Earnings History Data for Lithia Motors, Inc. (LAD) - NYSE NASDAQ

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Lithia Motors, Inc.

Lithia Motors, Inc. is one of largest automotive retailers featuring most domestic and import franchises. Its stores serve urban and rural populations throughout the Western and Midwest United States. The company is focused on providing customers with an honest and simpler buying and service experience. Lithia Motors gives customers straightforward information so that they can make confident decisions. It believes that local communities are their lifeblood.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
12-02-2025 PM LAD Lithia Motors, Inc. 9,980 7.79 7.01 8.24 Lithia & Driveway beats Q4 estimates
[2/12/2025 5:22 AM]
386.05 17.36 
397.00 28.31 
243.00 - 405.67 624,346 300,000 9,717
23-10-2024 PM LAD Lithia Motors, Inc. 8,200 8.21 7.59 9.25 Lithia & Driveway misses Q3 revenue estimates
[10/23/2024 5:25 AM]
336.03 31.49 
304.54 0.0 
231.36 - 341.84 854,344 190,000 3,267
01-08-2024 PM LAD Lithia Motors, Inc. 7,310 7.87 7.09 10.91 Lithia & Driveway Non-GAAP EPS of $7.87 beats by $0.83, revenue of $9.2B misses by $80M
[8/1/2024 5:09 AM]
294.79 18.46 
293.50 17.17 
231.36 - 331.96 587,396 290,000 203
24-04-2024 PM LAD Lithia Motors, Inc. 7,180 6.11 8.01 8.44 Lithia & Driveway Non-GAAP EPS of $6.11 misses by $1.77, revenue of $8.6B beats by $40M
[4/24/2024 5:02 AM]
249.00 -15.49 
248.00 -16.49 
206.69 - 331.96 606,479 290,000 9,073
14-02-2024 PM LAD Lithia Motors, Inc. 8,530 8.24 8.11 9.05 Lithia & Driveway Non-GAAP EPS of $8.24 beats by $0.02, revenue of $7.7B misses by $250M
[2/14/2024 5:02 AM]
303.87 5.54 
0.0 0.0 
203.65 - 331.96 353,085 230,000 0
25-10-2023 PM LAD Lithia Motors, Inc. 6,960 9.25 9.97 11.08 Lithia & Driveway Non-GAAP EPS of $9.25 misses by $0.82, revenue of $8.3B beats by $130M
[10/25/2023 5:01 AM]
234.37 -15.12 
0.0 0.0 
185.00 - 329.00 476,402 200,000 0
26-07-2023 PM LAD Lithia Motors, Inc. 8,130 10.91 9.19 12.18 Lithia & Driveway Non-GAAP EPS of $10.91 beats by $1.59, revenue of $8.1B beats by $180M
[7/26/2023 5:04 AM]
320.74 28.37 
303.00 10.63 
180.00 - 329.00 436,871 320,000 1,563
19-04-2023 PM 5:00 AM ET
(Apr 19)
LAD Lithia Motors, Inc. 6,200 8.44 8.77 11.96 Lithia & Driveway Non-GAAP EPS of $8.44 misses by $0.37, revenue of $7B misses by $280M
[4/19/2023 5:01 AM]
220.91 -5.54 
212.00 -14.45 
180.00 - 322.17 1,005,862 400,000 2,180
15-02-2023 PM 5:00 AM ET
(Feb 15)
LAD Lithia Motors, Inc. 7,500 9.05 10.11 11.39 Lithia & Driveway Non-GAAP EPS of $9.05 misses by $1.21, revenue of $7B misses by $80M
[2/15/2023 5:02 AM]
258.08 -23.22 
259.51 -21.79 
180.00 - 349.61 914,144 320,000 4,932
19-10-2022 PM 8:00 AM ET
(Oct 19)
LAD Lithia Motors, Inc. 5,640 11.08 11.90 11.21 Lithia Motors Non-GAAP EPS of $11.08 misses by $0.82, revenue of $7.3B misses by $40M
[10/19/2022 5:15 AM]
194.28 -13.08 
203.51 -3.85 
190.00 - 366.36 906,796 560,000 2,734
20-07-2022 PM 5:00 AM ET
(Jul 20)
LAD Lithia Motors 8,129 12.18 12.22 0.00 Lithia Motors Non-GAAP EPS of $12.18 beats by $0.04, revenue of $7.24B beats by $20M
[7/20/2022 8:23 AM]
279.69 -15.87 
283.00 -12.56 
252.56 - 387.63 882,847 280,000 812
20-04-2022 PM 5:00 AM ET
(Apr 20)
LAD Lithia Motors, Inc. 8,780 11.96 9.63 5.89 Lithia Motors Non-GAAP EPS of $11.96 beats by $1.62, revenue of $6.71B beats by $370M
[4/20/2022 5:14 AM]
308.15 -0.63 
310.40 1.62 
274.03 - 406.43 484,378 400,000 223
09-02-2022 PM 5:00 AM ET
(Feb 9)
LAD Lithia Motors, Inc. 8,660 11.39 9.99 5.46 Lithia Motors Non-GAAP EPS of $11.39 beats by $1.33, revenue of $6.3B beats by $150M
[2/9/2022 5:02 AM]
316.21 17.46 
310.50 11.74 
274.03 - 417.98 814,710 320,000 6,568
20-10-2021 PM 5:00 AM ET
(Oct 20)
LAD Lithia Motors, Inc. 10,240 11.21 9.82 6.89 Lithia Motors EPS beats by $1.91, beats on revenue
[10/20/2021 5:02 AM]
341.29 2.58 
356.86 18.15 
225.00 - 417.98 921,459 300,000 10,980
21-07-2021 PM 5:00 AM ET
(Jul 21)
LAD Lithia Motors, Inc. 10,220 11.12 6.56 3.72 Lithia Motors EPS beats by $4.95, beats on revenue
[7/21/2021 5:56 AM]
371.26 15.70 
380.26 24.70 
173.00 - 417.98 883,527 300,000 58,994
21-04-2021 PM 5:00 AM ET
(Apr 21)
LAD Lithia Motors, Inc. 10,390 5.89 4.69 2.01 Lithia Motors EPS beats by $1.13, beats on revenue
[4/21/2021 5:12 AM]
384.25 9.46 
387.00 12.21 
86.14 - 417.98 484,093 260,000 1,230
03-02-2021 PM 7:00 AM ET
(Feb 3)
LAD Lithia Motors, Inc. 8,910 5.46 5.05 2.95 Lithia Motors EPS beats by $0.39, beats on revenue
[2/3/2021 5:11 AM]
338.13 0.76 
337.37 0.0 
55.74 - 353.46 383,791 366,402 78,928
21-10-2020 PM 8:00 AM ET
(Oct 21)
LAD Lithia Motors, Inc. 7,280 6.89 6.22 3.39 Lithia Motors EPS beats by $0.67, beats on revenue
[10/21/2020 7:06 AM]
260.04 4.97 
265.00 4.97 
55.74 - 288.56 553,417 395,387 8,838
22-07-2020 PM 7:00 AM ET
(Jul 22)
LAD Lithia Motors, Inc. 3,950 3.72 1.51 2.95 Lithia Motors EPS beats by $2.18, beats on revenue
[7/22/2020 8:02 AM]
203.54 28.75 
192.85 18.06 
55.74 - 209.92 758,892 260,490 2,814