Earnings History Data for TrueCar (TRUE) - NYSE NASDAQ

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TrueCar Inc. engages in developing and publishing an online automotive information and communications platform. The Company operates its company-branded platform on its TrueCar.com Website. It enables users to obtain market-based pricing data on new and used cars, as well as to connect with its network of TrueCar certified dealers. TrueCar, Inc. is based in Santa Monica, California.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
18-02-2025 AH TRUE TrueCar 294.00 -0.07 -0.03 0.00 TrueCar, Inc. GAAP EPS of -$0.07 misses by $0.01, revenue of $46.2M misses by $1.1M
[2/18/2025 4:28 PM]
2.79 -0.47 
3.00 -0.26 
2.50 - 4.62 1,224,751 380,000 829
06-11-2024 AH TRUE TrueCar, Inc. 365.38 -0.06 -0.07 -0.07 TrueCar, Inc. GAAP EPS of -$0.06 in-line, revenue of $46.5M beats by $1.64M
[11/6/2024 4:11 PM]
4.05 -0.26 
4.25 -0.06 
2.00 - 4.53 389,568 410,000 380
05-08-2024 AH TRUE TrueCar, Inc. 313.51 -0.09 -0.07 -0.15 TrueCar GAAP EPS of -$0.15 misses by $0.09, revenue of $41.8M misses by $2.52M
[8/5/2024 4:58 PM]
2.70 -0.45 
3.15 0.0 
1.76 - 4.05 366,063 300,000 30,221
29-04-2024 PM TRUE TrueCar, Inc. 255.28 -0.06 -0.06 -0.21 TrueCar GAAP EPS of -$0.06 misses by $0.01, revenue of $41.05M beats by $0.06M
[4/30/2024 12:53 AM]
2.64 -0.12 
2.83 0.07 
1.76 - 4.05 130,434 170,000 12,347
20-02-2024 AH TRUE TrueCar, Inc. 356.77 -0.02 -0.06 -0.21 TrueCar reports Q4 results
[2/20/2024 5:00 PM]
3.88 0.21 
3.62 -0.04 
1.76 - 4.05 690,979 220,000 702
06-11-2023 AH TRUE TrueCar, Inc. 179.22 -0.07 -0.11 -0.19 TrueCar GAAP EPS of -$0.09, revenue of $41.1M beats by $0.17M
[11/6/2023 5:01 PM]
2.10 0.0 
2.08 -0.02 
1.66 - 3.49 157,024 180,000 3,297
31-07-2023 AH TRUE TrueCar, Inc. 201.59 -0.15 -0.19 -0.11 TrueCar GAAP EPS of -$0.23 misses by $0.03, revenue of $39.3M beats by $0.38M
[7/31/2023 11:26 PM]
2.34 -0.11 
2.38 -0.07 
1.30 - 3.49 148,530 150,000 11,806
08-05-2023 AH 5:30 PM ET
(May 8)
TRUE TrueCar, Inc. 227.06 -0.21 -0.21 -0.12 TrueCar GAAP EPS of -$0.22 misses by $0.03, revenue of $37M misses by $1.82M
[5/8/2023 5:09 PM]
2.58 -0.12 
2.57 -0.13 
1.30 - 3.67 112,724 180,000 19,820
22-02-2023 PM 5:30 PM ET
(Feb 22)
TRUE TrueCar, Inc. 259.93 -0.21 -0.20 -0.16 TrueCar GAAP EPS of -$0.21 misses by $0.01, revenue of $36.7M misses by $3.52M
[2/23/2023 12:49 AM]
2.69 -0.12 
2.81 0.0 
1.30 - 4.09 392,361 370,000 9,025
07-11-2022 AH 7:45 PM ET
(Nov 7)
TRUE TrueCar, Inc. 188.50 -0.19 -0.13 -0.07 TrueCar GAAP EPS of -$0.85 misses by $0.68, revenue of $39.05M misses by $2.92M
[11/7/2022 5:34 PM]
1.74 -0.52 
1.87 -0.39 
1.30 - 4.09 1,473,018 500,000 15,485
02-08-2022 AH 4:35 PM ET
(Aug 2)
TRUE TrueCar, Inc. 237.81 -0.11 -0.14 -0.07 TrueCar GAAP EPS of -$0.12 beats by $0.04, revenue of $42.3M misses by $1.33M
[8/2/2022 11:02 PM]
2.54 0.01 
2.53 0.0 
2.50 - 5.36 613,524 560,000 240
09-05-2022 AH 5:15 PM ET
(May 9)
TRUE TrueCar, Inc. 345.34 -0.12 -0.14 -0.09 TrueCar GAAP EPS of -$0.13 beats by $0.01, revenue of $43.53M misses by $2.53M
[5/9/2022 4:39 PM]
2.84 -0.70 
3.75 0.21 
3.00 - 6.22 376,331 743,178 154
22-02-2022 AH 6:45 PM ET
(Feb 22)
TRUE TrueCar, Inc. 350.12 -0.16 -0.08 -0.07 TrueCar GAAP EPS of -$0.16 misses by $0.08, revenue of $45.9M misses by $9.14M
[2/22/2022 5:22 PM]
3.29 -0.21 
3.20 -0.30 
3.04 - 6.25 1,495,078 650,000 32,781
03-11-2021 PM 4:00 PM ET
(Nov 3)
TRUE TrueCar, Inc. 406.79 -0.07 -0.09 0.09 TrueCar EPS beats by $0.03, misses on revenue
[11/4/2021 2:18 AM]
4.10 0.13 
4.10 0.0 
3.66 - 6.25 646,553 870,000 5,078
05-08-2021 AH 4:05 PM ET
(Aug 5)
TRUE TrueCar, Inc. 520.71 -0.07 -0.10 -0.02 TrueCar EPS beats by $0.02, misses on revenue
[8/5/2021 4:26 PM]
4.16 -1.04 
5.14 -0.07 
3.66 - 6.47 3,196,715 910,000 5,883
06-05-2021 AH 4:00 PM ET
(May 6)
TRUE TrueCar, Inc. 448.15 -0.09 -0.10 -0.02 TrueCar EPS beats by $0.01, beats on revenue
[5/6/2021 4:30 PM]
4.62 -0.16 
4.62 0.0 
2.22 - 6.47 1,516,801 1,010,000 534
24-02-2021 AH 4:00 PM ET
(Feb 24)
TRUE TrueCar, Inc. 540.25 -0.07 -0.10 -0.07 TrueCar EPS beats by $0.03, beats on revenue
[2/24/2021 4:06 PM]
5.34 0.28 
5.94 0.88 
1.98 - 6.47 3,382,131 931,246 176,964
05-11-2020 AH 4:00 PM ET
(Nov 5)
TRUE TrueCar, Inc. 513.04 0.09 0.02 -0.07 TrueCar EPS beats by $0.06, misses on revenue
[11/5/2020 4:06 PM]
3.73 -1.31 
4.44 -0.60 
1.98 - 6.47 6,112,951 820,349 6,196
06-08-2020 AH 4:00 PM ET
(Aug 6)
TRUE TrueCar, Inc. 429.08 -0.02 -0.15 -0.17 TrueCar EPS beats by $0.11, beats on revenue
[8/6/2020 4:40 PM]
5.60 1.31 
5.73 1.44 
1.98 - 6.35 12,595,861 1,814,549 746,925