Earnings History Data for Genworth Financial Inc (GNW) - NYSE NASDAQ

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Genworth Financial Inc

Genworth Financial, Inc. is a Fortune 500 insurance holding company dedicated to helping people secure their financial lives, families and futures. Genworth has leadership positions in offerings that assist consumers in protecting themselves, investing for the future, and planning for retirement. In addition, the company is a global leader in managing mortgage default risk. Genworth's Global Mortgage Insurance Division works with lender partners, regulators and policy leaders to help more people responsibly achieve and maintain the dream of homeownership. In doing so, it promotes stronger and more sustainable communities around the world. By combining its global experience in mortgage guarantees with technology and service leadership, Genworth delivers innovation to the housing marketplace. Its products and services are offered through financial intermediaries, advisors, independent distributors and sales specialists.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
18-02-2025 AH GNW Genworth Financial Inc 3,100 0.04 0.00 -0.51 Genworth Financial Non-GAAP EPS of $0.04 misses by $0.08, revenue of $1.78B
[2/18/2025 4:29 PM]
6.77 -0.55 
7.05 -0.27 
5.67 - 7.90 8,317,868 4,430,000 5,110
06-11-2024 PM GNW Genworth Financial Inc 2,820 0.11 0.00 0.09 Genworth Financial Non-GAAP EPS of $0.11, revenue of $1.88B
[11/7/2024 1:21 AM]
7.00 -0.14 
6.90 -0.24 
5.32 - 7.25 1,853,851 2,560,000 398,009
31-07-2024 AH GNW Genworth Financial Inc 2,950 0.28 0.00 0.18 Genworth Financial Non-GAAP EPS of $0.28 beats by $0.16, revenue of $1.77B
[7/31/2024 4:54 PM]
6.60 -0.17 
6.77 0.0 
5.32 - 6.94 2,518,261 2,850,000 1,016
01-05-2024 AH GNW Genworth Financial Inc 2,700 0.19 0.00 0.17 Genworth Financial Non-GAAP EPS of $0.19 beats by $0.05, revenue of $1.86B
[5/1/2024 4:34 PM]
6.47 0.40 
6.15 0.08 
4.51 - 6.93 3,911,830 2,910,000 13,491
21-02-2024 AH GNW Genworth Financial Inc 2,760 -0.51 0.00 0.33 Genworth Financial Non-GAAP EPS of -$0.51 misses by $0.68, revenue of $1.91B
[2/21/2024 5:14 PM]
5.95 -0.11 
5.85 -0.21 
4.51 - 6.93 4,344,624 2,780,000 30,517
08-11-2023 AH GNW Genworth Financial Inc 2,850 0.09 0.00 0.31 Genworth Financial Non-GAAP EPS of $0.09 misses by $0.16, revenue of $1.83B
[11/8/2023 4:49 PM]
5.51 -0.49 
5.98 -0.02 
4.48 - 6.40 4,630,185 2,030,000 1,864
08-08-2023 AH GNW Genworth Financial Inc 2,940 0.18 0.00 0.34 Genworth Financial Non-GAAP EPS of $0.18 beats by $0.03, revenue of $1.89B
[8/8/2023 4:57 PM]
6.25 0.04 
6.10 -0.11 
3.44 - 6.40 2,681,540 2,180,000 6,572
03-05-2023 AH 5:10 PM ET
(May 3)
GNW Genworth Financial Inc 2,820 0.17 0.00 0.25 Genworth Financial Non-GAAP EPS of $0.17, revenue of $1.85B
[5/3/2023 4:55 PM]
4.72 -0.75 
5.55 0.08 
3.43 - 6.40 6,225,596 2,910,000 73,190
06-02-2023 AH 5:10 PM ET
(Feb 6)
GNW Genworth Financial Inc 2,830 0.33 0.00 0.32 Genworth Financial Non-GAAP EPS of $0.33 beats by $0.10, revenue of $1.9B
[2/6/2023 4:28 PM]
5.45 -0.25 
5.76 0.07 
3.43 - 5.82 3,520,307 2,530,000 4,597
01-11-2022 AH 5:10 PM ET
(Nov 1)
GNW Genworth Financial Inc 2,370 0.31 0.00 0.46 Genworth Financial Non-GAAP EPS of $0.31 beats by $0.08, revenue of $1.84B
[11/1/2022 5:15 PM]
4.75 0.06 
4.75 0.06 
3.43 - 4.95 4,922,164 0 2,196
01-08-2022 AH 5:10 PM ET
(Aug 1)
GNW Genworth Financial Inc 2,010 0.34 0.00 0.38 Genworth Financial Non-GAAP EPS of $0.34 beats by $0.04, revenue of $1.88B misses by $100M
[8/1/2022 4:36 PM]
4.20 0.04 
4.16 0.0 
3.28 - 4.61 2,170,827 2,640,000 990
03-05-2022 AH 5:10 PM ET
(May 3)
GNW Genworth Financial Inc 1,890 0.25 0.00 0.33 Genworth Financial Non-GAAP EPS of $0.25 beats by $0.01, revenue of $1.89B misses by $40M
[5/3/2022 4:35 PM]
4.10 0.10 
4.00 0.0 
3.23 - 4.61 4,125,709 3,910,000 9,522
01-02-2022 AH 5:10 PM ET
(Feb 1)
GNW Genworth Financial Inc 1,900 0.32 0.00 0.34 Genworth Financial GAAP EPS of $0.32 misses by $0.08, revenue of $1.74B misses by $270M
[2/1/2022 4:49 PM]
3.95 0.05 
3.93 0.02 
2.92 - 4.61 3,223,926 3,790,000 2,822
02-11-2021 AH 5:10 PM ET
(Nov 2)
GNW Genworth Financial Inc 2,190 0.46 0.00 0.26 Genworth Financial EPS beats by $0.14, beats on revenue
[11/2/2021 5:12 PM]
4.34 -0.20 
4.62 0.08 
2.56 - 4.76 6,753,596 2,810,000 24,247
03-08-2021 AH 5:10 PM ET
(Aug 3)
GNW Genworth Financial Inc 1,690 0.38 0.00 -0.04 Genworth Financial EPS beats by $0.14, beats on revenue
[8/3/2021 4:55 PM]
3.35 -0.05 
3.50 0.10 
2.03 - 4.76 4,923,735 2,390,000 247,658
29-04-2021 AH 5:10 PM ET
(Apr 29)
GNW Genworth Financial Inc 1,990 0.33 0.00 0.07 Genworth Financial EPS beats by $0.10, beats on revenue
[4/29/2021 4:49 PM]
4.28 -0.09 
4.31 -0.07 
1.87 - 4.76 19,744,286 9,640,000 52,321
16-02-2021 AH 5:10 PM ET
(Feb 16)
GNW Genworth Financial Inc 2,080 0.34 0.00 0.05 Genworth Financial EPS beats by $0.07, beats on revenue
[2/16/2021 5:02 PM]
3.36 -0.42 
3.47 -0.30 
1.87 - 4.84 19,276,793 11,935,081 682,994
04-11-2020 AH 5:10 PM ET
(Nov 4)
GNW Genworth Financial Inc 2,060 0.26 0.00 0.24 Genworth Financial EPS beats by $0.16, beats on revenue
[11/4/2020 5:19 PM]
4.25 0.18 
4.25 0.15 
1.87 - 4.93 4,359,277 3,685,383 49,071