Earnings History Data for Toyota Motor Corp Ltd Ord (TM) - NYSE NASDAQ

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Toyota Motor Corp Ltd Ord

Toyota Motor Corporation produces, sells, leases, and repairs passenger cars, trucks, buses, boats, airplanes and other products in Japan and most foreign countries. The Company is also involved in the businesses of real estate, civil engineering, insurance and so on.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
05-02-2025 PM TM Toyota Motor Corp Ltd Ord 254,570 9.98 4.36 6.81 Toyota Motor reports nine-month results
[2/5/2025 3:13 AM]
195.89 8.33 
193.05 5.49 
159.04 - 255.23 505,802 340,000 18,151
01-08-2024 PM TM Toyota Motor Corp Ltd Ord 260,200 6.35 4.01 7.05 Toyota Motor GAAP EPS of ¥98.99, revenue of ¥11837.88B; updates FY25 outlook
[8/1/2024 3:38 AM]
179.03 -14.52 
181.79 -11.76 
160.38 - 255.23 745,602 270,000 35,242
01-11-2023 PM TM Toyota Motor 232,216 6.54 3.34 0.00 Toyota Motor reports 1H results
[11/1/2023 4:11 AM]
185.57 10.39 
181.24 6.06 
132.35 - 195.65 641,024 250,000 7,652
01-08-2023 PM TM Toyota Motor Corp Ltd Ord 230,300 7.05 3.91 4.14 Toyota Motor GAAP EPS of ¥96.74, revenue of ¥10546.83B; reaffirms FY24 outlook
[8/1/2023 2:54 AM]
171.83 3.59 
171.00 2.76 
130.07 - 172.36 468,350 240,000 21,984
09-02-2023 PM 2:00 AM ET
(Feb 9)
TM Toyota Motor Corp Ltd Ord 197,450 3.78 3.66 5.03 Toyota Motor reports Q3 results; reaffirms FY23 outlook
[2/9/2023 12:56 AM]
145.00 1.17 
146.54 2.71 
130.07 - 203.95 305,293 190,000 14,245
01-11-2022 PM 0:00 AM ET
(Nov 1)
TM Toyota Motor 195,046 2.30 3.08 0.00 Toyota Motor reports Q2 results; raises FY23 guidance
[11/1/2022 1:09 AM]
135.40 -3.41 
138.81 0.0 
130.07 - 213.74 227,151 220,000 406
10-02-2021 ?? 0:00 AM ET
(Feb 10)
TM Toyota Motor Corp Ltd Ord 213,790 5.67 3.65 4.79 Toyota Motor beats on revenue & net profit; sees operating income of ¥2T for FY2021
[2/9/2021 11:55 PM]
160.51 1.76 
160.70 1.76 
108.01 - 163.37 365,551 471,542 35,472
06-11-2020 PM TM Toyota Motor Corporation 189,457 3.15 1.54 0.00 Toyota Motor beats on revenue
[11/6/2020 5:24 AM]
137.18 0.11 
137.50 0.43 
108.01 - 145.41 152,067 146,797 3,092
06-11-2020 PM TM Toyota Motor Corp Ltd Ord 189,940 3.15 1.54 3.87 Toyota Motor beats on revenue
[11/6/2020 5:24 AM]
137.07 2.91 
138.50 1.43 
108.01 - 145.41 122,705 146,797 1,500