Earnings History Data for Heritage Financial Corporation (HFWA) - NYSE NASDAQ

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Heritage Financial Corporation

Heritage Financial Corporation, Inc. is a bank holding company.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
23-01-2025 PM HFWA Heritage Financial Corporation 838.47 0.51 0.46 0.47 Heritage Financial Non-GAAP EPS of $0.51 beats by $0.07, revenue of $57.05M misses by $3.66M
[1/23/2025 8:04 AM]
24.80 0.20 
24.60 0.0 
16.55 - 27.58 191,654 150,000 8,367
24-10-2024 PM HFWA Heritage Financial Corporation 749.26 0.33 0.42 0.51 Heritage Financial GAAP EPS of $0.33 misses by $0.08, revenue of $54.8M misses by $3.31M
[10/24/2024 8:12 AM]
22.35 0.48 
21.87 0.0 
15.50 - 23.82 138,132 110,000 2,019
25-07-2024 PM HFWA Heritage Financial Corporation 764.91 0.45 0.41 0.48 Heritage Financial GAAP EPS of $0.41, revenue of $56.36M
[7/25/2024 8:12 AM]
23.02 1.21 
0.0 0.0 
15.50 - 23.50 156,823 220,000 0
25-04-2024 PM HFWA Heritage Financial Corporation 650.30 0.40 0.41 0.58 Heritage Financial GAAP EPS of $0.16 misses by $0.24, revenue of $48.63M misses by $11.26M
[4/25/2024 9:22 AM]
18.12 -0.50 
0.0 0.0 
14.85 - 22.55 83,230 150,000 0
25-01-2024 PM HFWA Heritage Financial Corporation 719.31 0.47 0.47 0.64 Heritage Financial GAAP EPS of $0.18 misses by $0.27, revenue of $50.72M misses by $11.32M
[1/25/2024 10:08 AM]
20.55 -0.41 
0.0 0.0 
14.85 - 29.92 201,419 170,000 0
19-10-2023 PM HFWA Heritage Financial Corporation 582.49 0.51 0.44 0.59 Heritage Financial GAAP EPS of $0.51 beats by $0.08, revenue of $61.89M misses by $0.55M
[10/19/2023 8:10 AM]
17.56 1.25 
0.0 0.0 
14.85 - 34.34 233,272 140,000 0
20-07-2023 PM HFWA Heritage Financial Corporation 611.48 0.48 0.49 0.52 Heritage Financial GAAP EPS of $0.48 in-line, revenue of $63.1M misses by $1.89M
[7/20/2023 8:54 AM]
18.39 -0.52 
0.0 0.0 
14.85 - 34.34 188,810 190,000 0
20-04-2023 PM 8:00 AM ET
(Apr 20)
HFWA Heritage Financial Corporation 670.54 0.58 0.61 0.56 Heritage Financial GAAP EPS of $0.58 misses by $0.01, revenue of $68.1M beats by $0.91M
[4/20/2023 8:05 AM]
19.75 -0.18 
0.0 0.0 
18.80 - 34.34 174,501 200,000 0
26-01-2023 PM 8:00 AM ET
(Jan 26)
HFWA Heritage Financial Corporation 1,010 0.64 0.64 0.55 Heritage Financial Q4 GAAP EPS in-line, revenue beats
[1/26/2023 8:10 AM]
27.98 -0.19 
28.17 0.0 
23.31 - 34.34 85,381 230,000 9,056
20-10-2022 PM 8:00 AM ET
(Oct 20)
HFWA Heritage Financial Corporation 1,070 0.59 0.50 0.58 Heritage Financial GAAP EPS of $0.59 beats by $0.08, revenue of $66.74M beats by $4.93M
[10/20/2022 8:08 AM]
30.75 -0.17 
30.92 0.0 
20.95 - 32.03 276,556 200,000 4,095
21-07-2022 PM 8:00 AM ET
(Jul 21)
HFWA Heritage Financial Corporation 903.54 0.52 0.45 0.90 Heritage Financial GAAP EPS of $0.52 beats by $0.07, revenue of $57.06M beats by $0.18M
[7/21/2022 8:20 AM]
25.82 -0.78 
26.60 0.0 
20.95 - 27.45 160,076 130,000 2,780
21-04-2022 PM 8:00 AM ET
(Apr 21)
HFWA Heritage Financial Corporation 858.61 0.56 0.39 0.70 Heritage Financial GAAP EPS of $0.56 beats by $0.18, revenue of $55.48M beats by $2.16M
[4/21/2022 8:10 AM]
26.05 0.77 
25.28 0.0 
20.95 - 29.81 160,456 160,000 4,814
27-01-2022 PM 9:00 AM ET
(Jan 27)
HFWA Heritage Financial Corporation 903.78 0.55 0.46 0.66 Heritage Financial GAAP EPS of $0.55 beats by $0.09, revenue of $57.75M beats by $1.2M
[1/27/2022 8:21 AM]
24.17 -0.99 
25.16 0.0 
20.95 - 30.86 191,691 270,000 58,728
21-10-2021 PM 8:00 AM ET
(Oct 21)
HFWA Heritage Financial Corporation 888.12 0.58 0.53 0.46 Heritage Financial EPS beats by $0.05, beats on revenue
[10/21/2021 9:10 AM]
24.51 -0.49 
25.00 0.0 
19.75 - 30.86 107,539 130,000 5,689
22-07-2021 PM 5:00 AM ET
(Jul 22)
HFWA Heritage Financial Corporation 809.94 0.90 0.51 -0.17 Heritage Financial EPS beats by $0.39, beats on revenue
[7/22/2021 8:09 AM]
22.41 -0.72 
23.30 0.17 
17.39 - 30.86 75,964 150,000 1,727
22-04-2021 PM 8:00 AM ET
(Apr 22)
HFWA Heritage Financial Corporation 1,010 0.70 0.53 0.33 Heritage Financial EPS beats by $0.18, misses on revenue
[4/22/2021 5:18 AM]
26.90 -0.48 
27.39 0.0 
14.65 - 30.86 65,341 70,000 3,926
28-01-2021 PM 8:00 AM ET
(Jan 28)
HFWA Heritage Financial Corporation 895.24 0.66 0.46 0.47 Heritage Financial EPS beats by $0.20, beats on revenue
[1/28/2021 8:14 AM]
24.41 0.43 
23.98 0.0 
14.65 - 27.24 168,274 163,032 3,657
22-10-2020 PM 8:00 AM ET
(Oct 22)
HFWA Heritage Financial Corporation 729.67 0.46 0.37 0.48 Heritage Financial EPS beats by $0.08, misses on revenue
[10/22/2020 8:11 AM]
21.98 1.01 
20.96 0.0 
14.65 - 29.24 212,031 99,512 5,195