Earnings History Data for Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. (LOB) - NYSE NASDAQ

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Live Oak Bancshares, Inc.

Live Oak Bancshares Inc. is the parent and registered bank holding company of Live Oak Banking Company which offers online platform for small business lending. The company accepts deposit products as well as offers loans which comprise small business administration loans; conventional commercial business loans to small and medium sized businesses and construction loans. It offers loans to the veterinary, pharmacy, investment advisory, beverages, funeral homes, entertainment centers, agricultural and healthcare sectors. Live Oak Bancshares Inc. is headquartered in Wilmington, North Carolina.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
22-01-2025 AH LOB Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. 1,840 0.22 0.49 0.36 Live Oak Bancshares GAAP EPS of $0.22 misses by $0.27, revenue of $128.06M misses by $1.24M
[1/22/2025 4:40 PM]
35.01 -5.75 
40.35 -0.41 
31.03 - 50.57 372,430 170,000 913
23-10-2024 AH LOB Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. 2,140 0.28 0.53 0.88 Live Oak Bancshares GAAP EPS of $0.28, revenue of $129.93M beats by $2.1M
[10/23/2024 4:40 PM]
41.81 -4.83 
45.91 -0.73 
26.11 - 50.57 316,912 160,000 4,877
24-07-2024 AH LOB Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. 1,930 0.59 0.46 0.39 Live Oak Bancshares GAAP EPS of $0.59 beats by $0.13, revenue of $125.48M beats by $3.15M
[7/24/2024 5:04 PM]
44.53 1.66 
42.87 0.0 
26.11 - 47.22 278,231 270,000 21,027
24-04-2024 AH LOB Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. 1,720 0.36 0.48 0.01 Live Oak Bancshares GAAP EPS of $0.36 misses by $0.11, revenue of $116.21M misses by $3.24M
[4/24/2024 4:44 PM]
33.75 -6.12 
39.87 0.0 
19.53 - 47.22 622,285 110,000 6,196
24-01-2024 AH LOB Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. 1,900 0.36 0.56 0.04 Live Oak Bancshares GAAP EPS of $0.36 misses by $0.06, revenue of $119.68M beats by $0.51M
[1/24/2024 4:37 PM]
40.29 -2.21 
42.50 0.0 
17.31 - 47.22 183,670 130,000 7,092
25-10-2023 AH LOB Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. 1,220 0.88 0.49 0.96 Live Oak Bancshares GAAP EPS of $0.08 misses by $0.40, revenue of $127.30M beats by $11M
[10/25/2023 4:56 PM]
29.05 2.06 
26.99 0.0 
17.31 - 38.37 162,651 130,000 5,306
25-07-2023 AH LOB Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. 1,340 0.39 0.31 2.16 Live Oak Bancshares GAAP EPS of $0.39 beats by $0.08, revenue of $108.46M beats by $1.39M
[7/25/2023 5:35 PM]
35.66 4.66 
31.00 0.0 
17.31 - 43.72 386,618 220,000 10,359
26-04-2023 PM LOB Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. 1,060 0.01 0.35 0.76 Live Oak Bancshares GAAP EPS of $0.01 misses by $0.30, revenue of $101.6M misses by $9.31M
[4/27/2023 1:58 AM]
23.12 0.67 
22.02 -0.43 
17.31 - 49.24 273,831 290,000 14,557
25-01-2023 AH 4:30 PM ET
(Jan 25)
LOB Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. 1,380 0.04 0.40 0.66 Live Oak Bancshares GAAP EPS of $0.04 misses by $0.37, revenue of $104.97M misses by $7.04M
[1/25/2023 4:33 PM]
30.36 -0.08 
30.44 0.0 
27.50 - 67.24 459,085 250,000 5,599
26-10-2022 AH 4:30 PM ET
(Oct 26)
LOB Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. 1,270 0.96 0.45 0.76 Live Oak Bancshares GAAP EPS of $0.96 misses by $0.02, revenue of $141.61M beats by $30.21M
[10/26/2022 5:08 PM]
30.03 0.53 
29.50 0.0 
28.28 - 99.89 549,584 340,000 4,629
27-07-2022 AH 4:45 PM ET
(Jul 27)
LOB Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. 1,530 2.16 0.51 1.41 Live Oak Bancshares GAAP EPS of $2.16 misses by $0.36, revenue of $208.46M beats by $71.1M
[7/27/2022 4:45 PM]
37.21 0.71 
36.50 0.0 
30.24 - 99.89 545,081 390,000 497
27-04-2022 AH 4:45 PM ET
(Apr 27)
LOB Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. 2,120 0.76 0.70 0.88 Live Oak Bancshares GAAP EPS of $0.76 beats by $0.08, revenue of $110.4M beats by $2.77M
[4/27/2022 4:50 PM]
45.35 -1.08 
46.44 0.0 
43.29 - 99.89 439,389 320,000 9,002
25-01-2022 AH 4:30 PM ET
(Jan 25)
LOB Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. 2,810 0.66 0.73 0.69 Live Oak Bancshares Non-GAAP EPS of $0.66 misses by $0.04, revenue of $456.99M beats by $354.21M
[1/25/2022 4:55 PM]
58.17 -3.36 
60.00 -1.53 
38.50 - 99.89 727,006 450,000 900
27-10-2021 AH 4:35 PM ET
(Oct 27)
LOB Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. 3,160 0.76 0.67 0.83 Live Oak Bancshares EPS beats by $0.10, beats on revenue
[10/27/2021 4:59 PM]
77.97 6.27 
71.70 0.0 
33.66 - 78.31 367,414 210,000 7,158
21-07-2021 AH 4:30 PM ET
(Jul 21)
LOB Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. 2,380 1.41 0.59 0.09 Live Oak Bancshares EPS beats by $0.83, beats on revenue
[7/21/2021 4:40 PM]
62.34 4.36 
61.25 3.27 
15.60 - 72.64 404,368 250,000 672
21-04-2021 AH 4:30 PM ET
(Apr 21)
LOB Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. 3,050 0.88 0.62 -0.19 Live Oak Bancshares EPS beats by $0.22, beats on revenue
[4/21/2021 4:33 PM]
62.22 -3.73 
66.00 0.05 
10.90 - 72.64 296,901 240,000 163
27-01-2021 AH 4:30 PM ET
(Jan 27)
LOB Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. 1,950 0.69 0.52 0.17 Live Oak Bancshares EPS beats by $0.17, misses on revenue
[1/27/2021 4:35 PM]
40.65 -0.56 
42.00 0.79 
7.57 - 52.45 691,694 243,536 2,187
21-10-2020 AH 5:00 PM ET
(Oct 21)
LOB Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. 1,300 0.83 0.25 0.10 Live Oak Bancshares EPS beats by $0.56, beats on revenue
[10/21/2020 4:47 PM]
32.96 1.20 
34.97 3.22 
7.57 - 33.75 303,840 226,655 1,678
22-07-2020 AH 4:45 PM ET
(Jul 22)
LOB Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. 626.28 0.09 0.03 0.14 Live Oak Bancshares EPS beats by $0.05, beats on revenue
[7/22/2020 5:04 PM]
16.18 0.37 
15.81 0.0 
7.57 - 20.46 95,398 174,500 6,235