Earnings History Data for Rogers Corporation (ROG) - NYSE NASDAQ

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Rogers Corporation

Rogers Corporation is a global leader in engineered materials to power, protect, and connect their world. With more than 180 years of materials science experience, Rogers delivers high-performance solutions that enable clean energy, internet connectivity, and safety and protection applications, as well as other technologies where reliability is critical. Rogers delivers Power Electronics Solutions for energy-efficient motor drives, e-Mobility and renewable energy; Elastomeric Material Solutions for sealing, vibration management and impact protection in mobile devices, transportation interiors, industrial equipment and performance apparel; and Advanced Connectivity Solutions for wireless infrastructure, automotive safety and radar systems. Headquartered in Arizona (USA), Rogers operates manufacturing facilities in the United States, China, Germany, Belgium, Hungary, and South Korea, with joint ventures and sales offices worldwide.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
19-02-2025 AH ROG Rogers Corporation 1,660 0.46 0.45 0.60 Rogers Non-GAAP EPS of $0.46 beats by $0.03, revenue of $192.2M beats by $0.45M
[2/19/2025 4:15 PM]
89.97 0.09 
86.56 -3.32 
85.02 - 134.07 275,047 150,000 2,443
24-10-2024 AH ROG Rogers Corporation 1,870 0.98 0.85 1.24 Rogers Non-GAAP EPS of $0.98 beats by $0.13, revenue of $210.3M misses by $9.8M
[10/24/2024 4:23 PM]
101.25 1.75 
99.01 -0.49 
96.10 - 138.85 209,108 120,000 243
25-07-2024 AH ROG Rogers Corporation 2,400 0.69 0.60 1.07 Rogers Non-GAAP EPS of $0.69 beats by $0.09, revenue of $214.2M misses by $1.95M
[7/25/2024 4:27 PM]
123.77 1.09 
122.68 0.0 
105.48 - 171.14 193,211 120,000 7,435
25-04-2024 AH ROG Rogers Corporation 2,040 0.58 0.55 0.87 Rogers Non-GAAP EPS of $0.58 beats by $0.03, revenue of $213.4M beats by $3.4M
[4/25/2024 4:30 PM]
120.89 11.35 
110.70 1.16 
105.48 - 173.16 539,549 180,000 70,673
21-02-2024 AH ROG Rogers Corporation 2,210 0.60 1.00 1.04 Rogers misses top-line and bottom-line estimates; initiates Q1 FY24 outlook
[2/21/2024 5:25 PM]
114.36 -1.87 
113.00 -3.23 
107.37 - 173.16 564,851 160,000 2,616
26-10-2023 AH ROG Rogers Corporation 2,290 1.24 1.15 1.11 Rogers Non-GAAP EPS of $1.24, revenue of $229.1M
[10/26/2023 4:30 PM]
119.49 0.38 
117.65 -1.46 
98.45 - 240.97 112,284 130,000 4,677
03-08-2023 AH ROG Rogers Corporation 3,110 1.07 1.05 1.22 Rogers GAAP EPS of $0.96, revenue of $230.8M
[8/3/2023 4:53 PM]
151.86 -4.17 
156.03 0.0 
98.45 - 270.65 178,128 140,000 5,664
27-04-2023 AH 5:00 PM ET
(Apr 27)
ROG Rogers Corporation 2,930 0.87 0.70 1.53 Rogers Q1 results beat estimates, co provides Q2 2023 guidance
[4/27/2023 4:50 PM]
161.01 5.41 
158.70 3.10 
98.45 - 273.24 258,187 130,000 3,141
28-02-2023 AH 5:00 PM ET
(Feb 28)
ROG Rogers Corporation 2,750 1.04 0.86 1.92 Rogers Non-GAAP EPS of $1.04 beats by $0.18, revenue of $23.7M misses by $211.7M
[2/28/2023 5:01 PM]
155.59 8.39 
147.20 0.0 
98.45 - 274.51 514,492 230,000 12,888
03-08-2022 AH ROG Rogers Corporation 5,040 1.22 1.43 1.72 Rogers GAAP EPS of $0.94, revenue of $252M
[8/3/2022 5:44 PM]
266.15 -1.62 
3.92 -0.40 
178.43 - 274.51 222,128 140,000 51,552
28-04-2022 AH 4:00 PM ET
(Apr 28)
ROG Rogers 5,124 1.53 1.14 0.00 Rogers Non-GAAP EPS of $1.53, revenue of $248.3M
[4/28/2022 5:09 PM]
272.25 -0.25 
272.50 0.0 
172.84 - 274.51 120,731 140,000 2,739
22-02-2022 AH ROG Rogers 5,107 1.92 1.65 0.00 Rogers GAAP EPS of $1.22, revenue of $230.5M
[2/22/2022 5:13 PM]
272.41 0.16 
270.03 -2.22 
172.21 - 274.17 230,008 340,000 19,954
02-11-2021 PM 4:10 PM ET
(Nov 4)
ROG Rogers 3,767 1.64 1.77 0.00 Rogers EPS misses by $0.14, misses on revenue
[11/2/2021 6:24 AM]
269.90 61.67 
269.90 0.0 
113.86 - 272.01 3,600,147 50,000 7,809
02-11-2021 PM 4:10 PM ET
(Nov 4)
ROG Rogers Corporation 3,900 1.64 1.77 1.45 DuPont EPS beats by $0.03, beats on revenue, acquires Rogers in a deal value at $5.2B
[11/2/2021 6:03 AM]
269.50 0.14 
269.36 0.0 
121.91 - 273.00 512,607 600,000 14,864
29-07-2021 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Jul 29)
ROG Rogers Corporation 3,660 1.72 1.88 1.13 Rogers EPS misses by $0.17, misses on revenue
[7/29/2021 5:08 PM]
190.59 -13.40 
203.99 0.0 
95.69 - 207.82 154,206 50,000 397
29-04-2021 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Apr 29)
ROG Rogers Corporation 3,790 1.92 1.79 0.92 Rogers EPS beats by $0.13, beats on revenue
[4/29/2021 4:31 PM]
195.76 6.28 
189.48 0.0 
92.01 - 206.13 90,210 70,000 1,666
18-02-2021 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Feb 18)
ROG Rogers Corporation 3,350 1.58 1.40 1.14 Rogers EPS beats by $0.16, beats on revenue
[2/18/2021 4:20 PM]
186.00 15.58 
170.42 0.0 
75.72 - 192.81 116,412 48,596 597
29-10-2020 AH 4:10 PM ET
(Oct 29)
ROG Rogers Corporation 2,090 1.45 1.00 1.51 Rogers EPS beats by $0.45, beats on revenue
[10/29/2020 4:30 PM]
121.00 18.02 
106.31 3.33 
75.72 - 155.01 221,022 85,707 678
30-07-2020 AH 4:05 PM ET
(Jul 30)
ROG Rogers Corporation 2,420 1.13 0.90 1.64 Rogers EPS beats by $0.23, misses on revenue
[7/30/2020 4:23 PM]
119.41 -13.82 
133.23 0.0 
75.72 - 167.19 211,352 98,257 5,433