Earnings History Data for OceanFirst Financial Corp. (OCFC) - NYSE NASDAQ

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OceanFirst Financial Corp.

OceanFirst Financial Corp. is a holding company for the OceanFirst Bank.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
23-01-2025 AH OCFC OceanFirst Financial Corp. 1,100 0.38 0.36 0.45 OceanFirst Financial Non-GAAP EPS of $0.38 beats by $0.02, revenue of $95.56M beats by $0.61M
[1/23/2025 4:22 PM]
18.79 -0.36 
19.15 0.0 
14.03 - 21.87 325,442 300,000 13,262
17-10-2024 AH OCFC OceanFirst Financial Corp. 1,100 0.39 0.38 0.32 OceanFirst Financial GAAP EPS of $0.42 beats by $0.03, revenue of $96.90M beats by $3.96M
[10/17/2024 4:19 PM]
19.06 -0.40 
20.00 0.54 
12.01 - 19.49 186,941 230,000 5,086
18-07-2024 AH OCFC OceanFirst Financial Corp. 1,020 0.39 0.42 0.46 OceanFirst Financial Non-GAAP EPS of $0.39 misses by $0.03, revenue of $93.25M misses by $1.19M
[7/18/2024 4:19 PM]
17.39 -0.89 
18.30 0.02 
12.01 - 19.58 894,535 320,000 16,060
18-04-2024 AH OCFC OceanFirst Financial Corp. 866.03 0.44 0.42 0.55 OceanFirst Financial Non-GAAP EPS of $0.44 beats by $0.03, revenue of $98.51M beats by $2.85M
[4/18/2024 4:25 PM]
15.20 0.61 
14.59 0.0 
12.01 - 19.58 268,151 0 25,965
18-01-2024 AH OCFC OceanFirst Financial Corp. 979.89 0.45 0.43 0.67 OceanFirst Financial GAAP EPS of $0.46 beats by $0.04, revenue of $99.68M beats by $2.84M
[1/18/2024 4:24 PM]
17.60 1.04 
16.56 0.0 
12.01 - 24.93 251,071 220,000 13,954
19-10-2023 AH OCFC OceanFirst Financial Corp. 850.32 0.32 0.37 0.60 OceanFirst Financial GAAP EPS of $0.33 misses by $0.02, revenue of $101.76M beats by $0.68M
[10/19/2023 4:31 PM]
13.35 -0.47 
13.82 0.0 
12.81 - 24.93 312,660 390,000 13,172
20-07-2023 AH OCFC OceanFirst Financial Corp. 995.72 0.46 0.49 0.59 OceanFirst Financial GAAP EPS of $0.45 misses by $0.02, revenue of $101.03M misses by $1.3M
[7/20/2023 4:22 PM]
17.36 -0.59 
17.95 0.0 
12.81 - 24.93 499,907 260,000 28,190
20-04-2023 AH 4:05 PM ET
(Apr 20)
OCFC OceanFirst Financial Corp. 1,020 0.55 0.66 0.49 OceanFirst Financial Non-GAAP EPS of $0.78 beats by $0.14, revenue of $100.88M misses by $16.62M
[4/20/2023 4:36 PM]
16.27 -1.31 
17.15 -0.43 
15.96 - 24.93 416,953 200,000 5,835
19-01-2023 AH 4:05 PM ET
(Jan 19)
OCFC OceanFirst Financial Corp. 1,300 0.67 0.63 0.48 OceanFirst Financial GAAP EPS of $0.89 beats by $0.24, revenue of $134.04M beats by $22.87M
[1/19/2023 4:24 PM]
22.37 1.58 
20.79 0.0 
18.24 - 24.02 545,587 170,000 4,126
24-10-2022 AH 4:00 PM ET
(Oct 24)
OCFC OceanFirst Financial Corp. 1,230 0.60 0.56 0.45 OceanFirst Financial GAAP EPS of $0.64 beats by $0.10, revenue of $111.11M misses by $1.94M
[10/24/2022 4:10 PM]
21.67 0.19 
21.48 0.0 
18.24 - 24.25 383,124 380,000 14,986
28-07-2022 AH 4:30 PM ET
(Jul 28)
OCFC OceanFirst Financial Corp. 1,180 0.59 0.54 0.49 OceanFirst Financial GAAP EPS of $0.47 misses by $0.03, revenue of $98.34M misses by $6.37M
[7/28/2022 4:33 PM]
20.55 -0.12 
20.67 0.0 
18.24 - 24.25 423,167 240,000 6,695
28-04-2022 AH 4:30 PM ET
(Apr 28)
OCFC OceanFirst Financial Corp. 1,100 0.49 0.46 0.44 OceanFirst Financial GAAP EPS of $0.42 misses by $0.03, revenue of $95.86M beats by $2.46M
[4/28/2022 4:46 PM]
18.71 0.18 
18.54 0.0 
18.34 - 24.25 243,440 230,000 8,038
27-01-2022 AH 4:30 PM ET
(Jan 27)
OCFC OceanFirst Financial Corp. 1,360 0.48 0.44 0.39 OceanFirst Financial GAAP EPS of $0.37 misses by $0.02, revenue of $89.99M misses by $1.07M
[1/27/2022 4:44 PM]
22.64 0.46 
22.18 0.0 
18.14 - 25.76 282,417 190,000 2,819
28-10-2021 AH 4:30 PM ET
(Oct 28)
OCFC OceanFirst Financial Corp. 1,330 0.45 0.41 0.00 22.18 -0.20 
22.38 0.0 
14.06 - 25.76 241,335 170,000 559
29-07-2021 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Jul 29)
OCFC OceanFirst Financial Corp. 1,160 0.49 0.43 0.36 OceanFirst Financial EPS beats by $0.06, misses on revenue
[7/29/2021 4:39 PM]
19.49 -0.33 
19.82 0.0 
13.14 - 25.76 212,235 190,000 4,921
29-04-2021 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Apr 29)
OCFC OceanFirst Financial Corp. 1,370 0.44 0.40 0.45 OceanFirst Financial EPS beats by $0.04, beats on revenue
[4/29/2021 4:28 PM]
22.85 -0.41 
23.26 0.0 
12.88 - 25.76 223,698 190,000 273
28-01-2021 AH 5:15 PM ET
(Jan 28)
OCFC OceanFirst Financial Corp. 1,150 0.39 0.40 0.51 OceanFirst Financial EPS beats by $0.17, beats on revenue
[1/28/2021 4:47 PM]
18.21 -0.67 
18.88 0.0 
11.60 - 24.20 134,168 152,830 5,378
29-10-2020 AH 5:15 PM ET
(Oct 29)
OCFC OceanFirst Financial Corp. 973.30 N/A 0.42 0.54 OceanFirst Financial EPS misses by $0.41, misses on revenue
[10/29/2020 5:22 PM]
14.96 -1.03 
15.99 0.0 
11.60 - 25.61 1,008,432 251,641 4,015