Earnings History Data for Pathward Financial, Inc. (CASH) - NYSE NASDAQ

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Pathward Financial, Inc.

Meta Financial Group, Inc. is the holding company for federally chartered savings bank MetaBank, Member FDIC. Headquartered in Sioux Falls, S.D., MetaBank operates in both the Banking and Payments industries: MetaBank, its retail banking division; Meta Payment Systems, its electronic payments division; AFS/IBEX, its insurance premium finance division; and Refund Advantage, its tax refund-transfer software division. The synergies among the four provide a unique business model for the company.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
21-01-2025 AH CASH Pathward Financial, Inc. 1,850 1.29 1.14 1.06 Global X High Interest Savings ETF GAAP EPS of $1.29 misses by $0.13, revenue of $173.5M beats by $0.23M
[1/21/2025 4:13 PM]
77.37 -1.06 
75.54 -2.89 
46.68 - 86.00 229,149 180,000 3,924
23-10-2024 AH CASH Pathward Financial, Inc. 1,820 1.35 1.27 1.36 Pathward Financial GAAP EPS of $1.35 beats by $0.08, revenue of $167.9M misses by $0.2M
[10/23/2024 4:17 PM]
70.33 -2.35 
72.68 0.0 
41.79 - 75.20 212,718 190,000 2,327
24-07-2024 AH CASH Pathward Financial, Inc. 1,630 1.66 1.50 1.76 Pathward Financial GAAP EPS of $1.66 beats by $0.11, revenue of $176.7M in-line
[7/24/2024 4:35 PM]
68.35 3.62 
64.73 0.0 
41.79 - 69.62 543,666 250,000 15,374
24-04-2024 AH CASH Pathward Financial, Inc. 1,280 2.56 2.37 2.18 Pathward Financial Non-GAAP EPS of $2.18 misses by $0.17, revenue of $247.2M beats by $6.56M
[4/24/2024 4:15 PM]
52.94 1.84 
51.10 0.01 
39.90 - 60.49 153,949 120,000 3,430
24-01-2024 AH CASH Pathward Financial, Inc. 1,370 1.06 1.23 0.81 Pathward Financial GAAP EPS of $1.06 misses by $0.18, revenue of $162.8M misses by $3.65M
[1/24/2024 4:17 PM]
52.95 1.05 
51.39 -0.51 
39.75 - 60.49 293,683 190,000 842
25-10-2023 AH CASH Pathward Financial, Inc. 1,140 1.36 1.29 1.04 Pathward Financial Non-GAAP EPS of $1.36 beats by $0.11, revenue of $161M beats by $5.43M
[10/25/2023 4:41 PM]
46.06 3.57 
45.05 2.56 
38.91 - 60.49 215,826 160,000 802
26-07-2023 AH CASH Pathward Financial, Inc. 1,520 1.76 1.42 0.93 Pathward Financial Non-GAAP EPS of $1.76 beats by $0.29, revenue of $165.2M misses by $0.79M
[7/26/2023 4:39 PM]
53.01 -3.85 
57.50 0.64 
31.16 - 60.49 439,959 260,000 55,873
26-04-2023 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Apr 26)
CASH Pathward Financial, Inc. 1,140 2.18 2.02 1.73 Pathward Financial beats Q1 top and bottom line estimates; reaffirms FY23 outlook
[4/26/2023 4:52 PM]
43.49 2.86 
42.05 1.42 
31.16 - 52.71 339,830 160,000 9,638
25-01-2023 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Jan 25)
CASH Pathward Financial, Inc. 1,300 0.81 0.78 0.78 Pathward Financial FQ1 GAAP EPS up Y/Y, revenue down, FY23 guidance in-line
[1/25/2023 4:35 PM]
48.99 3.26 
47.50 1.77 
31.16 - 61.63 378,075 210,000 1,002
27-10-2022 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Oct 27)
CASH Pathward Financial, Inc. 1,140 1.04 0.73 0.50 Pathward Financial Non-GAAP EPS of $1.04 beats by $0.34, revenue of $123.22M beats by $0.8M
[10/27/2022 4:44 PM]
42.00 2.48 
39.52 0.0 
31.16 - 65.95 244,246 170,000 1,437
27-07-2022 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Jul 27)
CASH Pathward Financial, Inc. 1,220 0.93 0.82 1.21 Meta Financial reports Q3 results
[7/27/2022 4:40 PM]
33.99 -9.13 
43.12 0.0 
31.16 - 65.95 1,638,391 160,000 5,436
28-04-2022 AH After the close
(Apr 28)
CASH Meta Financial Group, Inc. 1,350 1.73 1.93 1.84 Meta Financial Non-GAAP EPS of $1.73 misses by $0.24, revenue of $193.57M misses by $7.51M
[4/28/2022 4:48 PM]
43.52 -2.40 
45.92 0.0 
43.26 - 65.95 225,623 200,000 3,460
26-01-2022 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Jan 26)
CASH Meta Financial Group, Inc. 1,740 0.78 0.77 0.84 Meta Financial Non-GAAP EPS of $0.78 beats by $0.10, revenue of $158.2M beats by $44.75M
[1/26/2022 4:20 PM]
56.63 -0.22 
56.85 0.0 
36.16 - 65.95 223,493 220,000 22,390
27-10-2021 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Oct 27)
CASH Meta Financial Group, Inc. 1,980 0.50 0.85 0.38 Meta Financial EPS misses by $0.31, beats on revenue
[10/27/2021 4:43 PM]
55.05 -4.04 
59.09 0.0 
23.02 - 62.97 983,686 230,000 2,589
28-07-2021 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Jul 28)
CASH Meta Financial Group, Inc. 1,550 1.21 0.89 0.53 Meta Financial EPS beats by $0.32, beats on revenue
[7/28/2021 4:46 PM]
50.40 1.23 
49.50 0.32 
17.74 - 54.65 170,832 110,000 186
27-04-2021 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Apr 27)
CASH Meta Financial Group, Inc. 1,480 1.84 1.54 0.94 Meta Financial EPS beats by $0.27, misses on revenue
[4/27/2021 4:22 PM]
50.06 3.57 
46.70 0.21 
13.09 - 51.02 523,320 160,000 2,458
27-01-2021 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Jan 27)
CASH Meta Financial Group, Inc. 1,260 0.84 0.55 0.56 Meta Financial EPS beats by $0.33, beats on revenue
[1/27/2021 4:17 PM]
39.50 2.31 
37.19 0.0 
13.09 - 41.00 237,502 205,627 3,887
28-10-2020 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Oct 28)
CASH Meta Financial Group, Inc. 842.14 0.38 0.18 0.53 Meta Financial EPS beats by $0.20, beats on revenue
[10/28/2020 4:29 PM]
28.88 5.85 
26.50 3.47 
13.09 - 40.00 970,716 200,892 6,768
22-07-2020 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Jul 22)
CASH Meta Financial Group, Inc. 642.32 0.53 0.19 0.75 Meta Financial EPS beats by $0.33, misses on revenue
[7/22/2020 4:19 PM]
19.62 1.11 
18.70 0.19 
13.09 - 40.00 97,107 199,623 630