Earnings History Data for Washington Trust Bancorp, Inc. (WASH) - NYSE NASDAQ

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Washington Trust Bancorp, Inc.

Washington Trust Bancorp, Inc. is a publicly-owned, registered bank holding company whose subsidiaries are permitted to engage in banking and other financial services and businesses. They conduct their business through their wholly owned subsidiary, The Washington Trust Company, commercial bank.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
29-01-2025 AH WASH Washington Trust Bancorp, Inc. 561.95 0.59 0.58 0.76 Washington Trust Bancorp GAAP EPS of -$3.46 misses by $4.04
[1/29/2025 4:22 PM]
32.18 -0.30 
31.40 -1.08 
24.11 - 40.59 287,100 170,000 1,782
21-10-2024 AH WASH Washington Trust Bancorp, Inc. 574.87 0.64 0.56 0.65 Washington Trust Bancorp GAAP EPS of $0.64 beats by $0.08, revenue of $48.53M beats by $0.66M
[10/21/2024 4:07 PM]
34.50 2.61 
32.07 0.18 
21.69 - 35.01 293,035 70,000 3,860
22-07-2024 AH WASH Washington Trust Bancorp, Inc. 529.03 0.63 0.49 0.66 Washington Trust Bancorp GAAP EPS of $0.63 beats by $0.14, revenue of $48.24M beats by $1.27M
[7/22/2024 4:08 PM]
32.95 1.82 
31.13 0.0 
21.69 - 33.96 168,822 160,000 11,237
22-04-2024 PM WASH Washington Trust Bancorp 420.00 0.64 0.43 0.00 Washington Trust Bancorp GAAP EPS of $0.64 beats by $0.19, revenue of $48.82M beats by $2.75M
[4/22/2024 8:23 AM]
25.75 0.20 
0.0 0.0 
21.69 - 33.96 144,016 100,000 0
24-01-2024 AH WASH Washington Trust Bancorp, Inc. 522.17 0.76 0.54 0.95 Washington Trust Bancorp GAAP EPS of $0.76 beats by $0.19, revenue of $45.96M misses by $2.98M
[1/24/2024 4:24 PM]
29.26 -1.52 
30.90 0.12 
21.69 - 47.42 142,013 60,000 8,473
23-10-2023 AH WASH Washington Trust Bancorp, Inc. 434.16 0.65 0.56 1.08 Washington Trust Bancorp GAAP EPS of $0.65 beats by $0.07, revenue of $48.98M beats by $0.23M
[10/23/2023 4:11 PM]
22.40 -2.35 
24.75 0.0 
22.07 - 50.93 280,037 80,000 2,986
24-07-2023 AH WASH Washington Trust Bancorp, Inc. 498.15 0.66 0.58 1.14 Washington Trust Bancorp GAAP EPS of $0.66 beats by $0.03, revenue of $47.8M misses by $0.61M
[7/24/2023 4:12 PM]
29.37 -0.95 
30.32 0.0 
22.26 - 55.93 287,415 110,000 1,138
24-04-2023 PM Before the open
(Apr 24)
WASH Washington Trust Bancorp, Inc. 564.15 0.74 0.90 0.94 Washington Trust Bancorp GAAP EPS of $0.74, revenue of $50.48M
[4/24/2023 8:03 AM]
29.84 -2.93 
32.00 -0.77 
29.83 - 55.93 244,074 100,000 343
25-01-2023 AH 4:05 PM ET
(Jan 25)
WASH Washington Trust Bancorp, Inc. 817.30 0.95 1.13 1.15 Washington Trust Bancorp Q4 GAAP EPS, revenue down Y/Y
[1/25/2023 4:25 PM]
42.07 -4.73 
46.80 0.0 
41.30 - 59.29 338,882 50,000 352
24-10-2022 AH 4:05 PM ET
(Oct 24)
WASH Washington Trust Bancorp, Inc. 807.73 1.08 1.04 1.07 Washington Trust Bancorp GAAP EPS of $1.08 beats by $0.08, revenue of $57.85M beats by $2.89M
[10/24/2022 4:09 PM]
48.75 0.16 
48.75 0.16 
45.60 - 60.96 36,112 50,000 232
25-07-2022 AH 4:05 PM ET
(Jul 25)
WASH Washington Trust Bancorp, Inc. 868.91 1.14 0.91 1.00 Washington Trust Bancorp GAAP EPS of $1.14 beats by $0.23, revenue of $53.39M misses by $1.13M
[7/25/2022 4:11 PM]
52.46 2.22 
52.24 2.00 
45.60 - 60.96 66,545 60,000 100
25-04-2022 PM 8:00 AM ET
(Apr 25)
WASH Washington Trust Bancorp, Inc. 875.41 0.94 0.91 1.17 Washington Trust Bancorp GAAP EPS of $0.94 beats by $0.02, revenue of $52.25M misses by $1.51M
[4/25/2022 8:04 AM]
49.50 -0.19 
49.69 0.0 
46.35 - 60.96 49,164 40,000 1,096
26-01-2022 AH 4:05 PM ET
(Jan 26)
WASH Washington Trust Bancorp, Inc. 1,030 1.15 1.00 1.07 Washington Trust Bancorp GAAP EPS of $1.15 beats by $0.17, revenue of $58.05M beats by $3.73M
[1/26/2022 4:16 PM]
57.38 -0.18 
57.56 0.0 
42.43 - 60.96 52,683 60,000 244
25-10-2021 AH 4:20 PM ET
(Oct 25)
WASH Washington Trust Bancorp, Inc. 947.08 1.07 0.97 1.06 Washington Trust Bancorp EPS beats by $0.11, beats on revenue
[10/25/2021 4:32 PM]
55.87 0.49 
55.38 0.0 
32.34 - 56.60 39,907 30,000 484
21-07-2021 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Jul 21)
WASH Washington Trust Bancorp, Inc. 864.01 1.00 1.13 1.21 Washington Trust Bancorp EPS misses by $0.07, misses on revenue
[7/21/2021 4:20 PM]
46.77 -4.30 
51.07 0.0 
30.01 - 56.20 151,399 80,000 3,944
21-04-2021 AH 4:05 PM ET
(Apr 21)
WASH Washington Trust Bancorp, Inc. 888.62 1.17 1.08 0.68 Washington Trust Bancorp EPS beats by $0.13, beats on revenue
[4/21/2021 4:23 PM]
51.01 0.17 
0.0 0.0 
26.92 - 55.07 70,518 40,000 0
27-01-2021 AH 4:05 PM ET
(Jan 27)
WASH Washington Trust Bancorp, Inc. 796.77 1.07 0.97 0.89 Washington Trust Bancorp EPS beats by $0.10, misses on revenue
[1/27/2021 4:46 PM]
44.26 0.81 
43.45 0.0 
25.86 - 50.11 42,458 50,006 935
19-10-2020 AH 5:00 PM ET
(Oct 19)
WASH Washington Trust Bancorp, Inc. 573.73 1.06 1.04 1.08 Washington Trust Bancorp EPS beats by $0.02, beats on revenue
[10/19/2020 4:10 PM]
34.09 1.09 
33.00 0.0 
25.86 - 54.96 49,043 50,950 1,695
20-07-2020 AH 4:05 PM ET
(Jul 20)
WASH Washington Trust Bancorp, Inc. 542.61 1.21 0.74 0.99 Washington Trust Bancorp EPS beats by $0.61, beats on revenue
[7/20/2020 5:12 PM]
34.78 4.28 
30.50 0.0 
25.86 - 54.96 80,515 97,496 201