Earnings History Data for World Acceptance Corporation (WRLD) - NYSE NASDAQ

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World Acceptance Corporation

World Acceptance Corporation is engaged in the small-loan consumer finance business, offering short-term small loans, medium-term larger loans, related credit insurance and ancillary products and services to individuals.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
28-01-2025 PM WRLD World Acceptance Corporation 745.49 2.45 1.23 2.84 World Acceptance GAAP EPS of $2.45 beats by $0.49, revenue of $138.6M beats by $6.82M
[1/28/2025 7:38 AM]
150.87 21.52 
131.49 2.14 
101.85 - 161.63 81,681 20,000 2,929
25-10-2024 PM WRLD World Acceptance Corporation 678.37 3.99 1.99 2.71 World Acceptance GAAP EPS of $3.99 beats by $2.00, revenue of $131.4M misses by $8.12M
[10/25/2024 7:33 AM]
115.04 -0.98 
0.0 0.0 
94.57 - 149.31 15,665 20,000 0
26-07-2024 PM WRLD World Acceptance Corporation 804.43 1.79 1.69 1.62 World Acceptance GAAP EPS of $1.79, revenue of $129.53M
[7/26/2024 7:31 AM]
119.71 -26.36 
0.0 0.0 
94.57 - 160.07 89,907 50,000 0
02-05-2024 PM WRLD World Acceptance Corporation 867.17 6.09 4.35 1.97 World Acceptance GAAP EPS of $6.09, revenue of $159.3M
[5/2/2024 7:38 AM]
140.61 1.80 
142.59 3.78 
88.79 - 160.07 47,498 30,000 207
19-01-2024 PM WRLD World Acceptance Corporation 788.37 2.84 1.62 -0.78 World Acceptance GAAP EPS of $2.84 beats by $0.96, revenue of $137.7M beats by $7.12M
[1/19/2024 7:37 AM]
144.44 22.83 
0.0 0.0 
74.36 - 160.07 123,557 40,000 0
20-10-2023 PM WRLD World Acceptance Corporation 751.87 2.71 1.44 -0.20 World Acceptance GAAP EPS of $2.71 beats by $0.94, revenue of $136.9M beats by $1.1M
[10/20/2023 7:31 AM]
109.89 -7.24 
0.0 0.0 
58.44 - 160.07 77,708 30,000 0
21-07-2023 PM WRLD World Acceptance Corporation 876.64 1.62 1.13 1.15 World Acceptance GAAP EPS of $1.62, revenue of $139.3M
[7/21/2023 7:31 AM]
151.00 14.25 
143.99 7.24 
58.44 - 152.65 86,055 30,000 232
04-05-2023 PM 7:30 AM ET
(May 4)
WRLD World Acceptance Corporation 579.82 1.97 1.49 2.97 World Acceptance GAAP EPS of $4.37 beats by $2.77, revenue of $160.8M beats by $11.12M
[5/4/2023 9:04 AM]
102.48 6.65 
98.49 2.66 
58.44 - 209.10 158,444 90,000 350
26-01-2023 PM 7:30 AM ET
(Jan 26)
WRLD World Acceptance Corporation 513.07 0.78 -0.01 1.14 World Acceptance GAAP EPS of $0.98 beats by $0.43, revenue of $146.5M misses by $4.94M
[1/26/2023 7:35 AM]
108.79 27.79 
78.02 -2.98 
58.44 - 228.70 358,433 90,000 200
27-10-2022 PM 7:30 AM ET
(Oct 27)
WRLD World Acceptance Corporation 655.62 -0.20 0.19 1.94 World Acceptance Non-GAAP EPS of -$0.20 misses by $0.37, revenue of $151.2M misses by $9.95M
[10/27/2022 8:46 AM]
74.47 -28.91 
98.75 -4.63 
72.14 - 265.75 445,444 60,000 231
27-07-2022 PM 7:30 AM ET
(Jul 27)
WRLD World Acceptance Corporation 752.49 1.15 0.85 2.44 World Acceptance Non-GAAP EPS of $1.15, revenue of $157.59M beats by $8.92M
[7/27/2022 7:36 AM]
114.41 -2.76 
117.17 0.0 
98.97 - 265.75 73,033 50,000 250
05-05-2022 PM 7:30 AM ET
(May 5)
WRLD World Acceptance Corporation 1,280 2.97 6.88 6.96 World Acceptance GAAP EPS of $2.97 misses by $3.17, revenue of $166.3M beats by $1.96M
[5/5/2022 7:48 AM]
186.91 -20.11 
195.26 -11.76 
127.70 - 265.75 158,368 30,000 370
25-01-2022 PM 7:30 AM ET
(Jan 25)
WRLD World Acceptance Corporation 1,400 1.14 2.42 2.25 World Acceptance GAAP EPS of $1.14 misses by $0.66, revenue of $148.57M beats by $1.16M
[1/25/2022 7:32 AM]
219.99 5.17 
214.82 0.0 
108.47 - 265.75 72,903 30,000 385
26-10-2021 PM 7:30 AM ET
(Oct 26)
WRLD World Acceptance Corporation 1,360 1.94 2.54 1.96 World Acceptance EPS misses by $0.62, misses on revenue
[10/26/2021 7:38 AM]
151.37 -57.03 
0.0 0.0 
82.44 - 212.76 189,709 10,000 0
21-07-2021 PM 7:30 AM ET
(Jul 21)
WRLD World Acceptance Corporation 1,110 2.44 2.01 2.24 World Acceptance EPS beats by $0.44, beats on revenue
[7/21/2021 7:42 AM]
180.43 11.88 
168.55 0.0 
63.64 - 181.18 55,502 20,000 800
06-05-2021 PM 7:30 AM ET
(May 6)
WRLD World Acceptance Corporation 879.23 6.96 4.68 5.11 World Acceptance EPS beats by $1.88, misses on revenue
[5/6/2021 7:35 AM]
133.54 0.52 
0.0 0.0 
47.72 - 170.97 21,624 20,000 0
22-01-2021 PM 7:30 AM ET
(Jan 22)
WRLD World Acceptance Corporation 836.57 2.25 0.39 0.29 World Acceptance EPS beats by $1.56, misses on revenue
[1/22/2021 7:33 AM]
111.84 -7.66 
119.50 0.0 
43.16 - 151.38 149,658 98,387 1,918
22-10-2020 PM 7:30 AM ET
(Oct 22)
WRLD World Acceptance Corporation 822.41 1.96 0.50 0.51 World Acceptance EPS beats by $1.26, misses on revenue
[10/22/2020 7:40 AM]
103.95 -7.43 
111.38 0.0 
43.16 - 133.98 95,452 61,164 765
30-07-2020 PM 7:30 AM ET
(Jul 30)
WRLD World Acceptance Corporation 506.64 2.24 0.40 0.97 World Acceptance EPS beats by $1.91, misses on revenue
[7/30/2020 7:32 AM]
75.76 4.69 
0.0 0.0 
43.16 - 142.56 27,012 40,304 0