Earnings History Data for Independent Bank Corp. (INDB) - NYSE NASDAQ

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Independent Bank Corp.

Independent Bank Corp. is a bank holding company for Rockland Trust Company. They are a community-oriented commercial bank. The community banking business consists of commercial banking, retail banking and trust services and is managed as a single strategic unit. The community banking business derives its revenues from a wide range of banking services, including lending activities, acceptance of demand, savings and time deposits, trust and investment management, and mortgage servicing income from investors.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
16-01-2025 AH INDB Independent Bank Corp. 2,700 1.21 1.16 1.26 Independent Bank Non-GAAP EPS of $1.21 beats by $0.05, revenue of $176.85M beats by $1.79M
[1/16/2025 4:12 PM]
67.03 3.11 
63.92 0.0 
45.11 - 77.23 323,116 230,000 1,172
17-10-2024 AH INDB Independent Bank 2,678 1.01 0.99 0.00 Independent Bank GAAP EPS of $1.01 misses by $0.02, revenue of $175.25M beats by $0.86M
[10/17/2024 4:18 PM]
61.48 -3.61 
64.53 -0.56 
44.63 - 68.75 401,075 290,000 83,817
18-07-2024 AH INDB Independent Bank Corp. 2,310 1.21 1.11 1.42 Independent Bank GAAP EPS of $1.21 beats by $0.10, revenue of $170.26M beats by $0.61M
[7/18/2024 4:16 PM]
57.95 1.33 
57.35 0.73 
44.63 - 68.75 366,755 390,000 154
18-04-2024 AH INDB Independent Bank Corp. 2,070 1.12 1.15 1.36 Independent Bank GAAP EPS of $1.12 misses by $0.03, revenue of $167.38M misses by $2.74M
[4/18/2024 4:21 PM]
50.62 1.17 
48.90 -0.55 
43.28 - 68.75 285,188 0 101
18-01-2024 AH INDB Independent Bank Corp. 2,680 1.26 1.25 1.69 Independent Bank GAAP EPS of $1.26 beats by $0.02, revenue of $177.16M misses by $0.18M
[1/18/2024 4:59 PM]
60.12 -0.91 
61.00 -0.03 
43.28 - 83.16 301,563 210,000 300
19-10-2023 PM INDB Independent Bank Corp. 2,200 1.38 1.33 1.57 Independent Bank GAAP EPS of $1.38 beats by $0.05, revenue of $183.43M beats by $2.64M
[10/20/2023 7:46 AM]
45.56 -2.24 
47.80 0.0 
43.28 - 91.65 178,768 190,000 23,022
20-07-2023 AH INDB Independent Bank Corp. 2,190 1.42 1.34 1.32 Independent Bank GAAP EPS of $1.42 beats by $0.06, revenue of $183.31M misses by $0.99M
[7/20/2023 4:28 PM]
55.63 2.21 
53.42 0.0 
43.28 - 91.65 385,420 250,000 28,187
20-04-2023 AH Before the open
(Apr 21)
INDB Independent Bank Corp. 2,700 1.36 1.50 1.23 Independent Bank Non-GAAP EPS of $1.36 misses by $0.17, revenue of $179.99M misses by $12.01M
[4/20/2023 4:59 PM]
59.44 -2.25 
61.25 -0.44 
54.67 - 91.65 372,324 190,000 6,117
19-01-2023 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Jan 19)
INDB Independent Bank Corp. 3,710 1.69 1.65 1.63 Independent Bank Non-GAAP EPS of $1.69 beats by $0.04, revenue of $200.07M beats by $2.96M
[1/19/2023 4:19 PM]
76.94 -2.30 
79.24 0.0 
74.28 - 91.65 441,229 190,000 117
20-10-2022 AH 7:00 AM ET
(Oct 21)
INDB Independent Bank Corp. 3,780 1.57 1.40 1.25 Independent Bank Non-GAAP EPS of $1.57 beats by $0.15, revenue of $190.8M beats by $5.27M
[10/20/2022 4:32 PM]
83.50 3.20 
80.30 0.0 
74.28 - 93.52 247,953 180,000 13,755
21-07-2022 AH 7:00 AM ET
(Jul 22)
INDB Independent Bank Corp. 3,720 1.32 1.27 1.17 Independent Bank Non-GAAP EPS of $1.32 beats by $0.06, revenue of $172.76M beats by $3.83M
[7/21/2022 4:27 PM]
81.95 0.32 
81.63 0.0 
68.14 - 93.52 139,372 170,000 12,384
21-04-2022 AH 7:00 AM ET
(Apr 22)
INDB Independent Bank Corp. 3,720 1.23 1.23 1.26 Independent Bank GAAP EPS of $1.12, revenue of $163.7M
[4/21/2022 4:17 PM]
78.60 -1.63 
79.54 -0.69 
68.14 - 93.52 100,895 220,000 171
20-01-2022 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Jan 20)
INDB Independent Bank Corp. 4,120 1.63 1.03 1.05 Independent Bank GAAP EPS of $0.04, revenue of $151.71M
[1/20/2022 4:20 PM]
83.65 3.79 
79.86 0.0 
68.14 - 99.85 238,276 160,000 5,777
21-10-2021 AH 7:00 AM ET
(Oct 22)
INDB Independent Bank Corp. 2,680 1.25 1.04 1.07 Independent Bank EPS beats by $0.19, beats on revenue
[10/21/2021 5:01 PM]
84.76 1.35 
83.41 0.0 
51.92 - 99.85 267,456 170,000 5,988
22-07-2021 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Jul 22)
INDB Independent Bank Corp. 2,320 1.17 1.10 0.76 Independent Bank EPS beats by $0.06, beats on revenue
[7/22/2021 4:39 PM]
69.18 0.48 
68.70 0.0 
49.25 - 99.85 85,959 180,000 23,382
22-04-2021 AH 7:00 AM ET
(Apr 23)
INDB Independent Bank Corp. 2,700 1.26 1.11 0.78 Independent Bank EPS beats by $0.17, misses on revenue
[4/22/2021 4:27 PM]
77.95 -1.12 
79.07 0.0 
49.25 - 99.85 399,212 110,000 5,668
21-01-2021 AH 7:00 AM ET
(Jan 22)
INDB Independent Bank Corp. 2,610 1.05 1.02 1.38 Independent Bank EPS beats by $0.02, misses on revenue
[1/21/2021 4:17 PM]
78.16 -0.52 
78.68 0.0 
49.25 - 81.81 200,763 115,371 13,370
22-10-2020 AH 7:00 AM ET
(Oct 23)
INDB Independent Bank Corp. 1,711 1.07 0.89 0.00 Independent Bank EPS beats by $0.26, misses on revenue
[10/22/2020 4:28 PM]
58.24 2.72 
55.52 0.0 
49.25 - 87.11 195,343 161,114 5,977
22-10-2020 AH 7:00 AM ET
(Oct 23)
INDB Independent Bank Corp. 1,720 1.07 0.89 1.50 Independent Bank EPS beats by $0.26, misses on revenue
[10/22/2020 4:28 PM]
58.24 2.72 
55.52 0.0 
49.25 - 87.11 195,343 161,114 5,977