Earnings History Data for CNX Resources Corporation (CNX) - NYSE NASDAQ

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CNX Resources Corporation

CONSOL Energy Inc. is a Canonsburg-based producer and exporter of high-Btu bituminous thermal and crossover metallurgical coal. It owns and operates some of the most productive longwall mining operations in the Northern Appalachian Basin. The company also owns and operates the CONSOL Marine Terminal, which is located in the port of Baltimore.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
30-01-2025 PM CNX CNX Resources Corporation 4,150 N/A 0.43 0.68 CNX Resources misses Q4 top-line and bottom-line estimates; initiates FY25 outlook
[1/30/2025 6:52 AM]
27.48 -0.34 
28.50 0.68 
19.07 - 41.93 4,858,285 3,100,000 11,856
24-10-2024 PM CNX CNX Resources Corporation 5,360 0.41 0.31 0.35 CNX Resources GAAP EPS of $0.37 beats by $0.05, revenue of $424.21M beats by $21.21M
[10/24/2024 6:52 AM]
37.26 1.41 
37.00 1.15 
19.07 - 37.40 2,367,389 2,680,000 5,313
25-07-2024 PM CNX CNX Resources Corporation 3,900 0.36 0.27 0.29 CNX Resources misses top-line and bottom-line estimates; updates FY24 outlook
[7/25/2024 6:48 AM]
25.00 0.11 
25.75 0.86 
18.17 - 26.60 4,501,255 3,150,000 851
25-04-2024 PM CNX CNX Resources Corporation 3,650 0.45 0.36 0.56 CNX Resources GAAP EPS of $0.04 misses by $0.35, revenue of $384.55M misses by $42.78M
[4/25/2024 6:49 AM]
23.89 -0.32 
23.90 -0.31 
14.36 - 24.82 4,151,843 2,310,000 3,078
25-01-2024 PM CNX CNX Resources Corporation 3,150 0.68 0.27 1.64 CNX Resources EPS of $2.89
[1/25/2024 6:48 AM]
20.45 0.37 
20.40 0.32 
14.36 - 23.68 7,030,933 3,050,000 5,561
25-10-2023 PM CNX CNX Resources Corporation 3,670 0.35 0.26 -0.54 CNX Resources misses Q3 top and bottom line estimates; reaffirms FY23 outlook
[10/25/2023 6:50 AM]
22.04 -0.65 
22.08 -0.61 
14.36 - 23.68 3,889,092 2,460,000 21,156
27-07-2023 PM CNX CNX Resources Corporation 3,050 0.29 0.28 0.61 CNX Resources GAAP EPS of $2.47, revenue of $839.7M
[7/27/2023 6:53 AM]
18.77 0.23 
18.15 -0.38 
14.36 - 19.75 3,624,685 2,660,000 56,312
27-04-2023 PM 6:45 AM ET
(Apr 27)
CNX CNX Resources Corporation 2,580 0.56 0.44 0.79 CNX Resources reports mixed Q1 earnings; updates FY23 outlook
[4/27/2023 6:51 AM]
15.47 0.39 
0.0 0.0 
14.36 - 24.21 5,726,380 2,680,000 0
26-01-2023 PM 6:45 AM ET
(Jan 26)
CNX CNX Resources Corporation 2,990 1.64 0.58 0.31 CNX Resources GAAP EPS of $5.68, revenue of $1.64B
[1/26/2023 6:53 AM]
16.16 0.40 
15.78 0.02 
14.13 - 24.21 5,671,389 2,630,000 11,467
27-10-2022 PM 6:45 AM ET
(Oct 27)
CNX CNX Resources Corporation 3,460 -0.54 0.72 0.74 CNX Resources reports Q3 results, raises FY22 guidance
[10/27/2022 6:59 AM]
16.44 -1.75 
18.20 0.01 
13.00 - 24.21 9,004,992 3,010,000 123,652
28-07-2022 PM 6:45 AM ET
(Jul 28)
CNX CNX Resources Corporation 3,560 0.61 0.78 0.18 CNX ResourcesEPS of $0.15, revenue of $420.42M misses by $148.85M
[7/28/2022 6:57 AM]
17.56 -1.96 
19.50 -0.02 
10.41 - 24.21 5,825,510 2,720,000 516
28-04-2022 PM 6:45 AM ET
(Apr 28)
CNX CNX Resources Corporation 4,060 0.79 0.60 0.36 CNX ResourcesEPS of -$4.62
[4/28/2022 6:53 AM]
21.15 0.31 
21.50 0.66 
10.41 - 23.33 3,560,490 2,750,000 925
27-01-2022 PM 6:45 AM ET
(Jan 27)
CNX CNX Resources Corporation 3,160 0.31 0.50 0.21 CNX Resources GAAP EPS of $2.90, revenue of $1.29B
[1/27/2022 6:51 AM]
14.62 0.13 
15.25 0.75 
10.41 - 16.22 5,133,950 3,290,000 3,513
28-10-2021 PM 6:50 AM ET
(Oct 28)
CNX CNX Resources Corporation 3,250 0.74 0.33 0.04 CNX Resources EPS misses by $4.35, beats on revenue; updates full year guidance
[10/28/2021 6:56 AM]
15.25 0.44 
15.09 0.28 
8.31 - 16.08 4,499,923 3,590,000 82,907
29-07-2021 PM 6:45 AM ET
(Jul 29)
CNX CNX Resources Corporation 2,730 0.18 0.24 0.13 CNX Resources EPS of -$1.61
[7/29/2021 6:51 AM]
12.22 -0.63 
12.91 0.06 
8.31 - 15.88 4,460,682 3,120,000 184
29-04-2021 PM 6:45 AM ET
(Apr 29)
CNX CNX Resources Corporation 3,000 0.36 0.28 0.19 CNX Resources EPS beats by $0.17, beats on revenue; updates FY2021 outlook
[4/29/2021 6:50 AM]
13.88 -0.52 
13.88 0.0 
7.96 - 15.88 2,304,042 2,200,000 8,890
28-01-2021 PM 6:45 AM ET
(Jan 28)
CNX CNX Resources Corporation 2,790 0.21 0.18 0.12 CNX Resources EPS beats by $0.77, beats on revenue
[1/28/2021 6:48 AM]
12.71 0.28 
12.98 0.55 
4.26 - 14.19 4,902,240 4,089,930 10,654
29-10-2020 PM 6:45 AM ET
(Oct 29)
CNX CNX Resources Corporation 2,560 0.04 0.01 -0.06 CNX Resources EPS misses by $1.02, misses on revenue
[10/29/2020 6:57 AM]
9.82 0.13 
9.50 -0.19 
4.26 - 14.19 4,127,823 4,962,579 3,718
30-07-2020 PM 6:45 AM ET
(Jul 30)
CNX CNX Resources Corporation 1,720 0.13 -0.02 0.06 CNX Resources EPS of -$0.78
[7/30/2020 6:53 AM]
9.23 -0.26 
9.29 -0.20 
4.26 - 14.19 2,877,708 4,868,544 16,147