Earnings History Data for MicroStrategy Incorporated (MSTR) - NYSE NASDAQ

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MicroStrategy Incorporated

MicroStrategy Incorporated, a leading worldwide provider of business intelligence software, today announced that GT Nexus has selected MicroStrategy to power the customer-facing analytics and reporting capabilities on its Global Logistics portal. The GT Nexus portal is an on demand technology platform that is used by importers, exporters, transportation carriers, suppliers, banks, and other partners to manage goods that are moving around the world. The GT Nexus system captures and stores hard-to-get data associated with global supply chains, and then fuels a range of Web applications that can be used by constituents to lower supply chain costs and improve control. MicroStrategy will help GT Nexus to deliver a wide range of analytics and reporting capabilities to its customers, which include Home Depot, Kmart, Xerox, Weyerhaeuser, and American Eagle Outfitters.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
05-02-2025 AH MSTR MicroStrategy Incorporated 70,340 -3.20 0.00 0.56 MicroStrategy Non-GAAP EPS of -$3.20, revenue of $120.7M misses by $2.03M
[2/5/2025 4:04 PM]
326.26 -10.44 
339.00 2.30 
46.75 - 543.00 11,213,500 16,050,000 436,144
30-10-2024 AH MSTR MicroStrategy Incorporated 49,620 -1.56 0.00 -0.90 MicroStrategy Non-GAAP EPS of -$1.56 misses by $1.54, revenue of $116.07M misses by $5.38M
[10/30/2024 4:03 PM]
243.67 -3.64 
249.64 2.33 
41.01 - 267.89 17,772,197 20,110,000 1,358,631
01-08-2024 AH MSTR MicroStrategy Incorporated 28,450 -7.62 0.00 2.35 MicroStrategy EPS of -$7.62, revenue of $111.44M misses by $10.55M
[8/1/2024 4:05 PM]
1,451.09 -60.72 
1,490.00 -21.81 
307.11 - 1,999.99 1,301,516 1,310,000 45,877
29-04-2024 AH MSTR MicroStrategy Incorporated 21,050 -8.26 0.00 30.59 MicroStrategy Non-GAAP EPS of -$8.26 misses by $8.13, revenue of $115.25M misses by $6.13M
[4/29/2024 4:02 PM]
1,066.51 -226.46 
1,200.00 -92.97 
266.00 - 1,999.99 2,283,524 1,360,000 43,838
06-02-2024 AH MSTR MicroStrategy Incorporated 7,260 5.62 0.00 -20.51 MicroStrategy Non-GAAP EPS of $5.62, revenue of $124.5M misses by $7.68M
[2/6/2024 4:02 PM]
508.07 10.07 
497.61 -0.39 
188.30 - 727.77 1,026,711 880,000 16,078
01-11-2023 AH MSTR MicroStrategy Incorporated 5,920 -8.98 0.74 -0.96 MicroStrategy Non-GAAP EPS of -$8.98 misses by $9.67, revenue of $129.5M beats by $3.12M
[11/1/2023 4:07 PM]
453.63 26.96 
453.63 0.0 
132.56 - 475.09 1,145,510 1,010,000 4,108
01-08-2023 AH MSTR MicroStrategy Incorporated 5,630 2.35 0.71 -92.81 MicroStrategy Non-GAAP EPS of $2.35 beats by $1.68, revenue of $120.4M misses by $4.3M
[8/1/2023 4:04 PM]
407.62 -27.36 
434.49 -0.49 
132.56 - 475.09 1,016,376 560,000 9,965
01-05-2023 AH 4:00 PM ET
(May 1)
MSTR MicroStrategy 3,680 30.59 0.49 0.00 MicroStrategy Non-GAAP EPS of $30.59 beats by $30.32, revenue of $121.62M beats by $2.58M
[5/1/2023 4:04 PM]
328.12 20.65 
313.03 5.56 
132.56 - 369.53 1,311,945 800,000 8,357
02-02-2023 AH 4:00 PM ET
(Feb 2)
MSTR MicroStrategy Incorporated 2,830 -20.51 0.53 -8.41 MicroStrategyEPS of -$21.93, revenue of $132.6M beats by $1.6M
[2/2/2023 4:05 PM]
285.12 -7.01 
282.31 -9.82 
132.56 - 522.80 576,957 580,000 13,160
01-11-2022 AH 4:00 PM ET
(Nov 1)
MSTR MicroStrategy Incorporated 3,170 -0.96 0.95 1.86 MicroStrategyEPS of -$0.96, revenue of $126.36M beats by $0.56M
[11/1/2022 4:04 PM]
247.27 -9.93 
259.40 2.20 
134.09 - 891.38 578,788 390,000 1,349
02-08-2022 AH 4:00 PM ET
(Aug 2)
MSTR MicroStrategy Incorporated 3,190 -92.81 -2.20 0.82 MicroStrategy GAAP EPS of -$94.01, revenue of $122.1M
[8/2/2022 4:07 PM]
312.58 34.32 
282.37 4.11 
134.09 - 891.38 1,211,696 730,000 6,844
03-05-2022 AH 4:00 PM ET
(May 3)
MSTR MicroStrategy 4,520 -10.42 1.50 0.00 MicroStrategy Non-GAAP EPS of -$10.42 misses by $8.32, revenue of $119.3M misses by $6.93M
[5/3/2022 4:04 PM]
367.71 24.31 
352.00 8.60 
307.19 - 891.38 704,837 400,000 6,444
01-02-2022 AH 4:00 PM ET
(Feb 1)
MSTR MicroStrategy Incorporated 3,580 -8.41 1.58 1.87 MicroStrategy Non-GAAP EPS of -$8.41, revenue of $134.52M beats by $1.32M
[2/1/2022 4:04 PM]
349.82 -23.18 
365.88 -7.12 
307.19 - 1,315.00 700,514 870,000 7,980
28-10-2021 AH 4:00 PM ET
(Oct 28)
MSTR MicroStrategy Incorporated 7,570 1.86 1.12 1.79 MicroStrategy EPS of $1.86
[10/28/2021 4:05 PM]
714.76 -2.37 
720.00 2.87 
159.54 - 1,315.00 611,486 540,000 1,205
29-07-2021 AH 4:00 PM ET
(Jul 29)
MSTR MicroStrategy Incorporated 6,150 0.82 0.63 0.35 MicroStrategy EPS beats by $0.71, beats on revenue
[7/29/2021 4:04 PM]
626.74 1.73 
613.00 -12.01 
120.00 - 1,315.00 545,726 910,000 4,420
29-04-2021 AH 4:00 PM ET
(Apr 29)
MSTR MicroStrategy Incorporated 6,420 1.05 -0.19 0.07 MicroStrategy EPS beats by $1.06, beats on revenue
[4/29/2021 4:15 PM]
655.30 0.29 
651.09 -3.92 
109.64 - 1,315.00 508,727 570,000 9,064
28-01-2021 AH 4:00 PM ET
(Jan 28)
MSTR MicroStrategy Incorporated 5,190 1.87 0.00 1.18 MicroStrategy EPS misses by $1.35
[1/28/2021 4:04 PM]
623.81 45.44 
674.50 96.12 
90.00 - 696.48 1,274,749 1,068,354 67,317
27-10-2020 AH 4:00 PM ET
(Oct 27)
MSTR MicroStrategy Incorporated 1,790 1.79 0.04 0.94 MicroStrategy EPS of $2.06
[10/27/2020 4:11 PM]
161.74 -13.84 
178.00 2.42 
90.00 - 187.00 355,306 145,618 985