Earnings History Data for Caseys General Stores, Inc. (CASY) - NYSE NASDAQ

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Caseys General Stores, Inc.

Casey's General Stores, Inc. and its wholly owned subsidiaries operate convenience stores under the names `Casey's` and `Casey's General Store`. The Company also operates two stores under the name `Tobacco City`, selling primarily tobacco products, and one grocery store. The Casey's stores carry a broad selection of food (including freshly prepared foods such as pizza, donuts, and sandwiches), beverages, tobacco products, health and beauty aids, automotive products, and other nonfood items. In addition, all but two stores offer fuel for sale on a self-service basis. Casey's General Stores Inc. is a chain of convenience stores. Casey's operates its own distribution centers, delivering approximately 90% of in-store products as well as approximately 75% of the fuel sold at own stores.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
11-03-2025 AH CASY Caseys General Stores, Inc. 14,800 2.33 1.83 2.33 Casey's General Stores GAAP EPS of $2.33 beats by $0.25, revenue of $3.9B beats by $160M
[3/11/2025 4:39 PM]
402.36 23.66 
390.00 11.30 
290.00 - 445.17 712,319 340,000 1,249
09-12-2024 AH CASY Caseys General Stores, Inc. 15,590 4.85 4.24 4.24 Casey's General Stores GAAP EPS of $4.85 beats by $0.58, revenue of $3.95B misses by $70M
[12/9/2024 4:15 PM]
417.19 -0.92 
408.95 -9.16 
266.56 - 435.60 411,862 230,000 1,082
04-09-2024 AH CASY Caseys General Stores, Inc. 13,320 4.83 4.54 4.52 Casey's General Stores GAAP EPS of $4.83 beats by $0.35, revenue of $4.1B misses by $50M
[9/4/2024 5:06 PM]
379.74 25.22 
359.04 4.52 
238.44 - 401.07 642,506 230,000 1,006
11-06-2024 AH CASY Casey's General Stores 12,100 2.34 1.70 0.00 Caseys General Stores GAAP EPS of $2.34 beats by $0.64, revenue of $3.6B beats by $130M
[6/11/2024 4:35 PM]
381.90 55.37 
348.00 21.47 
216.95 - 389.43 1,459,385 300,000 11,001
11-03-2024 AH CASY Caseys General Stores, Inc. 11,400 2.33 2.20 2.36 Caseys General Stores GAAP EPS of $2.33 beats by $0.19, revenue of $3.33B misses by $190M
[3/11/2024 4:24 PM]
293.42 -5.34 
297.24 -1.52 
202.13 - 314.99 522,379 310,000 4,111
11-12-2023 AH CASY Caseys General Stores, Inc. 10,240 4.24 3.65 3.67 Caseys General Stores GAAP EPS of $4.24 beats by $0.37, revenue of $4.06B in-line
[12/11/2023 4:10 PM]
272.53 -1.28 
272.00 -1.81 
202.13 - 286.62 517,462 280,000 4,398
11-09-2023 AH CASY Caseys General Stores, Inc. 8,940 4.52 3.36 4.09 Caseys General Stores GAAP EPS of $4.52 beats by $1.19, revenue of $3.87B misses by $30M
[9/11/2023 4:37 PM]
266.14 26.74 
251.68 12.28 
197.22 - 267.95 843,490 250,000 3,224
06-06-2023 AH 5:05 PM ET
(Jun 6)
CASY Caseys General Stores, Inc. 8,390 1.49 1.58 1.60 Caseys General Stores GAAP EPS of $1.49 misses by $0.14, revenue of $3.33B misses by $50M
[6/6/2023 5:11 PM]
217.34 -6.92 
217.60 -6.66 
181.40 - 249.90 611,293 280,000 8,582
07-03-2023 AH 5:05 PM ET
(Mar 7)
CASY Caseys General Stores, Inc. 8,060 2.36 1.79 1.71 Caseys General Stores Non-GAAP EPS of $2.36 beats by $0.36, revenue of $3.33B misses by $10M
[3/7/2023 5:23 PM]
218.16 8.46 
214.76 5.06 
170.82 - 249.90 597,185 260,000 6,608
06-12-2022 AH 5:05 PM ET
(Dec 6)
CASY Caseys General Stores, Inc. 8,720 3.67 3.27 2.59 Caseys General Stores GAAP EPS of $3.67 beats by $0.47, revenue of $3.98B misses by $50M
[12/6/2022 5:08 PM]
247.76 17.80 
234.80 4.84 
170.82 - 248.43 389,535 250,000 618
07-09-2022 AH 5:00 PM ET
(Sep 7)
CASY Caseys General Stores, Inc. 7,400 4.09 3.84 3.19 Caseys General Stores GAAP EPS of $4.09 beats by $0.36, revenue of $4.45B misses by $20M
[9/7/2022 5:13 PM]
220.10 -1.29 
218.00 -3.40 
170.82 - 222.40 480,781 230,000 1,157
07-06-2022 AH 5:15 PM ET
(Jun 7)
CASY Caseys General Stores, Inc. 7,860 1.60 1.54 1.12 Caseys General Stores GAAP EPS of $1.60 beats by $0.01, revenue of $3.46B in-line
[6/7/2022 5:01 PM]
197.52 -8.73 
202.00 -4.25 
170.82 - 216.40 699,922 280,000 361
08-03-2022 AH 5:20 PM ET
(Mar 8)
CASY Caseys General Stores, Inc. 7,070 1.71 1.45 1.04 Caseys General Stores GAAP EPS of $1.71 beats by $0.28, revenue of $3B misses by $50M
[3/8/2022 5:20 PM]
186.96 15.13 
171.83 0.0 
170.82 - 229.18 218,916 390,000 271
07-12-2021 AH 5:30 PM ET
(Dec 7)
CASY Caseys General Stores, Inc. 7,260 2.59 2.91 3.00 Caseys General Stores EPS misses by $0.32, beats on revenue
[12/7/2021 5:27 PM]
187.01 -14.21 
191.00 -10.22 
172.58 - 229.18 621,059 150,000 1,233
07-09-2021 AH 5:30 PM ET
(Sep 7)
CASY Caseys General Stores, Inc. 7,720 3.19 2.74 3.24 Caseys General Stores EPS beats by $0.27, beats on revenue
[9/7/2021 5:41 PM]
192.82 -9.84 
202.40 -0.26 
165.38 - 229.18 529,206 150,000 790
08-06-2021 AH 6:35 PM ET
(Jun 8)
CASY Caseys General Stores, Inc. 8,090 1.12 0.67 1.67 Caseys General Stores EPS beats by $0.36, beats on revenue
[6/8/2021 5:35 PM]
205.03 -9.73 
208.08 -6.68 
142.34 - 229.18 551,598 260,000 2,576
08-03-2021 AH 5:15 PM ET
(Mar 8)
CASY Caseys General Stores, Inc. 7,290 1.04 0.93 0.91 Caseys General Stores EPS beats by $0.06, revenue in-line
[3/8/2021 5:24 PM]
197.27 -4.94 
200.00 -2.21 
114.01 - 213.62 287,866 218,919 348
07-12-2020 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Dec 7)
CASY Caseys General Stores, Inc. 6,680 3.00 2.66 2.21 Caseys General Stores EPS beats by $0.24, beats on revenue
[12/7/2020 5:21 PM]
181.66 -6.16 
183.50 -4.32 
114.01 - 196.58 518,816 234,089 912
08-09-2020 AH 4:20 PM ET
(Sep 8)
CASY Caseys General Stores, Inc. 6,560 3.24 1.88 2.31 Caseys General Stores EPS beats by $1.15, misses on revenue
[9/8/2020 4:17 PM]
172.09 -2.04 
166.00 -8.13 
114.01 - 183.45 275,922 212,570 2,881
08-06-2020 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Jun 8)
CASY Caseys General Stores, Inc. 6,200 1.67 1.59 0.68 Caseys General Stores EPS misses by $0.03, beats on revenue
[6/8/2020 4:21 PM]
163.16 -6.35 
160.00 -9.51 
114.01 - 181.99 525,438 334,819 1,134