Earnings History Data for Keurig Dr Pepper Inc. (KDP) - NYSE NASDAQ

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Keurig Dr Pepper Inc.

Keurig Dr Pepper Inc. manufactures and distributes non-alcoholic beverages. The Company offers soft drinks, juices, teas, mixers, water and other beverages. Its brands include Keurig(R), Dr Pepper(R), Green Mountain Coffee Roasters(R), Canada Dry(R), Snapple(R), Bai(R), Mott's(R) and The Original Donut Shop(R). Keurig Dr Pepper Inc., formerly known as Dr Pepper Snapple Group., is based in Texas, United States.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
25-02-2025 PM KDP Keurig Dr Pepper Inc. 46,170 0.58 0.57 0.55 Keurig Dr Pepper Non-GAAP EPS of $0.58 beats by $0.01, revenue of $4.07B beats by $70M
[2/25/2025 7:05 AM]
34.99 0.87 
34.91 0.79 
28.61 - 38.28 15,512,080 11,030,000 35,919
24-10-2024 PM KDP Keurig Dr Pepper Inc. 50,070 0.51 0.51 0.48 Keurig Dr Pepper Non-GAAP EPS of $0.51 in-line, revenue of $3.89B misses by $30M
[10/24/2024 7:04 AM]
34.94 -1.77 
35.50 -1.20 
28.40 - 38.28 17,393,534 7,720,000 52,934
25-07-2024 PM KDP Keurig Dr Pepper Inc. 44,230 0.45 0.45 0.42 Keurig Dr Pepper Non-GAAP EPS of $0.45 in-line, revenue of $3.92B in-line
[7/25/2024 7:03 AM]
33.23 0.46 
34.00 1.23 
27.66 - 35.00 14,756,996 7,850,000 22,760
25-04-2024 PM KDP Keurig Dr Pepper Inc. 44,070 0.38 0.34 0.34 Keurig Dr Pepper beats top-line and bottom-line estimates; reaffirms FY24 outlook
[4/25/2024 7:08 AM]
33.85 1.51 
33.90 1.56 
27.66 - 35.99 12,182,100 9,010,000 32,385
22-02-2024 PM KDP Keurig Dr Pepper Inc. 43,310 0.55 0.54 0.50 Keurig Dr Pepper reports mixed results; issues FY24 soft guidance
[2/22/2024 7:03 AM]
30.45 -1.15 
30.68 -0.92 
27.66 - 36.23 13,380,098 9,130,000 14,512
26-10-2023 PM KDP Keurig Dr Pepper Inc. 40,670 0.48 0.47 0.46 Keurig Dr Pepper Non-GAAP EPS of $0.48 beats by $0.01, revenue of $3.81B beats by $40M
[10/26/2023 7:15 AM]
29.55 0.45 
30.71 1.61 
27.66 - 39.73 11,929,620 8,830,000 322,257
27-07-2023 PM KDP Keurig Dr Pepper Inc. 45,430 0.42 0.40 0.39 Keurig Dr Pepper GAAP EPS of $0.36, revenue of $3.79B, raised FY guidance
[7/27/2023 7:18 AM]
33.77 1.23 
34.03 1.49 
30.47 - 41.31 19,168,859 8,870,000 89,194
27-04-2023 PM 6:30 AM ET
(Apr 27)
KDP Keurig Dr Pepper Inc. 50,480 0.34 0.33 0.33 Keurig Dr Pepper Non-GAAP EPS of $0.34 beats by $0.01, revenue of $3.35B beats by $60M
[4/27/2023 7:22 AM]
33.51 -1.99 
34.96 -0.54 
32.93 - 41.31 13,889,173 6,900,000 4,136
23-02-2023 PM 6:30 AM ET
(Feb 23)
KDP Keurig Dr Pepper Inc. 50,520 0.50 0.51 0.45 Keurig Dr Pepper Non-GAAP EPS of $0.50 misses by $0.01, revenue of $3.8B beats by $20M, introduces FY23 outlook
[2/23/2023 6:32 AM]
36.16 0.38 
35.98 0.20 
33.35 - 41.31 4,986,790 7,040,000 3,004
27-10-2022 PM 6:30 AM ET
(Oct 27)
KDP Keurig Dr Pepper Inc. 54,590 0.46 0.46 0.44 Keurig Dr Pepper Non-GAAP EPS of $0.46 in-line, revenue of $3.62B misses by $10M
[10/27/2022 6:35 AM]
38.08 -0.68 
37.66 -1.10 
33.35 - 41.31 5,804,550 6,180,000 28,620
28-07-2022 PM 7:00 AM ET
(Jul 28)
KDP Keurig Dr Pepper Inc. 51,680 0.39 0.38 0.38 Keurig Dr Pepper Non-GAAP EPS of $0.39 in-line, revenue of $3.55B beats by $170M
[7/28/2022 6:54 AM]
38.49 1.39 
37.14 0.03 
32.44 - 39.35 6,627,755 6,380,000 367,896
28-04-2022 PM 6:30 AM ET
(Apr 28)
KDP Keurig Dr Pepper Inc. 52,540 0.33 0.33 0.34 Keurig Dr Pepper Non-GAAP EPS of $0.33 in-line, revenue of $3.08B beats by $70M
[4/28/2022 7:05 AM]
37.99 0.14 
37.96 0.10 
32.44 - 39.35 6,131,433 6,690,000 170
24-02-2022 PM 7:00 AM ET
(Feb 24)
KDP Keurig Dr Pepper Inc. 54,690 0.45 0.45 0.39 Keurig Dr Pepper Non-GAAP EPS of $0.45 in-line, revenue of $3.39B beats by $90M
[2/24/2022 6:40 AM]
38.06 -0.51 
0.0 0.0 
30.28 - 39.35 6,538,603 6,176,962 0
28-10-2021 PM 7:00 AM ET
(Oct 28)
KDP Keurig Dr Pepper Inc. 49,020 0.44 0.44 0.39 Keurig Dr Pepper EPS beats by $0.02, beats on revenue
[10/28/2021 7:08 AM]
35.46 1.26 
34.72 0.52 
26.66 - 37.11 4,440,624 4,490,000 10,673
29-07-2021 PM 6:30 AM ET
(Jul 29)
KDP Keurig Dr Pepper Inc. 50,330 0.38 0.37 0.33 Keurig Dr Pepper EPS beats by $0.01, beats on revenue
[7/29/2021 7:13 AM]
34.94 -0.39 
35.33 0.0 
26.66 - 37.11 3,889,303 4,900,000 4,150
29-04-2021 PM 6:30 AM ET
(Apr 29)
KDP Keurig Dr Pepper Inc. 50,110 0.34 0.31 0.29 Keurig Dr Pepper EPS beats by $0.01, beats on revenue
[4/29/2021 6:32 AM]
35.94 0.73 
35.94 0.0 
25.55 - 36.45 4,884,603 4,500,000 67,300
25-02-2021 PM 6:45 AM ET
(Feb 25)
KDP Keurig Dr Pepper Inc. 44,740 0.39 0.40 0.35 Keurig Dr Pepper EPS misses by $0.01, beats on revenue
[2/25/2021 6:34 AM]
30.91 -0.55 
31.30 -0.16 
18.98 - 33.69 4,798,974 3,947,337 17,757
29-10-2020 PM 6:30 AM ET
(Oct 29)
KDP Keurig Dr Pepper Inc. 40,250 0.39 0.37 0.32 Keurig Dr Pepper EPS beats by $0.02, beats on revenue
[10/29/2020 6:50 AM]
27.19 -0.54 
27.65 -0.08 
18.98 - 32.00 5,048,124 10,407,645 8,419
30-07-2020 PM 7:00 AM ET
(Jul 30)
KDP Keurig Dr Pepper Inc. 43,470 0.33 0.32 0.30 Keurig Dr Pepper EPS beats by $0.01, beats on revenue
[7/30/2020 6:40 AM]
30.69 -0.57 
31.30 0.04 
18.98 - 32.00 1,627,051 1,902,501 2,382