Earnings History Data for UL Solutions Inc. (ULS) - NYSE NASDAQ

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For historic stock the Extended Hours price data shown are from just before market open on the day of release for premarket earnings releases and of the day after release for afterhours earnings releases. The normal price data is from just before market close on the days of release for premarket releases and the day after release for afterhours releases.

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UL Solutions Inc.

UL Solutions Inc. provides safety science services. Its operating segment includes Industrial, Consumer, and Software and Advisory. The Industrial segment provides testing, inspection, and certification services. The Consumer segment offers safety certification testing, ongoing certification, global market access, testing for connectivity, performance and quality, and critical systems advisory and training services. The Software and Advisory segment provide software and technical advisory services. UL Solutions Inc. is based in Northbrook, Illinois.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
31-07-2024 PM ULS UL Solutions Inc. 9,020 0.44 0.40 0.00 UL Solutions GAAP EPS of $0.50, revenue of $730M
[7/31/2024 7:59 AM]
50.55 4.66 
0.0 0.0 
33.15 - 50.62 691,109 360,000 0
20-05-2024 PM ULS UL Solutions Inc. 7,400 0.28 0.28 0.00 UL Solutions GAAP EPS of $0.28, revenue of $670M
[5/20/2024 12:38 PM]
37.83 0.63 
38.10 0.90 
33.15 - 38.46 972,344 360,000 389