Earnings History Data for Graco Inc. (GGG) - NYSE NASDAQ

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Graco Inc.

Graco Inc. is a leading provider of premium pumps and spray equipment for fluid handling in the construction, manufacturing, processing and maintenance industries. Headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Graco works closely with distributors around the world to offer innovative products that set the quality standard for spray finishing, paint circulation, lubrication, sealant and adhesives dispensing, process application, and contractor power equipment. These best-in-class products are manufactured in the U.S. and China and supplied through their distribution centers in Minnesota, Belgium, Japan, Korea, China and Australia.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
27-01-2025 AH GGG Graco Inc. 14,520 0.64 0.76 0.80 Graco Non-GAAP EPS of $0.64 misses by $0.12, revenue of $548.67M misses by $8.17M
[1/27/2025 4:12 PM]
83.25 -2.70 
81.55 -4.40 
77.49 - 94.77 1,168,313 670,000 54,788
23-10-2024 AH GGG Graco Inc. 14,360 0.71 0.76 0.76 Graco Non-GAAP EPS of $0.71 misses by $0.04, revenue of $519.2M misses by $18.51M
[10/23/2024 4:27 PM]
82.39 -0.51 
80.40 -2.50 
69.78 - 94.77 644,660 600,000 101,313
24-07-2024 AH GGG Graco Inc. 13,940 0.77 0.76 0.75 Graco Non-GAAP EPS of $0.77 beats by $0.01, revenue of $553.2M misses by $9.07M
[7/24/2024 4:15 PM]
83.85 2.77 
81.08 0.0 
69.78 - 94.77 1,013,337 900,000 18,991
24-04-2024 AH GGG Graco Inc. 14,830 0.65 0.74 0.74 Graco Non-GAAP EPS of $0.65 misses by $0.09, revenue of $492.2M misses by $43.03M
[4/24/2024 4:15 PM]
83.23 -6.12 
83.00 -6.35 
68.78 - 94.77 1,320,555 610,000 1,931
29-01-2024 AH GGG Graco Inc. 14,270 0.80 0.79 0.73 Graco Non-GAAP EPS of $0.80 beats by $0.01, revenue of $566.6M beats by $4.75M
[1/29/2024 4:25 PM]
86.81 1.67 
85.19 0.05 
66.17 - 87.94 1,025,140 530,000 66,493
25-10-2023 AH GGG Graco Inc. 11,840 0.76 0.73 0.66 Graco Non-GAAP EPS of $0.76 beats by $0.03, revenue of $539.7M misses by $17.45M
[10/25/2023 4:13 PM]
74.75 4.95 
70.88 1.08 
64.88 - 87.94 1,206,313 760,000 111,131
26-07-2023 AH GGG Graco Inc. 14,570 0.75 0.78 0.68 Graco Non-GAAP EPS of $0.75 misses by $0.05, revenue of $559.64M misses by $14.19M
[7/26/2023 4:40 PM]
80.25 -6.51 
82.30 -4.46 
58.17 - 87.94 2,001,761 740,000 60,972
26-04-2023 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Apr 26)
GGG Graco Inc. 11,850 0.74 0.62 0.57 Graco Non-GAAP EPS of $0.74 beats by $0.12, revenue of $529.6M beats by $27.73M
[4/26/2023 4:31 PM]
77.42 8.46 
68.96 0.0 
56.48 - 78.22 2,224,170 730,000 83,036
30-01-2023 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Jan 30)
GGG Graco Inc. 11,230 0.73 0.68 0.66 Graco Non-GAAP EPS of $0.73 beats by $0.04, revenue of $555M in-line
[1/30/2023 4:18 PM]
68.16 1.59 
66.57 0.0 
56.48 - 75.45 843,181 810,000 33,268
26-10-2022 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Oct 26)
GGG Graco Inc. 10,780 0.66 0.65 0.57 Graco Non-GAAP EPS of $0.66 beats by $0.02, revenue of $545.6M beats by $26.31M
[10/26/2022 4:16 PM]
66.93 1.66 
65.27 0.0 
56.48 - 81.09 886,708 760,000 25,583
27-07-2022 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Jul 27)
GGG Graco Inc. 10,460 0.68 0.67 0.62 Graco Non-GAAP EPS of $0.68 beats by $0.01, revenue of $548.5M beats by $15.01M
[7/27/2022 4:37 PM]
65.76 1.90 
63.86 0.0 
56.48 - 81.09 543,979 480,000 18,826
27-04-2022 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Apr 27)
GGG Graco Inc. 11,200 0.57 0.63 0.58 Graco Non-GAAP EPS of $0.57 misses by $0.03, revenue of $494.3M misses by $9.03M
[4/27/2022 4:28 PM]
64.10 -1.37 
65.47 0.0 
62.40 - 81.09 860,103 640,000 19,699
31-01-2022 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Jan 31)
GGG Graco Inc. 11,870 0.66 0.64 0.61 Graco GAAP EPS of $0.69 beats by $0.04, revenue of $539.6M beats by $21.95M
[1/31/2022 4:11 PM]
74.31 1.75 
74.00 1.44 
64.34 - 81.09 1,059,369 780,000 97,526
20-10-2021 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Oct 20)
GGG Graco Inc. 12,170 0.57 0.64 0.59 Graco EPS misses by $0.06, misses on revenue
[10/20/2021 4:18 PM]
75.10 2.08 
69.00 -4.02 
60.65 - 80.48 1,333,777 640,000 33,802
21-07-2021 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Jul 21)
GGG Graco Inc. 12,810 0.62 0.61 0.37 Graco EPS beats by $0.01, beats on revenue
[7/21/2021 4:17 PM]
76.11 -2.21 
78.32 0.0 
52.10 - 79.37 934,567 730,000 338,893
21-04-2021 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Apr 21)
GGG Graco Inc. 12,800 0.58 0.50 0.38 Graco EPS beats by $0.08, beats on revenue
[4/21/2021 4:12 PM]
76.56 -0.50 
77.06 0.0 
41.79 - 78.20 645,207 530,000 33,919
25-01-2021 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Jan 25)
GGG Graco Inc. 12,760 0.61 0.51 0.48 Graco EPS beats by $0.10, beats on revenue
[1/25/2021 4:18 PM]
71.96 -2.80 
77.34 2.58 
38.43 - 76.98 869,575 563,478 26,985
21-10-2020 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Oct 21)
GGG Graco Inc. 10,930 0.59 0.42 0.45 Graco EPS beats by $0.17, beats on revenue
[10/21/2020 4:11 PM]
64.35 -0.35 
64.70 0.0 
38.43 - 67.00 867,181 454,429 6,127
22-07-2020 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Jul 22)
GGG Graco Inc. 8,720 0.37 0.27 0.50 Graco EPS beats by $0.11, beats on revenue
[7/22/2020 4:12 PM]
55.17 2.92 
52.90 0.65 
38.43 - 56.98 766,119 637,405 6,732