Earnings History Data for Uber Technologies, Inc. (UBER) - NYSE NASDAQ

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Uber Technologies, Inc.

Uber Technologies Inc. provides a platform which allows users to access transportation and food ordering services. The Company's operating segments consist of Core Platform and Other Bets. The Core Platform segment consists of Ridesharing and Uber Eats. The Other Bets segment consists of Uber Freight and New Mobility platforms. Uber Technologies Inc. is based in San Francisco, CA.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
05-02-2025 PM UBER Uber Technologies, Inc. 141,690 3.21 0.50 0.66 Uber beats Q4 top-line estimates, gross booking grows 18% Y/Y; initiates Q1 outlook
[2/5/2025 6:58 AM]
64.70 -5.05 
66.15 -3.60 
54.84 - 87.00 65,169,369 23,550,000 8,644,342
31-10-2024 PM UBER Uber Technologies, Inc. 166,420 1.20 0.41 0.10 Uber reports Q3 results
[10/31/2024 6:57 AM]
72.06 -7.37 
73.71 -5.72 
42.20 - 87.00 52,067,240 13,800,000 4,791,797
06-08-2024 PM UBER Uber Technologies, Inc. 127,500 0.47 0.31 0.18 Uber GAAP EPS of $0.47 beats by $0.16, revenue of $10.7B beats by $120M
[8/6/2024 6:56 AM]
64.87 6.39 
64.87 0.0 
40.09 - 82.14 49,173,224 19,500,000 127,964
08-05-2024 PM UBER Uber Technologies, Inc. 148,490 -0.32 0.21 -0.08 UberEPS of -$0.32, revenue of $10.13B beats by $40M
[5/8/2024 6:56 AM]
66.40 -4.03 
66.40 0.0 
37.07 - 82.14 78,055,320 21,260,000 106,371
07-02-2024 PM UBER Uber Technologies, Inc. 141,970 0.66 0.15 0.29 Uber GAAP EPS of $0.66 beats by $0.49, revenue of $9.9B beats by $140M
[2/7/2024 6:56 AM]
70.64 0.17 
67.32 -3.15 
29.22 - 71.90 37,827,458 19,460,000 2,491,021
07-11-2023 PM UBER Uber Technologies, Inc. 97,580 0.10 0.13 -0.61 Uber GAAP EPS of $0.10 misses by $0.02, revenue of $9.29B misses by $250M
[11/7/2023 6:57 AM]
49.98 1.84 
46.80 -1.34 
23.90 - 50.04 71,449,675 20,890,000 5,865,917
01-08-2023 PM UBER Uber Technologies, Inc. 97,430 0.18 0.00 -1.33 Uber reports mixed Q2 earnings; initiates Q3 outlook
[8/1/2023 6:58 AM]
46.66 -2.80 
49.47 0.01 
22.89 - 49.49 72,688,324 22,930,000 6,371,442
02-05-2023 PM 6:55 AM ET
(May 2)
UBER Uber Technologies, Inc. 59,810 -0.08 -0.10 -3.04 Uber beats Q1 top and bottom line estimates; initiates Q223 outlook
[5/2/2023 6:57 AM]
36.58 3.84 
35.15 2.41 
19.90 - 37.58 92,186,464 24,080,000 5,382,993
08-02-2023 PM 6:55 AM ET
(Feb 8)
UBER Uber Technologies, Inc. 65,990 0.29 -0.21 0.44 Uber GAAP EPS of $0.29 beats by $0.45, revenue of $8.6B beats by $90M
[2/8/2023 6:56 AM]
36.80 1.90 
37.58 2.68 
19.90 - 42.56 99,856,924 26,370,000 5,608,620
01-11-2022 PM 7:00 AM ET
(Nov 1)
UBER Uber Technologies, Inc. 54,450 -0.61 -0.17 -0.23 Uber GAAP EPS of -$0.61 misses by $0.43, revenue of $8.34B beats by $220M
[11/1/2022 6:57 AM]
29.86 3.30 
30.33 3.76 
19.89 - 48.74 79,517,961 21,770,000 4,752,407
02-08-2022 PM 7:00 AM ET
(Aug 2)
UBER Uber Technologies, Inc. 45,750 -1.33 -0.25 0.58 Uber GAAP EPS of -$1.33 misses by $1.06, revenue of $8.07B beats by $700M
[8/2/2022 7:02 AM]
29.25 4.66 
28.38 3.78 
19.89 - 48.88 95,653,687 25,460,000 7,845,058
09-02-2022 AH 4:05 PM ET
(Feb 9)
UBER Uber Technologies, Inc. 71,880 0.44 -0.33 -0.54 Uber GAAP EPS of $0.44 beats by $0.77, revenue of $5.78B beats by $420M
[2/9/2022 4:08 PM]
37.83 -2.36 
40.95 0.76 
32.81 - 64.05 108,940,991 29,030,000 1,790,663
04-11-2021 AH 4:05 PM ET
(Nov 4)
UBER Uber Technologies, Inc. 85,960 -0.23 -0.38 -0.62 Uber EPS misses by $0.98, beats on revenue
[11/4/2021 4:10 PM]
47.28 2.01 
47.50 2.23 
38.08 - 64.05 42,696,780 23,110,000 1,476,468
04-08-2021 AH 4:05 PM ET
(Aug 4)
UBER Uber Technologies, Inc. 81,670 0.58 -0.53 -1.02 Uber EPS beats by $1.11, beats on revenue
[8/4/2021 4:08 PM]
43.04 1.23 
40.50 -1.31 
28.48 - 64.05 56,331,069 25,040,000 2,120,588
05-05-2021 AH 4:05 PM ET
(May 5)
UBER Uber Technologies, Inc. 102,280 -0.57 -0.56 -0.64 Uber EPS beats by $0.49, misses on revenue
[5/5/2021 4:06 PM]
46.65 -4.53 
47.35 0.70 
26.81 - 64.05 77,983,541 17,790,000 20,399
10-02-2021 AH 4:05 PM ET
(Feb 10)
UBER Uber Technologies, Inc. 109,760 -0.54 -0.53 -0.64 Uber EPS beats by $0.01, misses on revenue
[2/10/2021 4:07 PM]
60.71 -2.47 
62.33 -0.85 
13.71 - 64.05 38,893,957 21,470,538 1,308,377
05-11-2020 AH 4:05 PM ET
(Nov 5)
UBER Uber Technologies, Inc. 62,690 -0.62 -0.59 -0.68 Uber EPS misses by $0.02, misses on revenue
[11/5/2020 4:10 PM]
45.00 3.04 
41.77 -0.19 
13.71 - 45.38 56,255,816 25,575,118 388,975
06-08-2020 AH 4:05 PM ET
(Aug 6)
UBER Uber Technologies, Inc. 54,460 -1.02 -0.78 -4.72 Uber EPS misses by $0.14, beats on revenue and gross bookings, shares down 3%
[8/6/2020 4:08 PM]
32.77 -1.94 
33.17 -1.54 
13.71 - 43.00 26,115,765 17,261,824 1,196,167