Earnings History Data for Iridium Communications Inc (IRDM) - NYSE NASDAQ

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Iridium Communications Inc

Iridium Communications Inc., formerly GHL Acquisition Corp., is a provider of mobile voice and data communications services via satellite, and the provider of mobile satellite communications services offering 100% global coverage. Iridium offers voice and data communications services to the U.S. and foreign governments, businesses, non-governmental organizations and consumers via its constellation of 66 in-orbit satellites, seven in-orbit spares and related ground infrastructure. Iridium's commercial end-user base includes the emergency services, maritime, government, utilities, oil and gas, mining, leisure, forestry, construction and transportation markets. Iridium's products and related applications are installed in unmanned aerial vehicles, helicopters, commercial aircrafts, marine vessels, and ground vehicles.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
13-02-2025 PM IRDM Iridium Communications Inc 3,170 0.31 0.16 0.30 Iridium Communications  GAAP EPS of $0.32 beats by $0.16, revenue of $213M beats by $8.9M
[2/13/2025 7:07 AM]
31.95 4.23 
30.99 3.27 
24.14 - 36.32 3,929,965 1,180,000 16,833
17-10-2024 PM IRDM Iridium Communications Inc 3,560 0.21 0.20 -0.01 Iridium Communications beats Q3 top and bottom line estimates, gives FY outlook
[10/17/2024 7:09 AM]
33.54 3.34 
31.50 1.30 
24.14 - 44.63 3,063,499 1,100,000 31,710
23-07-2024 PM IRDM Iridium Communications Inc 3,190 0.27 0.19 -0.24 Iridium Communications GAAP EPS of $0.27, revenue of $201.1M
[7/23/2024 7:04 AM]
27.94 2.02 
28.00 2.08 
24.14 - 60.92 1,624,778 880,000 12,325
18-04-2024 PM IRDM Iridium Communications Inc 3,020 0.16 0.16 0.08 Iridium Communications  GAAP EPS of $0.16 beats by $0.01, revenue of $203.85M beats by $10.11M
[4/18/2024 7:03 AM]
26.10 1.39 
25.75 1.04 
24.14 - 68.34 1,754,471 1,040,000 5,803
15-02-2024 PM IRDM Iridium Communications Inc 4,220 0.30 0.03 -0.01 Iridium Communications GAAP EPS of $0.03 beats by $0.01, revenue of $194.7M beats by $2.3M
[2/15/2024 7:05 AM]
30.47 -4.57 
36.27 1.23 
30.42 - 68.34 3,189,037 1,010,000 3,761
19-10-2023 PM IRDM Iridium Communications Inc 5,510 -0.01 0.03 0.02 Iridium Communications misses Q3 top-line and bottom-line estimates; updates FY23 outlook
[10/19/2023 7:06 AM]
39.79 -3.98 
0.0 0.0 
39.50 - 68.34 2,006,694 710,000 0
25-07-2023 PM IRDM Iridium Communications Inc 7,680 -0.24 0.03 0.04 Iridium CommunicationsEPS of -$0.24, revenue of $193.1M misses by $5.32M
[7/25/2023 7:05 AM]
50.53 -9.43 
55.71 -4.25 
39.11 - 68.34 4,193,700 670,000 9,195
20-04-2023 PM 7:00 AM ET
(Apr 20)
IRDM Iridium Communications Inc 7,450 0.08 -0.02 0.02 Iridium Communications GAAP EPS of $0.08 beats by $0.06, revenue of $205.27M beats by $17.29M
[4/20/2023 7:04 AM]
64.86 6.22 
59.86 1.22 
32.88 - 66.58 1,763,093 570,000 3,962
16-02-2023 PM 7:00 AM ET
(Feb 16)
IRDM Iridium Communications Inc 7,150 -0.01 0.00 -0.04 Iridium Communications GAAP EPS of -$0.01 misses by $0.01, revenue of $193.84M beats by $21.32M
[2/16/2023 7:05 AM]
59.35 2.26 
58.25 1.16 
32.88 - 62.48 1,074,858 510,000 2,483
20-10-2022 PM 7:00 AM ET
(Oct 20)
IRDM Iridium Communications Inc 6,270 0.02 0.02 -0.02 Iridium Communications GAAP EPS of $0.02 in-line, revenue of $184.06M beats by $3.15M
[10/20/2022 7:05 AM]
46.51 -0.98 
47.00 -0.49 
31.73 - 50.25 668,592 520,000 472
26-07-2022 PM 7:00 AM ET
(Jul 26)
IRDM Iridium Communications Inc 5,040 0.04 0.00 0.03 Iridium Communications GAAP EPS of $0.04 beats by $0.04, revenue of $174.92M beats by $8.46M
[7/26/2022 7:04 AM]
42.27 2.46 
40.88 1.07 
31.73 - 48.95 584,645 380,000 882
19-04-2022 PM 7:00 AM ET
(Apr 19)
IRDM Iridium Communications Inc 5,230 0.02 -0.01 -0.04 Iridium Communications GAAP EPS of $0.02 beats by $0.02, revenue of $168.22M beats by $11.39M
[4/19/2022 7:04 AM]
42.18 2.49 
39.69 0.0 
31.73 - 48.95 478,731 490,000 94,769
17-02-2022 PM 7:00 AM ET
(Feb 17)
IRDM Iridium Communications Inc 4,570 -0.04 -0.04 -0.06 Iridium Communications GAAP EPS of -$0.04 in-line, revenue of $155.88M beats by $3.77M
[2/17/2022 7:05 AM]
35.74 0.18 
37.00 1.44 
31.73 - 49.26 692,279 2,430,000 1,998
19-10-2021 PM 7:00 AM ET
(Oct 19)
IRDM Iridium Communications Inc 5,140 -0.02 -0.02 -0.03 Iridium Communications EPS beats by $0.01, beats on revenue and updates 2021 outlook
[10/19/2021 7:09 AM]
41.04 1.43 
40.29 0.68 
25.30 - 54.65 842,145 690,000 4,061
20-07-2021 PM 7:00 AM ET
(Jul 20)
IRDM Iridium Communications Inc 4,940 0.03 -0.08 -0.09 40.94 3.38 
38.74 1.18 
23.65 - 54.65 1,007,175 540,000 1,585
20-04-2021 PM 7:00 AM ET
(Apr 20)
IRDM Iridium Communications Inc 5,470 -0.04 -0.05 -0.06 Iridium Communications EPS beats by $0.01, revenue in-line
[4/20/2021 7:08 AM]
36.00 -2.47 
37.15 -1.32 
19.18 - 54.65 1,412,426 740,000 10,057
11-02-2021 PM 7:00 AM ET
(Feb 11)
IRDM Iridium Communications Inc 7,250 -0.06 -0.08 -0.15 Iridium Communications EPS beats by $0.02, beats on revenue
[2/11/2021 7:04 AM]
46.34 -1.16 
47.50 0.0 
16.87 - 54.65 5,204,100 1,662,796 92,868
20-10-2020 PM 7:00 AM ET
(Oct 20)
IRDM Iridium Communications Inc 3,720 -0.03 -0.12 -0.14 Iridium Communications EPS beats by $0.08, beats on revenue
[10/20/2020 7:04 AM]
28.42 0.19 
28.68 0.45 
16.87 - 32.08 1,740,796 657,526 3,622
28-07-2020 PM 7:00 AM ET
(Jul 28)
IRDM Iridium Communications Inc 3,620 -0.09 -0.14 -0.16 Iridium Communications EPS beats by $0.03, beats on revenue
[7/28/2020 7:03 AM]
29.04 1.70 
0.0 0.0 
16.87 - 32.08 1,568,522 687,983 0