Earnings History Data for Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated (JLL) - NYSE NASDAQ

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Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated

Jones Lang LaSalle Inc. is a leading, global professional services and investment management firm specializing in real estate. Its expert teams provide integrated services to clients seeking increased value by owning, occupying, developing or investing in real estate. JLL is characterized by its growth orientation, operational excellence, financial strength, premium brand, collaborative culture and high ethical standards.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
19-02-2025 PM JLL Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated 13,250 6.15 5.79 4.23 Jones Lang LaSalle Non-GAAP EPS of $6.15 beats by $0.14, revenue of $6.81B beats by $160M
[2/19/2025 7:31 AM]
279.12 -2.79 
282.80 0.89 
171.45 - 288.50 457,751 390,000 1,899
06-11-2024 PM JLL Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated 12,710 3.50 2.67 2.01 Jones Lang LaSalle beats Q3 estimates
[11/6/2024 7:34 AM]
262.02 -17.80 
289.92 10.10 
136.83 - 288.50 740,267 300,000 2,000
06-08-2024 PM JLL Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated 11,730 2.55 2.30 0.50 Jones Lang LaSalle Non-GAAP EPS of $2.55 beats by $0.13, revenue of $5.63B in-line
[8/6/2024 7:42 AM]
233.99 2.00 
233.99 0.0 
119.46 - 254.67 649,362 420,000 1,993
06-05-2024 PM JLL Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated 8,730 1.78 0.85 0.65 Jones Lang LaSalle Non-GAAP EPS of $1.78 beats by $0.92, revenue of $5.12B beats by $300M
[5/6/2024 7:33 AM]
192.59 7.07 
185.52 0.0 
119.46 - 200.73 377,580 220,000 304
27-02-2024 PM JLL Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated 8,700 4.23 3.70 4.36 Jones Lang LaSalle Non-GAAP EPS of $4.23 beats by $0.50, revenue of $5.9B beats by $110M
[2/27/2024 7:31 AM]
187.29 2.45 
0.0 0.0 
119.46 - 193.82 298,309 290,000 0
02-11-2023 PM JLL Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated 6,100 2.01 2.35 3.40 Jones Lang LaSalle Non-GAAP EPS of $2.01 in-line, revenue of $5.1B beats by $60M
[11/2/2023 7:34 AM]
139.53 9.14 
139.53 0.0 
119.46 - 188.61 827,620 490,000 7,669
03-08-2023 PM JLL Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated 7,910 0.50 2.20 4.48 Jones Lang LaSalle Non-GAAP EPS of $0.50, revenue of $5.05B misses by $10M
[8/3/2023 7:37 AM]
164.32 -1.19 
164.32 0.0 
123.00 - 189.55 549,623 310,000 3,913
04-05-2023 PM 7:30 AM ET
(May 4)
JLL Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated 6,490 0.65 1.69 3.47 Jones Lang LaSalle Non-GAAP EPS of $0.65 misses by $1.11, revenue of $4.72B beats by $290M
[5/4/2023 7:36 AM]
133.75 -0.69 
131.77 -2.67 
123.00 - 222.00 864,396 490,000 177
28-02-2023 PM 7:30 AM ET
(Feb 28)
JLL Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated 8,100 4.36 4.47 8.66 Jones Lang LaSalle Non-GAAP EPS of $4.36 misses by $0.23, revenue of $5.61B beats by $40M
[2/28/2023 7:32 AM]
174.68 6.36 
0.0 0.0 
135.35 - 250.87 399,557 210,000 0
02-11-2022 PM 7:30 AM ET
(Nov 2)
JLL Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated 7,620 3.40 4.52 4.56 Jones Lang LaSalle Non-GAAP EPS of $3.40 misses by $1.08, revenue of $5.17B
[11/2/2022 7:35 AM]
141.88 -20.02 
160.65 -1.25 
141.09 - 275.76 1,350,863 350,000 146
03-08-2022 PM 7:30 AM ET
(Aug 3)
JLL Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated 8,990 4.48 4.10 4.20 Jones Lang LaSalle Non-GAAP EPS of $4.48 beats by $0.18, revenue of $5.28B beats by $3.18B
[8/3/2022 7:34 AM]
180.78 -3.42 
184.20 0.0 
154.63 - 275.76 276,990 260,000 87,492
09-05-2022 PM 7:30 AM ET
(May 9)
JLL Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated 10,400 3.47 2.05 2.10 Jones Lang LaSalle Non-GAAP EPS of $3.47 beats by $1.33, revenue of $4.8B
[5/9/2022 7:34 AM]
195.21 -6.68 
201.89 0.0 
184.21 - 275.76 481,463 360,000 6,045
28-02-2022 PM 7:30 AM ET
(Feb 28)
JLL Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated 11,840 8.66 6.68 5.29 Jones Lang LaSalle Non-GAAP EPS of $8.66 beats by $1.85, revenue of $3.6B beats by $160M
[2/28/2022 7:34 AM]
243.88 -0.03 
243.91 0.0 
167.06 - 275.76 292,879 310,000 7,310
03-11-2021 PM 7:30 AM ET
(Nov 3)
JLL Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated 13,070 4.56 3.50 2.99 Jones Lang LaSalle EPS beats by $0.95, misses on Fee revenue
[11/3/2021 7:34 AM]
264.35 6.34 
258.01 0.0 
111.40 - 272.36 384,529 280,000 2,171
04-08-2021 PM 7:30 AM ET
(Aug 4)
JLL Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated 11,210 4.20 1.44 0.70 Jones Lang LaSalle EPS beats by $2.47, beats on revenue
[8/4/2021 7:44 AM]
242.33 20.98 
242.33 0.0 
87.67 - 245.11 878,038 390,000 8,297
05-05-2021 PM 7:30 AM ET
(May 5)
JLL Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated 9,640 2.10 0.60 0.49 Jones Lang LaSalle EPS beats by $1.54, beats on revenue
[5/5/2021 7:37 AM]
187.97 -3.07 
187.97 0.0 
79.05 - 192.90 315,055 270,000 2,542
09-02-2021 PM 7:30 AM ET
(Feb 9)
JLL Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated 7,910 5.29 3.70 6.35 Jones Lang LaSalle EPS beats by $1.36, beats on revenue
[2/9/2021 7:31 AM]
155.71 -1.00 
156.71 0.0 
78.29 - 177.50 686,744 654,339 4,512
02-11-2020 PM 7:30 AM ET
(Nov 2)
JLL Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated 5,790 2.99 1.34 3.52 Jones Lang LaSalle EPS beats by $1.74, misses on revenue
[11/2/2020 7:33 AM]
117.26 4.40 
116.00 3.14 
78.29 - 178.55 820,301 478,349 958
06-08-2020 PM 7:30 AM ET
(Aug 6)
JLL Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated 4,850 0.70 0.77 2.94 Jones Lang LaSalle EPS misses by $0.32, misses on revenue
[8/6/2020 7:34 AM]
89.93 -6.20 
95.80 -0.33 
78.29 - 178.55 416,764 387,963 936
05-05-2020 PM 7:30 AM ET
(May 5)
JLL Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated 5,220 0.49 0.76 0.89 Jones Lang LaSalle EPS misses by $0.42, misses on revenue
[5/5/2020 7:32 AM]
104.06 3.01 
0.0 0.0 
78.29 - 178.55 56,766 392,622 0