Earnings History Data for Chevron Corporation (CVX) - NYSE NASDAQ

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Chevron Corporation

Chevron Corporation is one of the world's leading integrated energy companies. Through its subsidiaries that conduct business worldwide, the company is involved in virtually every facet of the energy industry. Chevron explores for, produces and transports crude oil and natural gas; refines, markets and distributes transportation fuels and lubricants; manufactures and sells petrochemicals and additives; generates power; and develops and deploys technologies that enhance business value in every aspect of the company's operations.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
31-01-2025 PM CVX Chevron Corporation 280,720 N/A 2.19 3.45 Chevron Non-GAAP EPS of $2.06 misses by $0.05, revenue of $52.23B beats by $3.82B
[1/31/2025 6:16 AM]
149.19 -7.13 
154.70 -1.62 
135.37 - 167.11 12,777,185 7,230,000 128,948
01-11-2024 PM CVX Chevron Corporation 271,630 2.51 2.47 3.05 Chevron Non-GAAP EPS of $2.51 beats by $0.08, revenue of $50.67B beats by $1.63B
[11/1/2024 6:15 AM]
153.18 4.36 
152.60 3.78 
135.37 - 167.11 9,543,672 6,140,000 136,476
02-08-2024 PM CVX Chevron Corporation 296,390 2.55 2.88 3.08 Chevron Non-GAAP EPS of $2.55 misses by $0.45, revenue of $51.18B beats by $450M
[8/2/2024 6:16 AM]
148.59 -4.03 
151.45 -1.17 
139.62 - 171.70 11,084,653 6,860,000 61,070
26-04-2024 PM CVX Chevron Corporation 303,790 2.93 2.84 3.55 Chevron Non-GAAP EPS of $2.93 beats by $0.03, revenue of $48.72B misses by $1.99B
[4/26/2024 6:17 AM]
165.95 0.67 
165.90 0.62 
139.62 - 171.70 8,212,807 7,300,000 76,651
02-02-2024 PM CVX Chevron Corporation 278,310 3.45 3.29 4.09 Chevron Non-GAAP EPS of $3.45 beats by $0.23, revenue of $47.18B misses by $6.02B
[2/2/2024 6:16 AM]
152.37 4.48 
149.75 1.86 
139.62 - 174.39 10,836,537 9,310,000 115,203
27-10-2023 PM CVX Chevron Corporation 292,500 3.05 3.68 5.56 Chevron Non-GAAP EPS of $3.05 misses by $0.64, revenue of $51.92B misses by $1.08B
[10/27/2023 6:18 AM]
144.42 -10.33 
150.17 -4.58 
143.96 - 189.68 21,880,074 9,720,000 207,716
28-07-2023 PM CVX Chevron Corporation 305,610 3.08 2.95 5.82 Chevron Non-GAAP EPS of $3.08 misses by $0.20, revenue of $48.9B misses by $850M
[7/28/2023 6:21 AM]
158.79 -0.87 
158.75 -0.91 
140.46 - 189.68 4,890,726 6,750,000 47,153
28-04-2023 PM 6:15 AM ET
(Apr 28)
CVX Chevron Corporation 314,470 3.55 3.36 3.36 Chevron Non-GAAP EPS of $3.55 beats by $0.14, revenue of $50.79B beats by $1.3B
[4/28/2023 6:18 AM]
168.44 1.50 
164.80 -2.15 
132.54 - 189.68 7,246,484 6,380,000 67,972
27-01-2023 PM 6:15 AM ET
(Jan 27)
CVX Chevron Corporation 349,660 4.09 4.16 2.56 Chevron Non-GAAP EPS of $4.09 misses by $0.20, revenue of $56.47B beats by $2.5B
[1/27/2023 6:46 AM]
179.63 -8.16 
184.71 -3.08 
128.07 - 189.68 17,668,619 8,400,000 260,974
28-10-2022 PM 6:15 AM ET
(Oct 28)
CVX Chevron Corporation 346,640 5.56 5.02 2.96 Chevron Non-GAAP EPS of $5.66 beats by $0.81, revenue of $66.64B beats by $5.2B
[10/28/2022 6:16 AM]
179.81 1.91 
181.00 3.10 
110.73 - 182.86 9,024,580 7,580,000 156,985
29-07-2022 PM 6:15 AM ET
(Jul 29)
CVX Chevron Corporation 283,310 5.82 5.02 1.71 Chevron Non-GAAP EPS of $5.82 beats by $0.79, revenue of $68.76B beats by $11.07B
[7/29/2022 6:16 AM]
163.40 13.01 
156.25 5.86 
92.86 - 182.40 13,753,681 6,970,000 359,950
29-04-2022 PM 6:45 AM ET
(Apr 29)
CVX Chevron Corporation 306,990 3.36 3.44 0.90 Chevron Non-GAAP EPS of $3.36 misses by $0.08, revenue of $54.37B misses by $590M
[4/29/2022 6:21 AM]
156.64 -5.15 
161.50 -0.29 
92.86 - 174.76 10,224,974 10,330,000 138,148
28-01-2022 PM 6:00 AM ET
(Jan 28)
CVX Chevron Corporation 255,590 2.56 3.11 -0.01 Chevron Non-GAAP EPS of $2.56 misses by $0.57, revenue of $48.13B beats by $2.91B
[1/28/2022 6:46 AM]
130.55 -4.82 
130.54 -4.83 
84.57 - 137.00 21,936,435 14,980,000 687,717
29-10-2021 PM 6:00 AM ET
(Oct 29)
CVX Chevron Corporation 220,660 2.96 2.21 0.11 Chevron EPS beats by $0.77, beats on revenue
[10/29/2021 6:02 AM]
114.67 1.55 
114.95 1.83 
65.16 - 115.29 11,051,367 9,350,000 321,254
30-07-2021 PM 6:30 AM ET
(Jul 30)
CVX Chevron Corporation 195,080 1.71 1.54 -1.59 Chevron EPS beats by $0.11, beats on revenue, resumes buyback
[7/30/2021 6:03 AM]
101.80 -0.77 
103.11 0.54 
65.16 - 113.11 9,977,301 10,420,000 232,601
30-04-2021 PM 7:30 AM ET
(Apr 30)
CVX Chevron Corporation 198,010 0.90 0.92 1.29 Chevron EPS misses by $0.04, misses on revenue
[4/30/2021 6:34 AM]
103.08 -3.82 
104.89 -2.01 
65.16 - 112.70 9,674,765 8,020,000 113,221
29-01-2021 PM 6:45 AM ET
(Jan 29)
CVX Chevron Corporation 172,020 -0.01 0.09 1.49 Chevron EPS misses by $0.10, misses on revenue
[1/29/2021 7:31 AM]
85.36 -3.66 
86.99 -2.03 
51.60 - 112.60 11,054,040 9,456,267 75,544
30-10-2020 PM 6:45 AM ET
(Oct 30)
CVX Chevron Corporation 139,700 0.11 -0.21 1.59 Chevron EPS beats by $0.38, misses on revenue
[10/30/2020 6:46 AM]
69.53 0.73 
69.85 1.05 
51.60 - 122.94 12,122,859 10,597,330 52,746
31-07-2020 PM 6:45 AM ET
(Jul 31)
CVX Chevron Corporation 168,160 -1.59 -0.93 2.27 Chevron EPS misses by $0.70, misses on revenue
[7/31/2020 6:50 AM]
82.09 -4.18 
83.35 -2.92 
51.60 - 125.27 10,113,202 9,046,976 228,821