Earnings History Data for Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CM) - NYSE NASDAQ

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Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce

CIBC is a leading North American financial institution that offers a full range of products and services through its comprehensive electronic banking network, branches and offices across Canada, in the United States and around the world. It offers these services through two distinct business lines: CIBC Retail Markets and CIBC World Markets. The former comprises CIBC's personal, business banking and wealth businesses. It provides a full range of financial products and services to personal, business and wealth management clients, as well as investment management services globally to retail and institutional clients. CIBC is headquartered in Toronto, Canada.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
27-02-2025 PM CM Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 56,780 1.55 1.37 1.34 Canadian Imperial Bank reports Q1 results
[2/27/2025 5:28 AM]
59.91 -0.55 
61.21 0.75 
46.11 - 67.45 766,164 700,000 1,597
05-12-2024 PM CM Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 59,950 1.40 1.26 1.16 Canadian Imperial Bank Non-GAAP EPS of C$1.91, revenue of C$6.62B
[12/5/2024 5:32 AM]
66.56 2.94 
64.80 1.18 
41.77 - 67.12 1,736,832 820,000 3,915
29-08-2024 PM CM Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 51,470 1.41 1.28 1.14 Canadian Imperial Bank Non-GAAP EPS of C$1.93, revenue of C$6.6B
[8/29/2024 5:56 AM]
57.46 2.93 
55.65 1.12 
34.35 - 58.02 1,663,476 1,270,000 4,374
30-05-2024 PM CM Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 45,190 1.29 1.22 1.25 Canadian Imperial Bank Non-GAAP EPS of C$1.75, revenue of C$6.16B
[5/30/2024 5:42 AM]
50.54 3.47 
50.42 3.35 
34.35 - 51.14 1,817,551 1,040,000 950
29-02-2024 PM CM Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 43,300 1.34 1.24 1.44 Canadian Imperial Bank Non-GAAP EPS of C$1.81, revenue of C$6.22B
[2/29/2024 5:32 AM]
47.40 1.11 
47.09 0.80 
34.35 - 48.92 1,751,674 2,290,000 2,183
30-11-2023 PM CM Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 35,880 1.16 1.13 1.08 Canadian Imperial Bank Non-GAAP EPS of C$1.57, revenue of C$5.84B
[11/30/2023 5:32 AM]
41.34 2.08 
39.75 0.49 
34.35 - 48.26 2,283,448 1,340,000 491
31-08-2023 PM CM Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 37,410 1.14 1.25 1.45 Canadian Imperial Bank Non-GAAP EPS of C$1.52, revenue of C$5.85B
[8/31/2023 5:58 AM]
39.60 -1.28 
40.65 -0.23 
39.11 - 49.95 2,047,309 1,180,000 1,622
25-05-2023 PM 5:40 AM ET
(May 25)
CM Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 38,210 1.25 1.21 1.40 Canadian Imperial Bank Non-GAAP EPS of $1.70 beats by $0.07, revenue of $5.7B beats by $10M
[5/25/2023 5:42 AM]
41.66 0.73 
42.00 1.06 
39.40 - 56.68 1,542,002 820,000 937
24-02-2023 PM 5:40 AM ET
(Feb 24)
CM Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 41,130 1.44 1.22 1.61 Canadian Imperial Bank Non-GAAP EPS of C$1.94 beats by C$0.22, revenue of C$5.93B beats by C$210M
[2/24/2023 6:03 AM]
46.20 0.97 
0.0 0.0 
39.40 - 65.81 2,580,346 960,000 0
01-12-2022 PM CM Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 43,110 1.08 1.29 1.34 Canadian Imperial Bank Non-GAAP EPS of C$1.39 misses by C$0.33, revenue of C$5.39B misses by C$200M
[12/1/2022 5:39 AM]
44.31 -3.86 
47.34 -0.83 
39.72 - 66.24 1,810,824 620,000 2,306
25-08-2022 PM 0:00 AM ET
(Aug 25)
CM Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 44,080 1.45 1.39 1.60 Canadian Imperial Bank Non-GAAP EPS of C$1.85 beats by C$0.02, revenue of C$5.57B in-line
[8/25/2022 5:58 AM]
0.2642 -0.01 
22.55 0.0 
0.25 - 1.95 466,195 410,000 115,681
26-05-2022 PM 0:00 AM ET
(May 26)
CM Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 49,060 1.40 1.38 1.42 Canadian Imperial Bank Non-GAAP EPS of C$1.77 beats by C$0.05, revenue of C$5.5B beats by C$180M
[5/26/2022 5:59 AM]
53.78 -0.98 
54.77 0.01 
51.14 - 66.24 765,954 850,000 217
25-02-2022 PM 5:55 AM ET
(Feb 25)
CM Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 57,030 3.22 2.83 2.78 Canadian Imperial Bank Non-GAAP EPS of C$4.08 beats by C$0.40, revenue of C$5.5B beats by C$250M
[2/25/2022 5:58 AM]
127.68 6.84 
120.84 0.0 
92.16 - 132.48 602,909 440,000 11,189
26-08-2021 PM 5:25 AM ET
(Aug 26)
CM Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 53,390 3.20 2.65 1.96 Canadian Imperial Bank EPS beats by $0.54, beats on revenue
[8/26/2021 6:00 AM]
116.88 -3.29 
120.17 0.0 
72.07 - 121.11 493,918 360,000 873
27-05-2021 PM 5:55 AM ET
(May 27)
CM Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 50,330 2.85 2.36 0.68 Canadian Imperial Bank EPS beats by C$0.52, misses on revenue
[5/27/2021 5:36 AM]
117.39 4.37 
113.02 0.0 
63.63 - 117.76 818,817 470,000 2,732
25-02-2021 PM 5:55 AM ET
(Feb 25)
CM Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 41,310 2.78 2.18 2.45 Canadian Imperial Bank EPS beats by C$0.78, beats on revenue
[2/25/2021 5:56 AM]
93.67 1.16 
95.46 1.16 
46.45 - 95.59 562,720 352,313 304
03-12-2020 PM 5:55 AM ET
(Dec 3)
CM Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 38,250 2.11 1.89 2.15 Canadian Imperial Bank EPS beats by C$0.26, misses on revenue
[12/3/2020 5:56 AM]
85.62 0.52 
85.10 0.0 
46.45 - 87.06 295,205 295,636 1,967
27-08-2020 PM 5:55 AM ET
(Aug 27)
CM Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 33,350 1.96 1.51 2.32 Canadian Imperial Bank EPS beats by C$0.53, misses on revenue
[8/27/2020 5:57 AM]
79.55 0.28 
79.27 0.0 
46.45 - 87.62 185,885 341,935 4,517
28-05-2020 PM 6:15 AM ET
(May 28)
CM Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 26,220 0.68 1.17 2.23 Canadian Imperial Bank EPS misses by C$0.77, misses on revenue
[5/28/2020 5:56 AM]
66.04 -0.38 
66.42 0.0 
46.45 - 87.62 435,066 675,352 4,570