Earnings History Data for Spirit Aerosystems Holdings, Inc. (SPR) - NYSE NASDAQ

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Spirit Aerosystems Holdings, Inc.

SPIRIT AEROSYSTEMS is the world's largest independent supplier of commercial airplane assemblies and components. In addition to its Kansas facility, Spirit has operations in Tulsa and McAlester, Okla., Prestwick, Scotland, and Samlesbury, England. In the U.S., Spirit's core products include fuselages, pylons, nacelles and wing components. Additionally, Spirit provides aftermarket customer support services, including spare parts, maintenance/repair/overhaul, and fleet support services in North America and Europe. Spirit Europe produces wing components for a host of customers, including Airbus.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
23-10-2024 PM SPR Spirit Aerosystems 3,857 -3.03 -0.16 0.00 Spirit AeroSystems Non-GAAP EPS of -$3.03, revenue of $1.5B misses by $400M
[10/24/2024 12:46 AM]
31.69 -0.96 
31.50 -1.15 
20.98 - 37.08 1,561,334 1,320,000 33,606
05-08-2024 AH SPR Spirit Aerosystems Holdings, Inc. 4,110 -2.73 -0.98 -1.46 Spirit AeroSystems Non-GAAP EPS of -$2.73 misses by $1.87, revenue of $1.5B misses by $60M
[8/5/2024 4:36 PM]
33.42 -0.13 
33.41 -0.14 
14.65 - 37.08 3,354,636 2,970,000 505,492
07-05-2024 PM SPR Spirit Aerosystems 3,832 -3.93 -0.44 0.00 Spirit AeroSystems Non-GAAP EPS of -$3.93 misses by $3.35, revenue of $1.7B beats by $80M
[5/7/2024 7:31 AM]
32.91 -0.11 
32.00 -1.02 
14.65 - 36.34 2,979,802 2,460,000 61,524
06-02-2024 PM SPR Spirit Aerosystems Holdings, Inc. 2,960 0.48 1.32 -1.46 Spirit AeroSystems reports mixed Q4 results; suspends guidance
[2/6/2024 7:35 AM]
28.02 1.31 
26.67 -0.04 
14.65 - 38.55 6,124,454 4,450,000 40,680
01-11-2023 PM SPR Spirit Aerosystems Holdings, Inc. 2,280 -1.42 -1.56 -0.15 Spirit AeroSystems Non-GAAP EPS of -$1.42 beats by $0.05, revenue of $1.4B misses by $40M
[11/1/2023 7:43 AM]
24.35 1.75 
23.18 0.58 
14.65 - 38.55 5,143,410 6,530,000 77,379
02-08-2023 PM SPR Spirit Aerosystems Holdings, Inc. 3,350 -1.46 -0.79 -1.21 Spirit AeroSystems Non-GAAP EPS of -$1.46 misses by $0.56, revenue of $1.37B beats by $60M
[8/2/2023 7:33 AM]
22.78 -8.66 
29.67 -1.77 
21.14 - 38.55 20,610,347 1,670,000 48,160
03-05-2023 PM 7:30 AM ET
(May 3)
SPR Spirit Aerosystems Holdings, Inc. 3,090 -1.69 -0.31 0.03 Spirit AeroSystems Non-GAAP EPS of -$1.69 misses by $1.43, revenue of $1.4B misses by $120M
[5/3/2023 7:32 AM]
26.38 -3.59 
30.42 0.46 
21.14 - 43.50 8,669,185 2,350,000 134,466
07-02-2023 PM 7:30 AM ET
(Feb 7)
SPR Spirit Aerosystems Holdings, Inc. 3,800 -1.46 -0.47 -0.84 Spirit AeroSystems Non-GAAP EPS of -$1.46 misses by $1.23, revenue of $1.3B misses by $130M
[2/7/2023 7:31 AM]
38.29 3.98 
33.50 -0.81 
21.14 - 53.31 8,737,228 1,940,000 47,146
03-11-2022 PM 7:30 AM ET
(Nov 3)
SPR Spirit Aerosystems Holdings, Inc. 2,500 -0.15 -0.39 -1.13 Spirit AeroSystems Non-GAAP EPS of -$0.15 beats by $0.24, revenue of $1.28B misses by $40M
[11/3/2022 7:33 AM]
22.14 -1.48 
23.40 -0.22 
21.14 - 53.31 9,083,326 2,890,000 2,214,839
03-08-2022 PM 7:30 AM ET
(Aug 3)
SPR Spirit Aerosystems Holdings, Inc. 3,560 -1.21 -0.23 -0.31 Spirit AeroSystems Non-GAAP EPS of -$1.21 misses by $0.96, revenue of $1.26B misses by $30M
[8/3/2022 7:33 AM]
31.57 -2.46 
33.00 -1.03 
26.18 - 53.31 5,008,086 2,420,000 32,597
04-05-2022 PM 7:30 AM ET
(May 4)
SPR Spirit Aerosystems 4,416 0.03 -0.61 0.00 Spirit AeroSystems Non-GAAP EPS of $0.03 beats by $0.62, revenue of $1.18B beats by $90M
[5/4/2022 7:32 AM]
38.92 -3.44 
42.80 0.43 
35.22 - 53.31 5,159,360 1,310,000 6,612
02-02-2022 PM 7:30 AM ET
(Feb 2)
SPR Spirit Aerosystems Holdings, Inc. 4,380 -0.84 -0.63 -1.31 Spirit AeroSystems Non-GAAP EPS of -$0.84 misses by $0.18, revenue of $1.1B beats by $40M
[2/2/2022 7:33 AM]
46.41 1.08 
45.33 0.0 
35.22 - 53.63 2,620,417 2,060,000 5,034
03-11-2021 PM 7:30 AM ET
(Nov 3)
SPR Spirit Aerosystems Holdings, Inc. 4,560 -1.13 -0.77 -1.34 Spirit AeroSystems EPS misses by $0.36, misses on revenue
[11/3/2021 7:32 AM]
40.20 -2.26 
42.19 -0.27 
18.87 - 53.63 3,249,798 1,060,000 12,656
04-08-2021 PM 7:30 AM ET
(Aug 4)
SPR Spirit Aerosystems Holdings, Inc. 4,540 -0.31 -0.66 -2.28 Spirit AeroSystems EPS beats by $0.38, beats on revenue
[8/4/2021 7:33 AM]
40.50 -2.74 
40.50 0.0 
17.26 - 53.63 4,378,948 1,230,000 33,622
05-05-2021 PM 7:30 AM ET
(May 5)
SPR Spirit Aerosystems Holdings, Inc. 4,820 -1.22 -0.93 -0.79 Spirit AeroSystems EPS misses by $0.35, beats on revenue; provides outlook
[5/5/2021 7:34 AM]
43.05 -2.47 
43.15 0.10 
15.66 - 53.63 3,646,049 1,570,000 39,431
23-02-2021 PM 7:30 AM ET
(Feb 23)
SPR Spirit Aerosystems Holdings, Inc. 4,490 -1.31 -0.67 0.79 Spirit AeroSystems EPS misses by $0.55, misses on revenue
[2/23/2021 7:32 AM]
43.30 0.56 
41.00 -1.75 
13.69 - 63.97 4,118,782 2,350,799 169,796
03-11-2020 PM 7:30 AM ET
(Nov 3)
SPR Spirit Aerosystems Holdings, Inc. 1,920 -1.34 -1.65 1.38 Spirit AeroSystems EPS beats by $0.02, beats on revenue
[11/3/2020 7:33 AM]
19.86 1.03 
19.25 0.42 
13.69 - 92.81 4,815,290 4,230,252 81,751
04-08-2020 PM 7:30 AM ET
(Aug 4)
SPR Spirit Aerosystems Holdings, Inc. 2,070 -2.28 -1.19 1.71 Spirit AeroSystems EPS misses by $1.00, misses on revenue
[8/4/2020 7:32 AM]
18.75 -0.74 
18.19 -1.30 
13.69 - 92.81 7,335,063 3,668,422 198,670
06-05-2020 PM SPR Spirit Aerosystems Holdings, Inc. 2,130 -0.79 -1.42 1.68 Spirit AeroSystems EPS beats by $0.47, beats on revenue
[5/6/2020 7:34 AM]
18.80 -1.53 
19.75 0.95 
13.69 - 92.81 3,917,645 4,290,252 47,053