Earnings History Data for Popular, Inc. (BPOP) - NYSE NASDAQ

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Popular, Inc.

Popular, Inc. is a diversified, publicly owned bank holding company. The corporation's principal subsidiary, Banco Popular de Puerto Rico, has one of the largest retail franchise in Puerto Rico, operating numerous branches and automated teller machines. The Bank also operates branches in the U.S. Virgin Islands, the British Virgin Islands, and New York.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
28-01-2025 PM BPOP Popular, Inc. 7,240 2.51 2.04 1.94 Popular GAAP EPS of $2.51 beats by $0.45, revenue of $755.46M beats by $6.82M
[1/28/2025 7:04 AM]
102.60 -1.17 
104.08 0.31 
80.60 - 106.46 514,063 510,000 2,546
23-10-2024 PM BPOP Popular, Inc. 7,100 2.16 2.33 1.90 Popular GAAP EPS of $2.16 misses by $0.16, revenue of $736.55M misses by $25.22M
[10/23/2024 7:06 AM]
89.48 -10.45 
98.95 -0.98 
59.27 - 105.01 2,166,926 440,000 100
24-07-2024 PM BPOP Popular, Inc. 7,310 2.46 2.08 2.10 Popular GAAP EPS of $2.46 beats by $0.34, revenue of $734.62M misses by $13.27M
[7/24/2024 7:19 AM]
99.57 -3.39 
0.0 0.0 
59.27 - 105.01 593,309 440,000 0
23-04-2024 PM BPOP Popular, Inc. 5,910 1.87 1.96 2.22 Popular misses Q1 top and bottom line estimates
[4/23/2024 9:42 AM]
87.80 2.55 
83.01 -2.24 
52.32 - 89.70 568,429 360,000 428
25-01-2024 PM BPOP Popular, Inc. 5,930 1.94 1.04 3.56 Popular GAAP EPS of $1.31 misses by $0.12, revenue of $702.92M misses by $2.35M
[1/25/2024 7:07 AM]
85.66 2.17 
0.0 0.0 
49.34 - 87.47 785,280 360,000 0
26-10-2023 PM BPOP Popular, Inc. 4,400 1.90 1.88 5.70 Popular GAAP EPS of $1.90 beats by $0.05, revenue of $693.57M misses by $1.94M
[10/26/2023 8:05 AM]
64.71 4.72 
0.0 0.0 
49.34 - 77.45 681,741 310,000 0
26-07-2023 PM BPOP Popular, Inc. 4,940 2.10 1.71 2.77 Popular GAAP EPS of $2.10 beats by $0.28, revenue of $692.14M beats by $16.46M
[7/26/2023 8:06 AM]
71.83 4.28 
69.99 2.44 
49.34 - 83.22 720,555 440,000 452
26-04-2023 PM 8:00 AM ET
(Apr 26)
BPOP Popular, Inc. 4,250 2.22 2.04 2.69 Popular GAAP EPS of $2.22 beats by $0.19, revenue of $693.6M beats by $2.94M
[4/26/2023 8:02 AM]
59.19 2.02 
0.0 0.0 
49.34 - 83.64 1,113,298 600,000 0
25-01-2023 PM 8:00 AM ET
(Jan 25)
BPOP Popular, Inc. 5,020 3.56 2.75 2.58 Popular GAAP EPS of $3.56 beats by $0.94, revenue of $718.03M misses by $12.79M
[1/25/2023 7:36 AM]
66.22 -2.12 
68.75 0.41 
62.55 - 95.28 1,360,826 430,000 522
26-10-2022 PM 8:00 AM ET
(Oct 26)
BPOP Popular, Inc. 5,530 5.70 2.53 3.09 Popular GAAP EPS of $5.70 beats by $2.97, revenue of $1.01B
[10/26/2022 8:08 AM]
70.13 -5.11 
75.24 0.0 
67.40 - 99.48 1,879,842 560,000 3,982
28-07-2022 PM 8:00 AM ET
(Jul 28)
BPOP Popular, Inc. 6,040 2.77 2.52 2.66 76.77 -3.28 
80.91 0.86 
70.00 - 99.48 707,105 410,000 105
26-04-2022 PM 7:00 AM ET
(Apr 26)
BPOP Popular 6,224 2.69 2.32 0.00 Popular GAAP EPS of $2.69 beats by $0.39, revenue of $649M beats by $1.84M
[4/26/2022 8:05 AM]
78.61 -1.34 
80.46 0.51 
68.31 - 99.48 761,665 560,000 322
27-01-2022 PM 8:00 AM ET
(Jan 27)
BPOP Popular, Inc. 7,170 2.58 2.16 2.10 Popular GAAP EPS of $2.58 beats by $0.34, revenue of $665.96M beats by $13.02M
[1/27/2022 7:32 AM]
86.28 -2.58 
88.86 0.0 
54.01 - 99.48 591,535 870,000 3,371
20-10-2021 PM 8:00 AM ET
(Oct 20)
BPOP Popular, Inc. 6,430 3.09 2.15 2.00 Popular EPS beats by $0.85, beats on revenue
[10/20/2021 8:14 AM]
81.97 1.77 
80.20 0.0 
38.05 - 83.72 488,203 330,000 4,795
22-07-2021 PM 8:00 AM ET
(Jul 22)
BPOP Popular, Inc. 5,660 2.66 2.03 1.49 Popular EPS beats by $0.63, beats on revenue
[7/22/2021 8:10 AM]
72.32 -0.38 
72.83 0.13 
34.30 - 83.72 554,159 570,000 100
28-04-2021 PM 7:00 AM ET
(Apr 28)
BPOP Popular, Inc. 6,200 3.12 1.91 0.37 Popular EPS beats by $1.27, beats on revenue
[4/28/2021 8:11 AM]
73.84 -1.36 
75.20 0.0 
31.33 - 77.04 664,216 430,000 26,777
28-01-2021 PM 8:00 AM ET
(Jan 28)
BPOP Popular, Inc. 4,820 2.10 1.72 1.72 Popular EPS beats by $0.51, misses on revenue
[1/28/2021 7:17 AM]
59.09 3.94 
55.20 0.05 
23.69 - 61.86 1,325,204 425,012 250
28-10-2020 PM 8:00 AM ET
(Oct 28)
BPOP Popular, Inc. 3,420 2.00 1.11 1.70 Popular EPS beats by $0.80, misses on revenue
[10/28/2020 8:10 AM]
40.19 0.93 
39.26 0.0 
23.69 - 61.46 777,851 447,127 4,600