/2021 8:02 AM]
99.55 4.68 
94.87 0.0 
55.51 - 99.64 174,490 90,000 475
21-07-2021 PM 7:55 AM ET
(Jul 21)
BOKF BOK Financial Corporation 5,450 2.40 1.84 0.92 BOK Financial EPS beats by $0.61, beats on revenue
[7/21/2021 8:08 AM]
83.30 1.95 
81.35 0.0 
48.41 - 98.95 120,693 150,000 18,395
21-04-2021 PM 7:55 AM ET
(Apr 21)
BOKF BOK Financial Corporation 6,340 2.10 1.92 0.88 BOK Financial EPS beats by $0.19, misses on revenue
[4/21/2021 8:03 AM]
87.13 -1.06 
88.19 0.0 
37.80 - 98.95 409,835 160,000 3,349
20-01-2021 PM 7:55 AM ET
(Jan 20)
BOKF BOK Financial Corporation 5,570 2.21 1.99 1.56 BOK Financial EPS beats by $0.31, beats on revenue
[1/20/2021 7:59 AM]
79.71 -0.72 
80.43 0.0 
34.57 - 86.30 304,485 330,986 21,545
21-10-2020 PM 7:55 AM ET
(Oct 21)
BOKF BOK Financial Corporation 3,890 2.19 1.57 2.00 BOK Financial EPS beats by $0.67, beats on revenue
[10/21/2020 8:02 AM]
57.97 1.20 
58.19 1.42 
34.57 - 88.28 247,109 185,717 237
22-07-2020 PM 7:55 AM ET
(Jul 22)
BOKF BOK Financial Corporation 3,650 0.92 1.17 1.93 BOK Financial EPS misses by $0.15, beats on revenue
[7/22/2020 8:02 AM]
55.58 0.44 
55.14 0.0 
34.57 - 88.28 295,186 217,764 600