Earnings History Data for Mettler-Toledo International, Inc. (MTD) - NYSE NASDAQ

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Mettler-Toledo International, Inc.

Mettler-Toledo International Inc. is a leading global manufacturer of precision instruments. The Company is the world's largest manufacturer and marketer of weighing instruments for use in laboratory, industrial and food retailing applications. The Company also holds top-three market positions in several related analytical instruments and is a leading provider of automated chemistry systems used in drug and chemical compound discovery and development. In addition, the Company is the world's largest manufacturer and marketer of metal detection systems used in production and packaging.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
06-02-2025 AH MTD Mettler-Toledo International, Inc. 28,270 12.41 11.69 9.40 Mettler-Toledo Non-GAAP EPS of $12.41 beats by $0.69, revenue of $1.04B beats by $30M
[2/6/2025 4:33 PM]
1,391.07 33.81 
1,406.17 48.91 
1,133.46 - 1,546.93 410,750 120,000 1,224
07-11-2024 AH MTD Mettler-Toledo International, Inc. 29,410 10.21 10.00 9.80 Mettler-Toledo Non-GAAP EPS of $10.21 beats by $0.20, revenue of $954.54M beats by $10.13M
[11/7/2024 5:13 PM]
1,311.15 -100.37 
1,411.52 0.0 
953.28 - 1,546.93 205,325 130,000 3,896
01-08-2024 AH MTD Mettler-Toledo International, Inc. 32,240 9.65 9.00 10.19 Mettler-Toledo Non-GAAP EPS of $9.65 beats by $0.60, revenue of $946.75M beats by $16.89M
[8/1/2024 4:52 PM]
1,444.53 -70.82 
1,515.35 0.0 
928.49 - 1,546.93 287,306 140,000 5,847
09-05-2024 AH MTD Mettler-Toledo International, Inc. 26,800 8.89 7.61 8.69 Mettler-Toledo Non-GAAP EPS of $8.89 beats by $1.24, revenue of $926M beats by $45.78M
[5/9/2024 5:05 PM]
1,513.34 222.92 
1,290.42 0.0 
928.49 - 1,513.34 382,575 130,000 13,718
08-02-2024 AH MTD Mettler-Toledo International, Inc. 26,280 9.40 10.32 12.10 Mettler-Toledo misses Q4 top-line and bottom-line estimates; initiates Q1 and FY24 outlook
[2/8/2024 5:03 PM]
1,178.34 -46.63 
1,224.97 0.0 
928.49 - 1,615.97 246,778 150,000 3,532
09-11-2023 AH MTD Mettler-Toledo International, Inc. 22,790 9.80 9.63 10.18 Mettler-Toledo Non-GAAP EPS of $9.80 misses by $0.07, revenue of $942.5M misses by $15.56M
[11/9/2023 4:55 PM]
1,045.16 20.61 
1,024.55 0.0 
928.49 - 1,615.97 242,503 170,000 3,466
27-07-2023 AH MTD Mettler-Toledo International, Inc. 29,990 10.19 9.99 9.39 Mettler-Toledo Non-GAAP EPS of $10.19 beats by $0.21, revenue of $982.12M misses by $17.88M
[7/27/2023 4:48 PM]
1,311.99 -12.15 
1,230.00 -94.14 
1,065.55 - 1,615.97 263,270 180,000 6,057
04-05-2023 AH 4:10 PM ET
(May 4)
MTD Mettler-Toledo International, Inc. 33,160 8.69 8.61 7.87 Mettler-Toledo beats top and bottom-line estimates
[5/4/2023 5:29 PM]
1,425.80 -49.40 
1,475.20 0.0 
1,065.55 - 1,615.97 208,599 110,000 2,206
09-02-2023 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Feb 9)
MTD MettlerToledo International 34,733 12.10 11.63 0.00 Mettler Toledo Non-GAAP EPS of $12.00 beats by $0.32, revenue of $1.06B beats by $30M
[2/9/2023 5:45 PM]
1,512.45 -22.19 
1,534.64 0.0 
1,065.55 - 1,609.25 137,701 100,000 4,833
03-11-2022 AH 5:15 PM ET
(Nov 3)
MTD Mettler-Toledo International, Inc. 28,830 10.18 9.83 8.72 Mettler Toledo Non-GAAP EPS of $10.18 beats by $0.35, revenue of $985.85M beats by $12.17M
[11/3/2022 5:04 PM]
1,282.90 57.03 
1,225.87 0.0 
1,065.55 - 1,714.75 155,916 100,000 3,699
05-05-2022 AH 4:10 PM ET
(May 5)
MTD Mettler-Toledo International, Inc. 29,400 7.87 7.32 6.56 Mettler Toledo Non-GAAP EPS of $7.87 beats by $0.59, revenue of $897.79M beats by $29.71M
[5/5/2022 5:05 PM]
1,314.06 2.71 
1,311.35 0.0 
1,225.56 - 1,714.75 209,094 150,000 712
10-02-2022 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Feb 10)
MTD Mettler-Toledo International, Inc. 34,490 10.53 10.07 9.26 Mettler Toledo Non-GAAP EPS of $10.53 beats by $0.42, revenue of $1.04B beats by $20M
[2/10/2022 4:44 PM]
1,431.60 -90.09 
1,521.70 0.0 
1,033.40 - 1,714.75 251,018 120,000 8,347
04-11-2021 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Nov 4)
MTD Mettler-Toledo International, Inc. 33,390 8.72 8.25 7.02 Mettler Toledo EPS beats by $0.44, beats on revenue
[11/4/2021 4:58 PM]
1,519.31 34.91 
1,484.40 0.0 
1,033.40 - 1,626.62 165,180 80,000 1,622
29-07-2021 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Jul 29)
MTD Mettler-Toledo International, Inc. 34,440 8.10 7.64 5.29 Mettler Toledo EPS beats by $0.48, beats on revenue
[7/29/2021 5:06 PM]
1,472.83 -38.87 
1,460.00 -51.70 
879.69 - 1,519.99 120,624 80,000 2,430
06-05-2021 AH 4:10 PM ET
(May 6)
MTD Mettler-Toledo International, Inc. 29,900 6.56 5.65 4.00 Mettler Toledo EPS beats by $0.95, beats on revenue
[5/6/2021 4:47 PM]
1,278.56 -20.01 
1,278.56 0.0 
661.32 - 1,339.38 139,646 90,000 1,683
04-02-2021 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Feb 4)
MTD Mettler-Toledo International, Inc. 28,970 9.26 8.72 7.78 Mettler Toledo EPS beats by $0.50, beats on revenue
[2/4/2021 4:14 PM]
1,192.89 -24.05 
1,216.94 0.0 
579.40 - 1,271.67 173,636 112,575 4,176
05-11-2020 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Nov 5)
MTD Mettler-Toledo International, Inc. 25,540 7.02 6.02 5.77 Mettler Toledo EPS beats by $1.05, beats on revenue; provides Q4, FY20 and FY21 guidance
[11/5/2020 5:24 PM]
1,178.60 74.86 
1,103.74 0.0 
579.40 - 1,228.41 203,934 116,242 3,311
30-07-2020 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Jul 30)
MTD Mettler-Toledo International, Inc. 21,090 5.29 4.27 5.16 Mettler Toledo EPS beats by $1.07, beats on revenue
[7/30/2020 4:38 PM]
948.19 53.02 
895.17 0.0 
579.40 - 953.70 116,178 115,545 2,597