Earnings History Data for ReposiTrak, Inc. (TRAK) - NYSE NASDAQ
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For historic stock the Extended Hours price data shown are from just before market open on the day of release for premarket earnings releases and of the day after release for afterhours earnings releases. The normal price data is from just before market close on the days of release for premarket releases and the day after release for afterhours releases.
For historic stock the Extended Hours price data shown are from just before market open on the day of release for premarket earnings releases and of the day after release for afterhours earnings releases. The normal price data is from just before market close on the days of release for premarket releases and the day after release for afterhours releases.
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ReposiTrak, Inc.
ReposiTrak operates as a food supply chain network of retailers, wholesalers and suppliers. The company's product family consist food traceability, compliance and risk management, supply chain solutions and MarketPlace sourcing. ReposiTrak, formerly known as Park City Group Inc., is based in SALT LAKE CITY.