Earnings History Data for Regency Centers Corporation (REG) - NYSE NASDAQ

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Regency Centers Corporation

Regency Centers Corporation is the preeminent national owner, operator, and developer of shopping centers located in affluent and densely populated trade areas. The Company portfolio includes thriving properties merchandised with highly productive grocers, restaurants, service providers, and best-in-class retailers that connect to their neighborhoods, communities, and customers. Operating as a fully integrated real estate company, Regency Centers is a qualified real estate investment trust (REIT) that is self-administered, self-managed.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
06-02-2025 AH REG Regency Centers Corporation 13,030 0.46 1.07 1.02 Regency Centers FFO of $1.09 beats by $0.02
[2/6/2025 4:32 PM]
74.07 1.12 
72.95 0.0 
56.51 - 76.53 811,705 920,000 36,237
28-10-2024 AH REG Regency Centers Corporation 13,070 0.54 1.04 1.02 Regency Centers FFO of $1.07 beats by $0.03
[10/28/2024 4:21 PM]
72.51 0.76 
71.75 0.0 
56.51 - 75.26 1,086,803 690,000 39,280
01-08-2024 AH REG Regency Centers Corporation 12,640 0.54 1.02 1.03 Regency Centers FFO of $1.06 beats by $0.04
[8/1/2024 4:42 PM]
70.26 1.70 
68.56 0.0 
56.29 - 71.30 1,565,389 1,040,000 85,437
02-05-2024 AH REG Regency Centers Corporation 10,890 0.58 1.03 1.08 Regency Centers FFO of $1.08 beats by $0.05
[5/2/2024 4:26 PM]
58.93 -1.09 
60.02 0.0 
54.72 - 68.47 1,742,860 1,280,000 162,785
08-02-2024 AH REG Regency Centers Corporation 11,480 0.47 1.02 0.98 Regency Centers FFO of $1.02 in-line
[2/8/2024 4:18 PM]
61.23 -0.91 
60.89 -1.25 
54.72 - 68.47 1,962,119 1,120,000 1,326
02-11-2023 AH REG Regency Centers Corporation 10,300 0.50 1.01 0.94 Regency Centers FFO of $1.02 in-line
[11/2/2023 5:18 PM]
62.71 0.56 
62.15 0.0 
54.72 - 68.56 1,061,657 1,150,000 31,199
03-08-2023 AH REG Regency Centers Corporation 11,240 0.50 1.01 1.00 Regency Centers FFO of $1.03 beats by $0.02
[8/3/2023 4:43 PM]
66.25 0.27 
67.00 1.02 
51.97 - 68.56 1,228,431 910,000 150
04-05-2023 AH 4:15 PM ET
(May 4)
REG Regency Centers Corporation 10,280 0.57 1.02 1.03 Regency Centers FFO of $1.08 beats by $0.06
[5/4/2023 5:13 PM]
60.80 0.70 
60.10 0.0 
51.97 - 72.81 678,753 690,000 247
09-02-2023 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Feb 9)
REG Regency Centers Corporation 11,230 0.56 0.98 1.01 Regency Centers reports Q4 results
[2/9/2023 4:28 PM]
65.78 2.23 
63.55 0.0 
51.97 - 73.41 995,455 1,080,000 43,271
03-11-2022 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Nov 3)
REG Regency Centers Corporation 10,600 0.44 0.95 0.96 Regency Centers FFO of $1.01 beats by $0.05; raises FY22 guidance
[11/3/2022 4:32 PM]
63.57 3.28 
59.82 -0.47 
51.97 - 78.78 1,449,730 1,170,000 1,300
04-08-2022 AH 4:05 PM ET
(Aug 4)
REG Regency Centers Corporation 10,830 0.61 0.95 0.99 Regency Centers FFO of $1.00 beats by $0.05; raises FY22 guidance
[8/4/2022 4:42 PM]
62.84 0.03 
62.84 0.0 
55.78 - 78.78 843,441 940,000 11,941
03-05-2022 AH 4:10 PM ET
(May 3)
REG Regency Centers 12,327 1.14 0.93 0.00 Regency Centers FFO of $1.03 beats by $0.09
[5/3/2022 4:51 PM]
72.89 4.29 
68.60 0.0 
61.48 - 78.78 1,237,149 850,000 45,601
10-02-2022 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Feb 10)
REG Regency Centers Corporation 12,070 0.39 0.96 0.76 Regency Centers FFO of $1.01 beats by $0.05
[2/10/2022 4:26 PM]
66.90 -3.59 
70.50 0.0 
49.92 - 78.78 1,695,342 1,060,000 40,242
04-11-2021 AH 4:05 PM ET
(Nov 4)
REG Regency Centers Corporation 12,120 0.53 0.98 0.69 Regency Centers FFO beats by $0.13
[11/4/2021 4:23 PM]
75.88 1.87 
74.01 0.0 
33.29 - 78.06 679,811 820,000 18,299
05-08-2021 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Aug 5)
REG Regency Centers Corporation 10,920 0.56 0.82 0.61 Regency Centers FFO beats by $0.16
[8/5/2021 4:32 PM]
66.28 0.96 
65.32 0.0 
33.29 - 68.40 787,697 720,000 13,899
06-05-2021 AH 4:15 PM ET
(May 6)
REG Regency Centers Corporation 10,770 0.47 0.75 0.98 Regency Centers FFO beats by $0.14
[5/6/2021 4:29 PM]
65.36 1.54 
65.36 0.0 
33.29 - 66.36 1,287,030 910,000 8,934
11-02-2021 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Feb 11)
REG Regency Centers Corporation 8,310 0.23 0.72 1.00 Regency Centers FFO beats by $0.03
[2/11/2021 4:18 PM]
52.68 1.43 
51.25 0.0 
31.80 - 64.65 1,006,095 1,380,870 14,819
05-11-2020 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Nov 5)
REG Regency Centers Corporation 6,350 0.16 0.75 0.99 Regency Centers FFO misses by $0.16
[11/5/2020 5:17 PM]
34.08 -2.10 
36.18 0.0 
31.80 - 67.70 2,421,330 925,003 20,967
03-08-2020 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Aug 3)
REG Regency Centers Corporation 7,090 0.11 0.78 0.95 Regency Centers FFO misses by $0.20
[8/3/2020 4:21 PM]
41.02 0.43 
40.59 0.0 
31.80 - 70.13 615,357 1,447,880 21,382