Earnings History Data for Vince Holding Corp. (VNCE) - NYSE NASDAQ

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Vince Holding Corp.

Vince Holding Corp. offers a broad range of women's and men's ready-to-wear including its signature cashmere sweaters, leather jackets, luxe leggings, dresses, silk and woven tops, denim and footwear. Vince Holding Corp. is based in New York.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
10-12-2024 PM VNCE Vince Holding Corp. 21.55 0.34 0.39 0.15 Vince GAAP EPS of $0.34 beats by $0.11, revenue of $80.16M misses by $1.79M
[12/10/2024 7:04 AM]
1.65 -0.25 
1.88 -0.02 
1.15 - 4.73 51,968 20,000 1,760
16-09-2024 AH VNCE Vince Holding Corp. 23.07 0.05 -0.24 -0.04 Vince Non-GAAP EPS of $0.05 beats by $0.30, revenue of $74.17M beats by $5.95M
[9/16/2024 4:12 PM]
2.10 -0.24 
2.34 0.0 
1.00 - 4.73 77,887 10,000 5,461
18-06-2024 PM VNCE Vince Holding Corp. 17.76 -0.26 0.00 -0.36 Vince Non-GAAP EPS of -$0.26 beats by $0.04, revenue of $59.17M beats by $0.95M
[6/18/2024 7:04 AM]
1.36 -0.20 
1.42 -0.14 
1.00 - 4.73 50,042 40,000 14,524
30-04-2024 PM VNCE Vince Holding Corp. 31.26 -0.37 0.00 -0.81 Vince GAAP EPS of -$0.37, revenue of $75.3; initiates Q1 and FY24 outlook
[4/30/2024 7:35 AM]
2.09 -0.01 
2.10 0.0 
1.00 - 6.84 69,997 20,000 609
06-12-2023 PM VNCE Vince Holding Corp. 16.11 0.15 0.00 -0.43 Vince Non-GAAP EPS of $0.15, revenue of $84.1M
[12/6/2023 7:34 AM]
1.22 -0.06 
1.28 0.0 
1.00 - 8.48 48,850 10,000 19,991
12-09-2023 PM VNCE Vince Holding Corp. 26.31 -0.04 0.00 -1.02 1.91 0.12 
1.84 0.05 
1.79 - 8.50 30,294 0 5,196
08-06-2023 PM 7:30 AM ET
(Jun 8)
VNCE Vince Holding Corp. 67.21 -0.36 0.00 -0.60 Vince Non-GAAP EPS of -$0.36, revenue of $64.1M
[6/8/2023 7:34 AM]
5.26 0.25 
0.0 0.0 
4.79 - 8.50 1,442 0 0
13-12-2022 PM 7:30 AM ET
(Dec 13)
VNCE Vince Holding Corp. 95.32 -0.43 0.00 0.18 Vince GAAP EPS of -$0.43, revenue of $98.6M
[12/13/2022 7:49 AM]
7.80 -0.03 
7.95 0.12 
5.88 - 10.20 6,354 10,000 2,217
12-09-2022 AH After the close
(Sep 12)
VNCE Vince Holding Corp. 93.61 -1.02 0.19 -0.05 Vince GAAP EPS of -$1.23, revenue of $89.19M misses by $8.01M
[9/12/2022 4:34 PM]
6.71 -0.67 
7.29 -0.09 
6.52 - 11.57 9,959 10,000 1,327
09-06-2022 PM 7:30 AM ET
(Jun 9)
VNCE Vince Holding Corp. 97.02 -0.60 -0.67 -0.98 Vince GAAP EPS of -$0.60, revenue of $78.4M beats by $1.2M
[6/9/2022 7:31 AM]
7.87 -0.13 
8.29 0.29 
6.33 - 13.51 11,624 10,000 911
29-04-2022 PM 0:00 AM ET
(Apr 29)
VNCE Vince Holding 100.00 -0.23 -0.07 0.00 Vince GAAP EPS of -$0.23, revenue of $99M
[4/29/2022 7:40 AM]
8.78 0.04 
9.10 0.36 
6.33 - 13.51 19,498 10,000 1,081
09-12-2021 AH 4:05 PM ET
(Dec 9)
VNCE Vince Holding Corp. 126.78 0.18 0.60 0.06 Vince misses on revenue
[12/9/2021 4:10 PM]
10.33 -0.98 
11.31 0.0 
5.25 - 13.51 16,528 10,000 903
09-09-2021 AH 4:05 PM ET
(Sep 9)
VNCE Vince Holding Corp. 81.50 -0.05 -0.64 -1.28 Vince EPS beats by $0.59, beats on revenue
[9/9/2021 4:19 PM]
7.70 0.99 
7.00 0.29 
3.88 - 13.51 137,464 20,000 86,427
10-06-2021 AH 4:20 PM ET
(Jun 10)
VNCE Vince Holding Corp. 144.23 -0.98 -0.64 -2.30 12.35 -0.81 
13.05 -0.11 
3.88 - 13.51 37,110 10,000 1,004
29-04-2021 AH 4:05 PM ET
(Apr 29)
VNCE Vince Holding Corp. 137.00 -0.48 -0.35 0.00 Vince misses on revenue
[4/29/2021 4:48 PM]
11.37 -0.32 
11.70 0.01 
3.88 - 12.00 29,561 0 750
21-12-2020 AH 4:05 PM ET
(Dec 21)
VNCE Vince Holding Corp. 76.00 0.06 -0.26 0.00 Vince revenue in-line
[12/21/2020 4:11 PM]
5.85 -0.70 
6.30 -0.25 
3.16 - 19.72 77,143 35,497 701
14-09-2020 AH 4:05 PM ET
(Sep 14)
VNCE Vince Holding Corp. 62.49 -1.28 -1.20 0.08 Vince misses on revenue
[9/14/2020 4:10 PM]
5.73 -0.03 
5.55 -0.21 
3.16 - 27.63 15,567 17,934 3,099